《Wizards Go Muggle》Chapter Four


The yellow school bus ride had lasted about one hour. Harry couldn't remember most of it. Once they had arrived at the hotel they would be staying at before being officially registered in the school in a couple of hours. He had immediately fallen asleep once his head had hit the pillow. He didn't even bother to check who else shared the hotel room with him.

Even though he'd been tried, he'd woken up very early due to a continuing nightmare about having to go to school with Dudley again. He rubbed his eyes as he sighed, and got up to go get dressed to have some breakfast.

When he arrived at the breakfast table he noticed most students seemed to be struggling with the vending machines, and other equipment. They seemed to be attracting some funny looks from strangers.

Harry hurried, got his breakfast and found a spot next to Ron. When the boys were finished, they hurried out to get on the bus that would take them to the school.

They could feel the anxiety in the air as the school bus began to move to their new and final destination.

Harry wondered how the muggle kids would treat them, he never got to interact much with them thanks to Dudley. All of the muggle kids at his old school had been afraid to talk to him because they where afraid if they did so, Dudley would pick on them like he picked on Harry. He wondered if muggle kids where really all that different, what they did for fun, what High school was like. He had seen so many muggle kids his age talk about it, along with Dudley. They had made it sound so bad and good at the same time. He heard a lot of them talk about difficult classes like algebra, which he had never learned to do in his school. They had learned almost nothing mathematical in Hogwarts , along with hardly any literature. What if his classes where too hard? what if he couldn't make any friends?


He would no longer be considered the Boy Who Lived since the muggles knew nothing of Voldemort or of the famous Potter. When he had entered Hogwarts, he had no trouble making friends because he was so famous ...the famousBoy Who Lived , but now he was just Harry. Just himself. Would anyone like him for who he was, without him being famous? What if he became...a loser again. Would his friends stick by him?

"Of course they would" Harry reassured himself.

"Would what Harry?" he heard Hermione ask.

"Nothing." he answered quickly.

Soon he hear the screeching noise of the tires coming to a sudden stop. Startled, he looked up to find they had stopped at a huge brick building. It was almost what you could describe as being the complete opposite of Hogwarts. The only thing that could make it stand out was its size. Unlike Hogwarts it was so ...plain, so...organized?

There was nothing spontaneous or magical about it, but the students did stand out though. They where all walking into the building in different groups there where no houses to distinguish them, only their very own personality.

Some were dressed in very spirit like clothing, holding sports equipment. Those groups seemed to be surrounded by girls in a short uniform. Harry recognized them as cheerleaders. He'd heard Dudley talk about them to his friends...not a very appropriate conversation anyways

Other groups dressed in all black clothing, with scary looking band t-shirts and tattoos. He also spotted other groups with lots of technological devices, and comic books. The groups seemed to go on forever, and he began to worry. Now that there where no houses, would he and his friends go separate ways?

As soon as everyone was off the bus, the Hogwarts students walked slowly into the building. They where all walking so tightly packed, you would think they had been glued together.


As soon as the Hogwarts teachers led them inside, and handed them a map to the secret room in which they would study magic, they left them alone in a waiting room. They had been told that some students would be there shortly to show them around, and take them to their first class.

There was a murmur among the crowd as they took a good look inside the building. It was so different. there was no random paintings moving everywhere, no ghost passing through the walls, no random flying objects or scary looking passageways. It seemed so assigned, as if everything had its place, as Hogwarts, but this time it was a different type of organized... it seemed so normal.

The crowd suddenly went quiet when the heard footsteps approaching. They looked up and saw a girl about their age, along with another boy who looked about a year older. The girl had light brown hairs, that reached all the way to her waist. It was somehow messy and organized at once. She had lots of freckles, and wore a bright green t-shirt with a frog on it, and some white pants. She seemed to be so happy and excited to show everyone around, yet had an expression as if she'd done it many times before.

the boy, however, seemed to be more neatly dressed, with dark black jeans and a pale blue shirt with a gray hoodie. he seemed to have a very calm, yet interested expression. He possessed a dirty blond hair, but he had died a couple streaks a dark brown color. He seemed tall for his age, and had a bit of a smart look on his face, yet he proceeded to let the girl start the talking, as if amused by her authoritative personality.

"Welcome exchange students!" she beamed. "We are very pleased to have you in our school this morning," she said, mocking a stuck up British tone.

Some Hogwarts students laughed, others where still a bit on edge.

" As this paper says, your first class today is computer lab," the boy continued, not trusting her not to make a joke out of this. "We will show you your way to your class, and come at the end to show you to your next.

We have already been informed that you have not done computer lab classes at your school, but i'm guessing most of you have some knowledge as to how to manage simple computer programs?"

No one answered, not wanting to look stupid in front of the muggle.

When no one said anything, the muggle girl continued. "Not to worry!" she laughed "Technology is stupid anyway" she smiled, then turned to glare at the boy.

"if you need anything, my name is Emily , and that grumpy one over there is Andrew. We would love to explain more to you, but it'll have to wait until lunch since the bell will ring any minute."

"If you will follow us," said Andrew. "We will lead you to your first class with Mrs. Techno freak."

Emily laughed, it seemed to be some sort of inside joke they would soon learn.

As Emily and Andrew headed out the door, the rest of the students cautiously followed.


A/N: haiii...feedback is always welcome..please..PLEASE

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