《Bad Things》Chapter Sixteen - Maybe one day I'll fry an egg on him



I coat lipgloss onto my lips as my final touch to what I am wearing. I stare at my shiny red lips in the mirror for a few seconds, thinking about the way Jake kissed me.

I shake my head, coming out of a slight trance, and look at the rest of my appearance. I have a black miniskirt on with a white shirt tucked into it, along with knee length boots.

I think I look okay.

Hopefully Asher will like the way I look.

Someone honks their car and my heart immediately starts racing. He is exactly on time. He is so perfect. I wonder what he is wearing. When I texted him my address, he didn't say where we were going. I hope I dressed okay for whatever we are doing.

I skip down the stairs, extremely excited about what could happen tonight. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it's all thanks to Jake.

"Hi," Asher smiles, walking up to me with a bunch of flowers in his hand. He is wearing black ripped jeans and a maroon hoodie.

"Hi," I whisper, breathlessly. This is the first time I've even talked to him since my crush on him began, four years ago. It's kind of pathetic, to be honest.

"So, we're going to Masa, if that's fine with you?" Asher says and hands me the flowers.

"Thank you," I whisper, looking down at the roses. "Um, let me just put this in a vase." I walk back into the house quickly and put the flowers, with some water, in a vase.

I walk out again, shutting the door behind me. "Masa sounds good," I say, trying to be normal. Masa is actually one of the most expensive restaurants in the whole of America. This boy must be loaded.


I climb into passenger seat of his car, and he climbs into the driver's seat. As he reverses out of the driveway, and onto the road, I fiddle with my fingers. I have always wanted to know something, but I've never really had the guts to ask him if the rumors were true.

"Did you really work as a model for Vogue?" I ask, some part of me hopes he doesn't hear the question. It already seems like I shouldn't be here. He is so gorgeous and I'm a potato. I don't know how this happened.

He laughs and nods. "I think there might be a few of the magazines in the glove compartment."

I open the compartment, pulling out a few of the magazines. I stare at the image on the cover of one of the magazines, and I feel myself already being turned on.

Asher is standing on the beach, with absolutely no clothes on. His face is turned to look down. The only thing covering his private parts is a cream jersey that he is pretending to be pulling off. It's perfectly positioned to make sure nobody sees things they shouldn't see. A part of me wishes it wasn't covered.

Holy shit.

Asher laughs. "Thanks."

I said that out loud? Just great. I go a deep red colour, still not able to move my eyes off the cover of the magazine. If this is just the cover, imagine what's inside.

Alicia, please try not to drool. I go through the magazines, stunned at the gorgeous pictures of Asher. It's unbelievable how hot he is. Maybe one day I'll fry an egg on him.

"We're here." Asher's voice brings me out of my trance. I look at the window, and find that were are outside Masa.


He comes around and opens the door, then takes my hand and we walk into the restaurant together. I stare down at our hands that are intertwined together, and my heart starts beating extremely fast.

This is happening!


"Thank you so much for everything," I say as we walk up to the door of my house.

Asher laughs and nods. "It was fun hanging out with you. We should do it again." I stare at him, screaming like crazy inside my head.

I look down at his lips, hoping he will kiss me. His lips don't look as good as Jake's but it's Asher Stone. I step closer, trying to make sure he gets the hint.

"Yeah, we should," I whisper, smiling. He grins at me, clearly not getting what I want him to do.

I lean forward, placing my lips against his. I don't know what made me do this but- oh my god, I'm kissing Asher Stone!

He pushes me off him, his eyes wide. "Alicia..."

My face goes completely red as I realize what I did. What was I thinking? "I'm sorry, Asher," I whisper. This is the only chance I have to tell him how I feel. "I just really like you. I've liked you for a really long time."

"Alicia," he whispers and shakes his head, putting his hands on my arms. "I..." He doesn't meet my eye.


"I'm gay."


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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