《New Admission: An Original BPS Fanfiction》Chapter 12: One Giant Leap for Interns


Caramel stepped into the tall office tower, her heart beating with excitement. This was it! She was finally here. If she did well enough on her job, she could be looking at a full-time job here at her dream workplace. Sure the hours would be long and she'd come back home tired, but it would be worth it, knowing her work inspired and entertained others.

"Welcome to Black Plasma Studios!" a strong, clear, female British voice called out. "Congratulations on earning high marks at the academy! My name is Toriable, and I'll be your tour guide to the workplace facility! Follow me, please."

The line of students tramped down after a sea foam green-haired girl with bunny ears. Caramel had heard about her. She was one of the heads of Black Plasma Gaming, a sister company to BPS, which was more focused on making gaming videos and reviews for the public, rather than animations.

"Now, based off of your performance at the job interviews, you will be placed into certain categories that aid in our animations, such as Environments and Backgrounds, Rigging and Assets, etc. And, if you fall into our extras bin, you'll be sent to BPG to start there with me and St1gDr1fter15. So work hard, young animators!"

Tori led the students up a long flight of stairs, which led up to a door with the BPS symbol on it. "Now, are you all ready to meet the main faces behind the entire company?"

Caramel barely had time to say yes before thousands of other "yeses" drowned her voice out. With a small giggle, Tori had a badge around her neck scanned, and she opened the door to reveal a scrubbed clean and neat suite, where five faces stared back at them.

"Everyone, meet the BPS team!" Tori said brightly, going down the line and introducing each of them. "Skyfall, director of his own Fallout series! His work consists of 'The Rising Darkness', 'Sword of Infinity', and his most recent, 'The Dark Hero'. LittleThomasKid, director of the specials on the channel! Christmas, Halloween, Easter: you name it, he's on it. He's well known for making 'Last Gift', 'Pug Life', and even the occasional minigame animation, 'Murder Mystery'. Sam Small, director of the adventure animations! The work he is most proud of is 'Bed Wars', 'Time Trouble', and the world-renound 'Survival Island'. RoANitrox, director of the minigame animations! He has succeeded in his works of 'Survival Games', 'Reverie', and 'Galaxy Wars'."

Caramel listened very closely to every word. Though she already knew all of these facts, she wanted to make sure she didn't miss a beat, in case this would come back in the interview mentioned before.

"And this, of course, is Arbiter617," Tori finished, approaching a blonde man wearing a blue t-shirt w/ white cuffs and khaki pants. "Founder of BPS and animator of the popular movie, 'Animation Life'. As expected, you all already know him well ^^"

"Yes, well," Thomas said in his usual semi-squeaky tone. "Nice to meet you all. Welcome to BPS! I hope you succeed in joining our team! We can always use new animators."

"Ah, yes, another batch of students to offer the Burrito of Destiny to," Nitrox stated proudly.

"Is EVERYTHING burritos and tacos with you?" Sam teased. "A newcomer to the company would mistake you for one yourself!"

"Oh, wow! It's so nice to finally meet you in person, sirs!" Noah fanboyed from behind Caramel.

"And it's nice to meet a confident young student such as yourself," Skyfall replied kindly.


Caramel looked at her idol's faces, from Sam's to Nitrox's, two whom had appeared before her at the academy. She wasn't sure what to say to them, but she figured a thanks for their advice to her would be a good start. Swallowing her fear, she stepped forward. "Um...I don't know if you remember me, but I never got the chance to say tha--AGH!"

A misstep from her right foot tangling with someone else's sent her tumbling to the ground, her portfolio scattering across the room. To her horror, one of her papers got caught in the draft of the ceiling fan, which blew it over to one of Sam's tea mugs on the shelf, knocking it over and having it roll down across the shelves.

"Uhhhh, shouldn't someone be stopping this?" asked an African-American student, presumably Lex, Noah's friend from Face Rigs class.

"Yeah, but I kinda wanna see how it ends," argued Dempi, a former member of Connie's gang.

The mug continued rolling until it bumped into the fanart wall, which fell off one of its tacks and knocked the very HEAVY YouTube award into teetering position above a fish on a pedestal. This fish was known well. It was Derpy's prize fish, the one that seemed to be the fight-stopper in every single animation, and the YouTube award was about to crush it!


