《Bad Things》Chapter Twenty Five - He didn't even know what he wanted


Okay, so I'm in love with Jake.

I probably wouldn't have been able to predict something like this but it's no big deal. I'll just tell him what he means to me. It should be fine. Maybe he will even me back. God, I hope he likes me back. If he doesn't, and I like him, it will make everything awkward. Nothing will ever be normal between us.

"Stop overthinking," I mumble to myself and then pull my sliding doors open. I climb over the silver railings on my balcony, to Jake's balcony which is directly opposite.

All I have to say is 'Jake, I love you'. It's so easy. So simple. Just say it and get it over with.

You do love him and it will be pointless hiding it. I mean, you know, unless he doesn't like you.

Then definitely hide it.

I suck in a deep breath, feeling my heart race like crazy inside my chest. It feels like it's in a cage and just waiting to be set free. I lift my arm, and I am about slam my cold knuckles against his sliding doors, but a voice interrupts me.

Jake laughs and says, "Candice, I love you." My entire body freezes.

I stare at the couple in front of me, through the window, and my heart slowly cracks into pieces. I can picture each piece, slowly but surely falling to the ground beneath my feet. It is almost like everything around me just came to a complete halt, and Jake's words just echo through my head.

Candace, I love you. Those were almost exactly the same words I was about to say to Jake.

Maybe it's part of the lie. Yeah, it's probably that. There is no way he has actually fallen in love with the bitch.


I look through the window, and find Jake sitting against the headboard in his room. I didn't see him come into his room, especially nit with the bitch. Candace is on top of him, straddling him with her short fucking mini skirt on.

"I have loved you for so long. Ever since I set eyes on you at one of those parties we were both at. I knew it would be hard to get your attention, and it took a lot of work, but now your mine. Babe, your all fucking mine," he whispers and I hear Candace giggle.

Each piece of me slowly starts breaking apart.

"A lot of work?" she asks, and runs a finger across his lips.

I look down at the floor, not wanting to see them together like this. "Yeah, I had to blackmail someone. I had to convince you to go out with me by pretending I hated you, so that this person would actually help me. Now I am going to fight to make sure I keep you. It was hard, but it was so worth it," Jake explains. Wow, I guess he is better at lying than I thought. It seems like I was the one that got fooled, not Candace.

I purse my lips and my eyes become glossy with tears. Almost every single thing he said to me was a lie. He said he wanted to use Candace but that was all a lie. He really loves her.

Everything that we did together was a lie. Everything he said was a lie. It was all just lies. Nothing mattered; especially not those kisses.

It makes sense, though. He said he would never sleep with her a while back, and then a few days later he was gloating about how he fucked her so hard. He also said he wants to find something from Candace to hold against her, because he hates her, but he didn't even know what he wanted to hold against her. He didn't know what, because taking her down was never part of his plan.


"What about Alicia? Is she your friend? You two seem close..." Candace asks.

Jake laughs. I look up at him through the window, and he is shaking his head. "Alicia means nothing to me. The only reason we hang out is because my mom made her show me around the school. You know, since she's my neighbor and our mom's are now friends. Don't worry, Candace, she's nothing."

He wraps his arms tightly around Candace and he pulls her into a kiss. The kiss that I was hoping he would give me. Their bodies tightly together, their lips attached, and their hearts probably racing. That's what I wanted.

It feels like Jake wrapped his hand around my heart, and crushed it.

It was so easy for him to say that I mean nothing to him. Maybe that's how he has always felt.

"You promise she means nothing?" Candace asks as she pulls away from the kiss.

"Absolutely nothing. She could never talk to me again and I would be perfectly fine," he replies.

My entire world starts crashing down around me. Tears slowly start falling down my cheeks as I stare at the couple on the bed together.

I mean nothing to him.

I hate her. Candace the fucking bitch. I shake my head and close my eyes. But this wasn't even Candace that did this.

I turn around, my entire body feeling heavy. It's like someone kicked me in the gut, and I can't breathe.

I climb over the railings and back into my room. As soon as I shut the sliding doors, I close the curtains and let out a shakey breath.

I just stand there with my eyes closed, holding onto the curtains in front of me. I wish I never heard that.

Candace wasn't the mean one here. Neither was Jake. Maybe I was just stupid. I was stupid for thinking that I was friends with Jake, and I was even more stupid for falling in love with him.

Obviously he wasn't into me. He couldn't give two shits about me, and that is how it has always been. He has never been my friend. We were just two people that made a huge mistake.

I made such huge mistakes with everything I did with Jake. I shouldn't have slept with him. I shouldn't have kissed him. I definitely shouldn't love him.

I step back and fall down onto my bed, staring up at the roof. It was silly for me to think I can just tell him that I love him. I mean, what did I expect to happen?

Why would he love me?


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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