《stranger things smut & Imagines》dance?


I put the last peice of my hair in its place, looking at my self in the mirror, leaning my body against the counter my hands pressed down shakily, a airy breath slipped between my glossed lips.

Tonight was the night of the snowball dance I was going with my group of friends.

I tried to work up the courage to ask Mike out but he hasn't played attention to me since ELEVEN got here, she disappeared while saving us from one of those demogorgons, hasn't been back since.

MadMax, or Max tried to convince me to ask Mike to the snowball, from the help of Lucas, Will, and my boy Dusty, but I couldn't, I knew I'd get turned down.

Walking out of the bathroom and to my room to put my shoes on, I heard a noise from my walkie talkie.

I picked it up and pressed the button "yello, is that you Dusty?over" I let the button go to hear his hurried voice ring through my quiet room "Hey, yea it's me n/n, me and Steve are here hurry up! over" I lightly snorted at his lisp.

"Ok, on my way out, Dusty!over and out" I pushed the antenna down and set it on my stand on the side of my bed, walking to my door through my house until I got to the living room.

"Where do you think you're going?" The slured sneer came from behind me, sending a shiver up my spine. I turned around to be met with my uncle reclined back in his dirty, cigarette burned chair and his pervy friends sitting in a circle the way the couched were aligned in a half circle.

A beer in his right hand before he moved it up to his lips to take a sip. His disgusting wondering eyes locked on me averting his eyes from the old box of a TV in front of him playing jeopardy even though with his intelligence, he most likely didn't even know the name of the host.

I tried to avoid eye contact of him and his friends feeling their eyes bore into me, traveling to the way I presented my self "umm, out with my fr-friends to a school thing" i studdered out.

"I didn't know you had friends" my uncle chuckled out followed by his friends "Are they boys, is that where your going whore, out with boys when you could have men like us" he walked up to me and maneuvered my chin up sharply to meet his bloodshot eyes, my body froze up in an instant "n-no sir, I'm going w-with max, she's a girl friend of mine" my eyes widened.

He stared at me, until we heard a honk from outside, my nerves got worse, hoping none of them would look out the window "Ok, but don't be doing anything bad, if you want something, come back to us and we will help you" a snicker spilled from his wretched smelling mouth.

I walked out trying to compose my self before I got in the car, as to not worry either of my boys I opened the back door and hopped in.

"Hey Dusty buns, hey Stevo! How are my two favorite boys" I pushed through the crack in my voice, they turned around in their seats with concern dripping from their faces "Are you okay you took a long time?" Steve questioned "oh yea, I just lost one of my shoes" I forced a chuckle out of my sore throat, they weren't buying it "was it u/n, was he being weird again?" Dusty rushed out with a hint of anger laced in his lisp.


"Can we just go, I'll talk to you about it later" the defensive tone in my voice rose and they got the message, Stevo started up his car, pulling out of my driveway.

The drive was pretty quiet until we got almost half way there and Steve spoke up tearing the wall of silence down "soooo, do you want to talk about it now" his gaze broke from the road to make slight eye contact with me in the mirror, then returned his gaze to the paved road in front of us "my uncle is just very,...perverted and has friends like that, and they just always say and make me feel weird, my anxiety goes through the roof" I started quietly and they were silent the whole time to listen to what happened.

"well when Dusty called me on the walkie, and I headed to the door he was was sitting in his chair and his....friends we're there" my eyes began to glisten but my hand stopped them from breaking through "he-he asked where I was going...and if I was going with boys, that if I wanted real men he and his frie-friends could take car-care of me" I shuddered at the thought of their hands on me "then you honked, which scared me more, but I got away".

They sat, silent in their seats for awhile processing what I said. My eyes traveled down to Steve's knuckles wrapped tightly around the stearing wheel and his face contorted with anger, and disgust "how could they talk to you like that, disgusting pedos, I'll beat the shit out of them if they even lay a finger on you" his whole face was cherry red.

I gingerly put my hand on his shoulder instantly relaxing him "calm down stevo, I'm alright, I'll come to you if anything happens" the tone that came out of my mouth was reassuring and light.

We pulled into the school parking lot and sat as Dusty looked nervously into the school "here we are, so remember ounce you get in there" Steve looked at Dusty "pretend like I don't care" Dusty confidently said "you don't care" "I dont care" they bounced it back on eachother "there you go, your learning my friend".

Dusty reached up to the mirror and moved it in his direction to check out his look, which I thought was very cute, especially his hair. Stevo pulled it out of his grasp "hey" "what?" Dusty asked worridly "come on,you look great, come on you look great" he put up the okay sign "yea he's right, I think you look absolutely handsome" I cheer from the back moving between the two "see she said it, and she's a girl, you can do this man" hey patted Dusty's shoulder.

We hopped out of the car and heard the music blasting twist of fate by Olivia Newton john from inside we walked up to the sign in where Mr.Clarke was, he looked up at the both of us "looking very snazzy tonight, sir" he complimented Dusty "Why thank you my lord" "and you look very beautiful ma'am" he smiled at me which I returned back "Why thank you good sir" I curtsied. We walked into the dance and looked around the kids on the dance door moving around, blue of different shades and white balloon hung everywhere with lights over the dance floor and along the bleached where the kids who didn't want to dance sat and gossiped to their friends.

