《Wizards Go Muggle》Chapter Three


Harry Ron and Hermione handed their bags to Hagrid and headed back into Hogwarts to have their final breakfast there for what would be a long time.

Harry felt kind of like he felt at the end of each year when he had to go back to the Dursleys. The only bright side was that Professor Umbridge wouldn't be coming on the field trip with them. He was a bit tired from last night, since he spent a long part of it trying to explain to Ron how to use a mailbox. Many of the Gryffindors had gone into a bit of a panic when they heard that they would not be allowed to bring their owls along.

Harry was positive Hedwig would find him, wherever he was, so he wasn't too worried about that.

They had only been allowed to pack their school books ,along with their wand, and cauldron. Any other items had to be approved by Professor McGonagall. That, however, didn't stop Fred and George from encouraging them to bring a couple prank candies along with them. They would've accepted the offer if Hermione hadn't been in earshot of the whole conversation.

They heard that once they got on the train, they would be provided with their school materials, and extra things the school thought they might need.

Ron seemed more scared of the field trip rather than dreading it, while Hermione looked excited. She'd told Harry and Ron that she felt it was a great opportunity for wizards and muggles to come together.

When they arrived at breakfast, harry saw that most of the fifth years looked like they were about to have their O.W.L.S . Most were all running around in a panic asking muggle borns all sorts of questions. Harry had even heard one student ask if muggles spoke the same language. Harry didn't think he was serious...well he hoped not.


Harry ate his breakfast, but had to force most of it down. His stomach was so full of knots, that he didn't even feel hungry. Ron hadn't even touched his food.

Once the time came Harry and his friends made their way to the train. He could feel the nervous aura all around him. He could also feel an angry one which was being emitted by the Slytherins. Harry could only imagine how Malfoy felt about having to spend a couple of months in a muggle school.

He laughed at that thought as he climbed on to the train.

Harry Ron and Hermione sat together in the train compartment, as Professor McGonagall passed by and handed them each a bag.

Harry opened it and found various items inside. He first pulled out a dark Red backpack with several pockets. There was absolutely nothing special about it. Harry looked inside each pocket, but found nothing inside. He began to shake the backpack to see if anything would happen, but nothing ever did. It was an absolutely ordinary muggle backpack.

Ron and Hermione both pulled out theirs to find that they looked exactly the same as Harry's , except that the tags read 'Ron Weasley', and ' Hermione Granger'.

Harry decided to just put the bag down instead of looking through it. He wasn't in the mood to look at his school supplies. Ron, however, pulled everything out of his bag.

"Hey Hermione," said Ron. "what's this thing?" he asked, holding up a black rectangular shaped object.

"No way!" she squealed "We got cell phones!"

" what's a sail pone?"

"A Cell Phone," Hermione corrected. "Is a device used to call people."

She pulled her's out of the bag, and examined it. "It seems the teachers have already put all the contacts in," she said. "I already have you both saved," she beamed.


She began to dial a number.

A couple of seconds passed before Ron's phone began to vibrate in his hand. He yelped and dropped it.

"What the bloody hell is it doing!?" he gasped.

"Relax Ron," Harry laughed. "Just press the green button."

Ron picked up is phone, and did as Harry said.

"Now put it to your ear," Hermione said eagerly.

Ron cautiously put it to his ear, and Hermione lifted her own to her lips.

"heeeyyyy" Hermione said

Ron jumped as he heard her voice coming from the cell phone.

"Wow!" he gasped. "That's bloody brilliant!"

The rest of the ride passed with them searching through their bags, and buying food from the trolley.

In their bags they had found all the school supplies, along with some muggle money with a note saying to be used for Muggle clothing, and other necessities, any left-over may be used for weekend activities.

They'd be arriving at muggle money conversion booth in London just before they entered the school. Hermione had spent the rest of the field trip teaching Ron how to count muggle money, along with other nervous Hogwarts' students.

Harry had noticed that some of the students had had blue or yellow backpacks instead of red. Harry could only assume that they were color coded by house.

Soon he got up to change into his muggle clothing (the one pair they all had at the beginning of the year before changing into their robes), and thought about what it would be like to go clothe shopping for muggle clothing. It would mean that this time when he went to a muggle school, he wouldn't have to wear Dudley's old hand-me-downs.

Come to think of it...He didn't even have to go to a school with Dudley. He got back in the compartment, and thought about it for a while before his eyelids began to flutter shut. The only noise that woke him was when heard the bus stop at platform 9 3/4 as the students began to mount the buses that would take them to walker high.

Buses which would be driven by muggles. He began to worry. What if his friends wouldn't be able to act normal before even arriving to the school?

He took a deep breath, got off the train, and mounted the bus.

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