《Bad Things》Chapter Seventeen - I think I've kissed enough people to last a century


"Alicia!" Jake shouts from his balcony. I look up and see him climbing over to my balcony. He knocks on the door and grins at me.

"Alicia isn't at home right now!" I shout, shoving caramel ice cream into my mouth. "Leave a message after the beep. Beep!"

"Hey, Alicia. Jake here. I miss you. Please open your sliding door when you get this. Okay, bye," he says, playing along with me.

I climb out of the hills of blankets and pull the sliding door open for Jake. He walks in and then falls onto my bed. "So, how was the date? Did he kiss you yet?" Jake asks.

"Jake," I whisper, shaking my head. Disappointed would be an understated description of how I feel right now. "He doesn't like me. He agreed to go out with me because he wanted to make you happy. He likes you."

I fall face first onto my bed.

Four fucking years of wasted love. I mean, I have thought about so many scenarios for us but no, he's fucking gay. Just like most hot guys.

God is punishing me. He puts all these hot guys in the world and there are so many hot guys, but they all end up liking each other instead of liking us mundane looking people.

Jake bursts out laughing. "You're kidding. April fucking fools. How was the kiss?"

I roll over and stare at the roof. "I'm such an embarrassment. I tried to kiss him and he was like 'Oh, I'm gay'. I support gays but come on, seriously? Oh, and he said I can't tell anyone that he likes you, especially not you. I mean I have to tell you because fuck, but if you tell anyone else I am not helping you with Candace."


Jake stares at me with a frown. "You're serious? The guy that sleeps around with girls all the time is gay?"

I groan. My crush is gay, and I forced myself onto him. I am basically the luckiest girl in the world right now. "Yup, he said he's sorry and the sleeping around is a cover. He just didn't want to hurt me for no reason, so he told me why he didn't want to kiss me."

Jake doesn't say a word. But then, after a few seconds, he bursts out laughing. "Your crush is fucking gay. You've bern staring at him for so long and daydreaming, how did you not notice?" Well, he hid it really well.

I roll my eyes and sit up. "Stop laughing. It's not funny."

"It is kind of..." Jake says. I sigh and climb under the blankets on my bed, and I put my pillow over my face. Maybe if I pinch myself hard enough, I'll wake up.

"I'm sorry, midget. It must suck."

"Yeah, understatement of the century," I mumble into my pillow.

"And by it I mean Asher. Asher sucks... Literally." Jake laughs and I purse my lips to stop myself from laughing.

"Idiot!" I shout through the pillow, and the shout gets muffled but is still audible.

I scream and Jake lets out a slight grunt as he jumps on top of me. He laughs and moves the pillow off my face. "Want me to kiss you to make you feel better?" he offers.

I shake my head. I think I've kissed enough people to last a century. Well, two people, but one is gay and one is Jake. I can't keep kissing Jake.

"So guess what?" Jake says, still lying on top of me. "I'm so happy," he says and then leans down, kissing me anyway.


"Jake!" I shout, pushing him off me and letting fall onto the floor. "What the fuck?" Jake laughs, and I sit up and fold my arms.

"I'm sorry. I just had to. Kissing you is fun," he tells me. "But anyway, so I need to take you somewhere. It's kind of not that safe to take you but I trust you, and I know you won't tell anyone. Nobody else can know."

That sparks my curiosity, and I frown. "What is it? Where?"

He stands up and puts his hands out for me to take. I look down at my clothes once I'm standing. I'm still in the same clothes that I went on the date with. My makeup is also still on and looks fine. As much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't.

I take Jake's hand and we go downstairs to his car, climbing in. "So can you tell me where we are going and what you are doing?" he asks.

"We're going to the base, it's where we work as The Hawks. I can't tell you what we've done, but you'll see."


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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