Dusty fixed his tux and confidently walked past nancy who was in charge of the punch bowl so no kids would spike it, he sent her a two finger solute "hey nance" he walked off so I followed behind. he saw our table of friends and did a little spin "holy shit, what happened to you?" They all stood up "what-what do you mean what happened?" Dusty nervously looked around at his friends "what?" "Dude" luke chuckled out "your hair" Max finished as Luke lifted his hand up and touched his hair "is there a bird nesting in there" Dusty smacked his hand away "no, no what do you mean what's wrong with my hair there's no bird nesting in it you assholes" Dusty hurriedly said as the group laughed, I couldn't hold it in and a snort came barreling through my lips.


Everyone looked behind Dusty, I guess they couldn't see me because when they all saw me their eyes widened "Dude who is that?" Lucas asked pointing at me, I rolled my eyes "it's me you dingus'" I crossed my arms.

Max walked up to me "guys it's y/n, just a little spiced up" she loosely flung her arm around me, the group of boys looked me up and down in disbelief, even Dusty, I guess he really wasn't paying attention.

Time after time started playing and all of us looked out at the sea of couples dancing, Lucas turned to Max and studdered out words, trying to ask her to dance and she ended up accepting his proposal they made it out into the crowd she looked back at me and I gave her a thumps up, she motioned her head towards Mike who was standing next to me.

Dusty walked up to Stacy Albright, I face palmed knowing this wasn't gonna end well, and I was proven right when I saw the girls laugh at him and he was left alone looking around for a dance in the crowd.

He sat down to cry on the bleachers, I was gonna go and cheer him up when I saw Nancy fucking wheeler walk up to him and push her hand out for him to take. They made their way on to the dance floor leaving me and Mikey boy alone "hey-uh wanna ya know dance?" I jabbed both my thumbs awkwardly to the dance floor.

He looked at me "i don't know how to dance" I smiled at him "it's ok, I'll tell you a secret I don't either, but you have just let the music move your body" he smiled, stood up and we made our way out to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands loosely around my waist sending butterflies to swarm my stomach, glancing over his shoulder I see Max smiling wildly at me, we looked into eachothers eyes as he followed the beat of the music perfectly, only stepping in my feet a few time, earning a snort from me each time.

We were having a great time until I felt him stop moving and looking past me, I followed his gaze and saw ELEVEN at the entrance, looking beautiful as always.

I sighed as Mike acted as though I wasn't there and up to her, they talked for a brief moment.

He called her beautiful.

They danced, I looked around aimlessly, but couldn't find anyone who was alone, figures, my eyes wondered to all my friends having a great time as I sat on the bleachers thinking about how stupid I am for not telling him, but that wouldn't do anything he would've turned me down anyway.

Max and Lucas kissed, will was having a good time, Dusty as smiling ear to ear,.....and Mike kissed El. It will always be her won't it. Always first. I'll always finish last if I even count in the race at this point.

I walked out of the school solemnly and made the long trip back to my home, reluctantly. But I had to go back or it would be worse for me. My tears streamed down my face and they felt like they would never stop. My house came into view, my stomach churning, making me nauseous "out with boys when you could have men like us" rang through my head.

I made it up to my porch taking a deep breath before opening the door. When I opened the door I heard the cheering of the audience from the TV, jeopardy was still on.

Making my way down the hallway from the door, turning the corner, I saw the same visual from earlier.

My uncle looked up at the sound of my footsteps. The smirk that grew on his face sent a new wave of alarm through me. "Ohh look at my little girl, back because the boys didn't please you" the tone in his voice made me want to throw up.

His friends cackled

Loudly, when he stood up and made his way over to me gripping my hair, pulling me up so my feet left the ground. I yelped in pain, squinting my eyes and grabbing onto his arm to some how lessen the pain surging through my head.

Throwing me to the ground, I hit my head I became dazed and my eye sight became blurry (if you wear glasses, just pretend it's because your glasses fell off). The only thing I could see was the several blurred figures around me, I was gonna sit up but I was harshly pushed back down whilst a hand glided up and under my dress. I kicked and pushed as well as I could but it was no use, the other men held my arms and legs down their muffled laughs ringing through my ears.

More tears after the other streamed down my face, I screamed cried and maneuvered my body away from them, though they always got a hold of me again.

My panties were pulled down to my ankles, the skirt part of my dress pushed up. I cried out more begging them to stop but they all mocked me.

The buckle of their belts invaded my ears I screamed my head off when I was hit, making me nearly unconscious, they started hitting,kicking and punching me.


When they finished I felt completely violated my body didn't even feel like mine anymore. They buckled up and left the house to go to the bars I'm guessing. I layed on the floor on my side rolled up into a ball cradling myself.

For what felt like hours, and possibly were I just layed there in the same position, quivering lip, red heavy eyes, sore throat, I couldn't even cry anymore.

I slowly stood up the pain shooting through my legs I made my way to my bathroom, running a hot shower.

I got in and the pelting of the water hit my s/c skin my hands wrapped into eachother pushed against my chest, sitting on the tub floor I stared at the floor.

When I was done I slowly made my way into my room and putting on the most coveting clothes I had. I locked my door and made my way into my bed huddled under the covers staring at the door on high security.

I slowly fell asleep from how exhausted I was I heard the static of my walkie talkie and a voice coming through it "y/-...are...we..worried..." it was choppy as my brain didn't process the whole sentence, as I fell into unconsciousness......

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