In a panic, Caramel shot out of the group and threw herself at the fish, rescuing it right before the YouTube award smashed it to bits, which she also caught with her free foot. However, in launching herself, she landed on an enormous beanbag chair which had a hole in it. With normal physics taking place in the WORST of her favor, styrofoam pellets shot out of the hole like bullets as she landed on it. With the fan on, it blew the pellets EVERYWHERE, causing complete pandemonium.

Students shouted and waved their arms, trying to swat pellets away. Meanwhile, Caramel took cover underneath the beanbag, hoping no one would seek her out. Finally, Tori, amongst the scramble, managed to hit the off switch for the fan, which brought the styrofoam tornado to a halt. But everyone and everything were now coated with a thick layer of styrofoam.

Tori was no longer smiling as she plucked a pellet out of her ear. With the calmest-yet-scariest tone ever, she gravely asked: "Where is Miss Charlatte?"

Penelope, who was ALSO not happy to be covered in styrofoam, sauntered over to the beanbag chair and lifted it, revealing the poor young Humancorn with pellets in her mane and tail. Caramel stared up at all the judging faces staring back, and waved awkwardly.

"Nice going, KLUTZlatte," Penelope sneered. "You should get a YouTube award of you own for THAT one."

Snatching the YouTube award and fish pedestal from Caramel, who didn't even realize she was still holding them, Penelope walked back over to the BPS team and handed them both back to her, head held high. "Here you are, sirs. The student body apologizes on behalf of Little Miss SHOWBOAT over there."

Caramel hung her head. She hadn't meant to cause a scene, but she still felt terrible for making a mess out of their formerly neat apartment.

Tori cleared her throat and thanked Penelope for her help, then directed her back to the group. "Alright then, back to the tour. Miss Charlatte, please clean yourself up and rejoin the other students, if you will."

"Actually, Tori..." Skyfall interrupted, giving Caramel quite an interested look. "Leave the Charlatte girl here. We'd like to talk with her for a bit."


Caramel's embarrassment turned to fear as soon as she heard this. What was it with her and her habit of messing up first impressions? How badly had she botched it this time?

"W-Wait a second!" Noah stepped out of the group and stood in front of the BPS team. "It was an accident, she was just trying to help, PLEASE don't punish her for it!"

"Your input is appreciated, Mr. Atlantis, but I believe we asked to discuss the matter with Miss Charlatte, not with you," Sam Small replied warningly, which only made Caramel even MORE nervous.

Noah opened his mouth for another plea, but Tori cleared her throat sharply, leaving him no choice but to exit with the other students, looking back at his friend sympathetically.

As Penelope left, she gave a small smile. "Send us all a postcard when they send you to the dog-and-pony show, freshie!" she taunted before leaving.

From the moment she heard about them, Caramel had hoped she would get to meet the BPS members in person, one on one. Now, she deeply wished she was back down with the group, rather than stuck in their apartment with them.

No one said a word once everyone was gone. They just looked down on her, seemingly in deep thought. Caramel was aching to break the silence, but feared her words would just set off a bomb. However, the silence stretched on for so long, she reached breaking point and spoke up.

"L...Look...I'm terribly sorry about the incidents, sirs...I'm such a klutz sometimes, b-but I saw the award fall, and I just...reacted," Caramel said in a barely audible voice. "I should've just stayed put, and now I've made an even BIGGER mess. I'm so, so, SO sorry..."

Silence greeted her apology. Caramel wasn't sure of what else to do or say. All she could tell her brain to do was fight back the tears that were welling up so much, her eyes were starting to hurt. Eventually, Nitrox was the one to break the silence.

"You wouldn't happen to be the same girl who totaled the entrance exam, would you?" he inquired.

A little shocked by the question, Caramel timidly responded, a faint glimmer of hope rising in her chest. "Um...yes."

She didn't know why it provided the reaction it did, but all of a sudden, the BPS team exploded in a babble of greetings, crowding around her and ushering her to the couch to sit.

"So YOU'RE Caramel Charlatte!" Skyfall said cheerfully, sitting down next to her. "Nitrox and Small told me about this teacup gal who did her best and was pushed around for it. You are just ADORABLE in real life!"

Caramel opened her mouth to say thank you, but the words got lost on the way to her mouth, and what came out instead was an elongated "Uhhhhhhhhhh...", as her jaw had gone slack out of loss of words.

"Ooooooooh, I could just eat you UP, you're so tiny!" squealed Thomas, pinching one of her cheeks. "Tinier than Pongo, even!" A pug then jumped out from behind Thomas's shoulder, snorted offendedly at his owner, and rested on Caramel's lap, drooling on her skirt.

