《The Best Title!》Artifact


"Well, do you know what teleportation is?"

Ben is looking at Grey with eyes full of hope trying to make sense of the things around him.

"Yes, teleportation is a method of travel used by the rich, the bigger the distance, the bigger the costs. Or did you perhaps earned the ire of an archmage and he teleported you at random?"

"No, I don't know what happened, one moment I was in my house playing with a pebble and then BOOM! The pebble released light and BAAM! there I was face to face with an ugly... "

Ben stops his story and his gesturing and realises that even if Gray has the Title as -Gray the kind- he would still smack whoever called him ugly in his face.

"Cough...cough as I was saying I appeared in front of you and the other... orcs"

Gray takes a thinking stance and after a while he says,

"That pebble as you call it, is perhaps a powerful magic artefact that could teleport its user, but it is rare to find such powerful artefacts, did you perhaps took it from a named dungeon?"

"No, from where I come from there are no dungeons, or Titles, or orcs..."

"No Titles? where are you coming from exactly?"

"Earth, have you heard of Earth? We have nice clothes and big buildings"

"No, I have not heard of it but it should have entities more powerful than archmages if they could make an artefact that could teleport you so far away, a Space Master for example could..."

The rest of Gray's speech does not register in Ben's head as he realizes now that he had a conversation with an orc and weirdly they could understand each other, why does the orc speak English? on another planet and different species,s there should be different languages, there must be a connection between earth and this planet, there would be too big of a coincidence, otherwise for a language to evolve the same on two different planets.


Ben's thought process is interrupted by a gurgling sound, he stops and sees that Gray is looking at him and after a moment "GULULU.." Ben's stomach is protesting, he had nothing to eat, for a while now and all the agitation had made him ignore his hunger.

"Well Ben let's first eat and we shall discuss afterwards, I think I still got some food in my cupboard, let's go get it, the price for a fresh enchantment is a nightmare but you must recognize that it is really handy"

Gray finishes talking and gets up from the chair , he goes and and opens the door with Benjamin in toe, Ben is curious about what is behind the door because he was unconscious the time he got here, outside the room lies an even bigger room, that has a table and connects at least 2 other rooms, the same size as the one they just got out of. There is an average size stone cupboard, that Grey reaches to and takes out a chunk of meat, and starts cutting it and putting different spices on it, after he finishes cutting the meat he starts a fire in a stove in the corner of the room, the stove is made out of bricks and has a metal door, it also has a chimney that goes throughout the wall and outside .

While waiting for the meal to cook, Gray becomes Ben to sit at the big table with him.

Looking at Ben with calm eyes he says

"Well Ben you can ask me anything that you want, I am sure you have a lot of questions if what you are saying is the truth"

"What are Titles?"

"Hoo I see you are starting big, nobody really knows where they come from or what they are, but if you complete certain requirements you will get the Title for it. For example, if you are training to be a warrior, you need to have a certain mastery over a weapon, enough physical fitness or kill somebody in combat. Now here it gets tricky, after you get a warrior's Title you will also get a skill or passive that depends from person to person, it is random what you will get, and if you want to improve on a certain Title, you can train in it gaining more skills or passives If you are a mage, research a skill or practice with your magic enough and your title will improve, if it improves enough times it can evolve into a Mage Master or an Archmage etc... the possibilities are endless"


Ben is amazed and shivers at what amazing and wonderful things that could be in this world but the next words wash over Ben's mood like a cold shower.

"Of course if you manage to survive long enough because there are too many things you could die from in this rotten world, my son he..."

The words are left unsaid but the mood is visibly grimmer and Gray is immersed in his own thoughts. But the silence is momentary before Gray says in a better mood:" Let's eat, we don't want to burn such juicy meat, it is the calf of a Raptor, very hard to catch if you are not a good hunter."

Ben enjoys the meat from the unknown animal that Gray cooked and relinquish the silence and peace for what its worth.

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