《Bad Things》Chapter Two - Please God, let my imaginary balls stay with me today


The next morning I sit up, squinting as the light from the window floods the room.

I look around and notice that I am in Jake's room. In the daylight I can see dirty clothes on the floor and a desk in the right corner of the room that is stacked with books and paper.

It's really messy, the complete opposite of my room. I would hate having to be the cleaner here.

The bedroom carpet is a cream colour and the walls are a very dark blue. It makes the entire room seem darker, almost like a cave.

I stand up and look down at my body, realizing that I am completely naked. I let out a low groan and then grab my clothes from last night off the floor, quickly slipping into the black dress and leaving my underwear on his floor.

He can think of it as a gift since I'm never going to see him again.

I don't know why I don't remember last night that well, I wasn't really drunk even though I did drink. It actually felt like a dream.

I can still feel an ache in between my legs, probably because of how big he was. I think that was definitely the best out of the four that I have seen.

I quietly walk down the stairs and to the first floor of the house. The house is completely clean with absolutely no trace of the gigantic party that happened last night. It looks so much bigger now than I had expected it to be.

All the alcohol bottles and confetti that was on the floor last night is gone and the couches and tables are back to where I am assuming they are supposed to be.

There is a lot of open space in the house, with white tiles and a very modern design to all the furniture.


I walk to the front door, hoping to find my car. My memory is so bad and I can hardly remember what my grandma's name is, I don't know why I am expected to remember where I parked.

In my defense I have a huge family and most of the time I never see them because my parents have tried to cut off all contact with humans. They say everyone will just try to use us for our money.

"Hey, you!" I turn to the source of the voice, only to find Jake smiling down at me. "That was fun."

I chuckle, "Yeah."

My eyes slowly fall from his face down to the rest of his body. He is shirtless and I would like to thank the sun for revealing his body to me because past night I could hardly see. I think he just became a whole lot more attractive.

"Can I get your number?" I ask, biting my lip. Maybe I can get him to date me. That way the sex wouldn't have totally been for nothing.

I'm not saying that the money from the bet isn't going to good use, but I could have just asked my mom for the money and she would have given it to me.

This was just to prove my friends wrong, and I can't wait to see their faces when I tell them I got Mr. Dubois into bed with me.

"Sure," he pulls out his phone and reads out a number which I type into my phone. He takes my number and then pulls open the door for me to leave.

"Nice meeting you, mon chéri," he kisses my cheek and then grins as I walk out the door.

I nod, "You too."

I walk down the empty street, seeing my car a bit further down. I pull out my keys and pick up my speed, hoping my parents haven't gotten back from their night shifts at the hospital yet.


If they knew I stayed over at a guy's house they would hang me from a gate and kick my imaginary balls to Santa.

I unlock my car and climb in, closing my eyes and smiling as the picture of a shirtless Jake comes to mind.

With a sigh I start my engine and drive off, back to my house as fast as I can.

Please God, let my imaginary balls stay with me today. I know I have sinned but it was for shoes, that's worth it right?


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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