《Bad Things》Chapter Three - If only I could buy Bill Gates


"You didn't," Cora, one of my best friends, shakes her head. Her short brown curly hair sways as she does so.

"Nope," Lea, my other best friend, agrees. "She's gonna have to prove it, because getting Jake to sleep with anyone is basically unheard of."

"Fine, I have his number. I'll just call him," I state and roll my eyes, pulling out my phone as I lean back on my bed.

Cora and Lea came over to my house at around the same time I got home, and thank God my parents weren't home. My imaginary balls are still intact and will hopefully stay that way from now on, because I am never doing anything as stupid as last night again.

"You got his number?" Lea asks incredulously, her mouth slightly agape.

I shrug and dial the number, and it immediately starts ringing. I put it on speaker so that they can hear too.

"Hello, this is Jimmy's pizzeria, can we take your order?" A boy says on the other end of the line when he finally answers the phone.

I frown and look up at my two best friends whom already look like they're trying to hold back their laughter.

"Oh, um, is Jake there?" I ask, silently praying I wasn't turned down by the jerk face.

"I'm sorry ma'am but there is no Jake working here," he explains, sounding confused.

I groan and end the call, "Fuck."

Cora and Lea fall back, hugging each other as they shake with laughter.

I sigh and climb off my bed, walking to my huge walk in closet. "I still want my shoes. I didn't sleep with that asshole for nothing," I say as I browse through my clothes. I walk out my closet a minute later, holding a black skirt and a plain white crop top.


Lea shrugs, "I still don't understand why though, I mean, you're the richest person I know. You could probably buy Bill Gates if that was legal." She gestures to the huge open space that is my room.

I look around with a grin. I love the way the interior decorator did my room. There is a soft pink carpeted floor, a king sized bed, plain white walls and shelves covering the wall across from the bed.

To the left of the bed is a floor-to-ceiling window that shows the view of an empty room in the house next to mine, and to the right of the bed is the two doors that lead to my bathroom and closet.

If only I could buy Bill Gates. That would be pretty cool but it's also never going to happen. Okay, I'm not saying buying people is cool. it is bad, very very bad.

Technically I'm not rich, my parents are. My mom is an accountant and my dad is a doctor and they both work really hard.

Somehow, even through the loads of work, they manage to make time to come home and see me. I really do appreciate it even though I don't tell them all the time.

I go to my bathroom to shower and change and come out ten minutes later feeling a lot cleaner.

It was so stupid of me to expect anything from a guy after I slept with him, but he could have at least given me his number.

If I ever see him again, I'm going to kill him. Let's hope for his sake, he stays far away.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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