"Here, have some tea! Brewed it myself! It's the finest in England!" Sam went next, pushing a cup of tea into Caramel's hands. But she didn't so much as glance at it, as she was still trying to process what was going on.

"Wow, you really DO have unicorn ears," Nitrox marveled, pulling at one of said ears. "How do you keep them so FLUFFY?"

All this speaking and prodding was driving Caramel crazy. Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, she threw her head up and yelled. "WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!"

This earned her a hearty laugh from a familiar voice. The same voice she had heard in the call at BPA. She turned around and there stood Arbiter, who still had styrofoam pellets in his blonde hair. Plucking them one-by-one, he cleared a space by the couch and plopped down next to her. "Oh, don't mind the others," he chuckled. "They're just excited to meet you for the first time."

"They're excited...to meet ME?" Caramel said with genuine shock.

"Of course! We've never gotten a half-human, half-horse on the team before!" Thomas piped up, to which he was quickly silenced by a slap behind the head from Sam.

"Half-UNICORN, you uncultured swine," he hissed. "HONESTLY, where are your manners?"

"Must've knocked them out of my head with that brutish slap of yours," Thomas grumbled back, rubbing the sore spot on his head. "I think you knocked my brain loose."

"I think he knocked your brain loose a LONG time ago, Tom," Skyfall joked. Caramel couldn't help it; she just started laughing. But then, she remembered the incident that had gone down not too long ago.

"If...ANYONE'S brain has been knocked loose, it's mine..." Caramel said sadly. "I can't even save a silly trophy without creating an even BIGGER mess. I can't save ANYTHING without creating a worse situation. It happened at the entrance exam, and now it's happened here! I don't understand, it just came with me!"

The whole team went silent, sharing concerned looks with one another. Then, Arbiter tapped Caramel's shoulder. "C'mon. Walk with me."

Encouraged by the kind gesture, Caramel stood up and walked after Arbiter, who led her to a small room which appeared to be made of a scramble of dirt, logs, and cobwebs. He opened the door to see a Steve with his eyes too far apart sitting on the bed, sniffling. He looked like a smaller version of the derpy giant at the entrance exam.

"Hey, Derpy, good news!" Arbiter called out to his sad friend. "Jeffrey the Fish is alive! He was saved by this little intern over here!"

The derpy fellow stopped crying and faced their direction immediately. Arbiter handed Caramel the fish and, cautiously, she walked over to the man and held the fish pedestal out to him. He ripped the pedestal out of her hands at once, pulled the fish off of it, then tossed it over his shoulder, breaking the window. He hugged the fish tightly, as if all of his woes and worries had disappeared within seconds.

Then, without warning, Derpy grabbed Caramel's scarf and pulled her in for a hug too. She was a little startled at first, but she felt a tiny tinge of happiness squirm inside of her as she hugged back.

"He's saying 'thank you'," Skyfall said helpfully. "He heard the commotion and was worried Jeffrey might've been hurt in the scuffle."

"B-But I made a total mess in your suite!" Caramel protested. "You're not upset?"

"Eh, nothing a little sweeping can't handle," Nitrox assured. "But, just a little word of comfort: Derpy takes us on the WILDEST of adventures with his antics, but he always comes through for us in the end. If you set your heart on good intentions, you will too."

Caramel took those words into consideration carefully, thinking about how even throughout the whole mess, she'd been able to save the two trophies AND get to talk with the BPS crew alone. Maybe the situation WASN'T as bad as she thought.

"So what you're saying is...even though I SEEM like a klutz, I'm actually top notch?" she asked sheepishly?

Arbiter just patted her head and chuckled. "Well, that's for you to figure out, young animator. Now, you should get going and follow the group. They're checking out the Program lounge by now. We'll see you around, okay?" With that, he gave a parting nod to his friends and escorted Caramel back to the door.

"Take that tea on the go!" Sam advised, tossing her a thermos with the BPS logo on the side of it. "It's worth savoring!"

"Can you keep an eye on Pongo for me while you're out there too?" Thomas called after her, throwing her a leash. "He's been getting in the way of work lately! I'm sure you two will make good friends!"

"Watch out for the simulations, they're testing them today!" Nitrox warned.

Wrapping her brain around the whole experience, Caramel waved a slightly more enthusiastic goodbye to the crew and watched them until the door shut on her and she could see them no more.

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