《Bad Things》Chapter Twenty Seven - It was never meant to be there


I sit at the cafeteria, my food left alone in front of me.

I don't know what to do. The only thing on my mind is Jake. I've tried to concentrate on anything else, even maths, but Jake is like that annoying sound of someone typing on a keyboard and he just won't get out of my mind.

The worst part is that I can't even be disappointed in what Jake said the other week. I can't even try and act like it's his fault because it's not. I knew it was a bad idea but some how I still ended up doing it.

I still fell for him.

I hear Candace laugh and I look up. She is sitting on Jake's lap and they are smiling like two people who have never felt pain before.

Maybe they haven't. Maybe they have never been in love with someone who didn't love them back.

Everything he does still hurts. Especially because he said I mean absolutely nothing to him. Not even friends. He didn't have to say that at all.

I stand up and walk up to them. Jake looks up first and frowns. "Oh, hey Alicia."

I fake a laugh. "Oh, you remember my name. I'm honored, Jake." There is silence for a while through out the whole cafeteria. I hate the fact that everyone is watching me. "Fuck this," I say and pull off the stupid ring on my finger, and it slides off so easily, like it was never meant to be there.

Jake stares at me in shock, his mouth slightly open. "What are you doing? Keep it on-"

"Please give it to someone you actually care about," I whisper and place the ring on the table. I shake my head, my heart aching as I walk out the silent cafeteria.


Tears blur my vision and I let out a sob, running out the school doors. I can't believe I said anything to him. I shouldn't have.

"Alicia!" Jake shouts, and I hear him running behind me.

A tear slips down my cheek and I stop, wiping it away with my sleeve. I don't want to run. I don't need to. I don't need Jake either.

"Alicia," Jake runs up beside me, where I am standing in the parking with my eyes closed. "What was that?"

I open my eyes and smile at Jake, pretending to be okay. "Nothing. It was nothing, Jake." It was so hard just to smile.

I take in a deep breath and walk to my car, clicking unlock and pulling the door open.

Jake doesn't leave my side. "Tell me what's wrong, please Al-"

"I heard you. I heard everything you said to Candace last night. You lied about everything. Y-You said I mean nothing to you. And the worst part is I can't stop thinking about you. I can't, Jake," I say. Oh my god, please shut up! Shut up!

Jake doesn't say anything, making the disappointed feeling grow inside me. My heart slowly sinks into my stomach.

"Then I wonder why I am wasting my time," I say and throw my hands up in exasperation. He couldn't even say anything.

I climb into my car but Jake holds the door open, stopping me from driving. Please say something back?

"Do you still hate me?" Jake asks.

I purse my lips and shake my head. "It's not even worth it anymore." I slam the door shut and drive away.


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T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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