《The Mystic》Volume 1 Chapter 2: Sparring


"Today is the monthly school wide sparring day." Calion announced.

"Yeah right, it's more of like the boys versus the girls day." Roi mumbled.

Immediately, Calion glared at Roi as if he had heard what Roi just said.

"Damn, why does he have to have such good hearing." Roi groaned.

"I don't care about how much you improved, but I do expect to see much more effort in all of you. There will be no wussies saying but she's a girl this or I can't hurt her that. I expect all of you to know better." Calion glared at the boys.

"You know how to impress a girl? Show that you are superior. Strength will speak for yourself and that will make them fall for you. That's all I have to say for today and as for you, come with me." Calion pointed at Kale with a stern look.

"Since you were the last person to be here today, you'll be faced off against any girl I choose. Is that clear?" Calion barked.

"Y-yes..." Kale whimpered.

"I said do I make myself clear?" Calion barked once again.

"YES, MASTER CALION!!" Kale shouted at the top of his lungs.

Calion then turned around and signaled the kids to follow him to the arena.

Although the arena wasn't as tall as the other arenas that were closer to the city. Its walls still stood 10 meters up from the ground. It was circular and had a circumference of 20,000 meters. So it was pretty decent as not all places had arenas.

Go to the ballot and draw your cards. You'll be facing whoever you draw today as your sparring partner.

As all the boys went up to pick their cards, Kale stood watching. Once the boys were done, they headed out to their assigned area waiting for their opponent to come.


As for Kale, he was led to a separate area 10 meters away from the rest.

Kale stood waiting patiently as he watched how one by one the girls were coming out.

He then noticed a girl with beautiful blue eyes coming towards him. It was Sarah.

"No...it couldn't be..." Kale suddenly prayed hard that it was just all coincidence that she was walking towards him.

"Meet Sarah, she's new so you'll be sparring with her. Don't let her looks fool you now as she is said to be stronger than Drek. Good luck kiddo, you're probably the best practice partner for her we've got." Calion chuckled.

"Damn, I should have known Calion would set up something like this." Kale grieved as he stood watching her come over.

It was a happy convenience for Sarah as she walked in to find the unique boy that she bumped into not long ago.

"It's a coincidence that we meet again huh?" Sarah tilted her head to the side.

"Y-yes coincidence" Kale agreed.

"I believe we haven't introduced. I'm Sarah, you?" Sarah asked patiently.

"I'm Kale." Kale replied feverishly.

"Now that you two know each other's names, you can spar now. Chit Chat later." Calion bellowed.

"Sarah don't go easy on Kale. Out of all our students, he's probably the best opponent you'd find at your age group." Calion said convincingly.

"Okay..." Sarah replied. She was happy to hear that there would be a kid around her age to compete with her because in the past she'd have to spar against an adult to be able to make her serious.

"Hope you live up to my expectations Kale." Sarah said cheerfully as she began to cast magic.

As Sarah cast,a simple fireball to test the boy, the boy just stood there with a wry smile.


As the fireball made contact with him, it suddenly dissipated out of thin air. Leaving Kale completely unharmed.

"Huh?" Sarah was dumbfounded.

She immediately cast several fireballs to see if he could do it again, but the exact same thing occurred when the fireballs touched him. It just disappeared?

"Ummm...how to say this. You can't hurt me with low tier spells." Kale scratched his cheeks nervously.

"Oh, then how about this?" Sarah got serious and used quagmire to immobilize Kale. She then had the ground shoot out hundreds of rocks.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Kale cried in pain.

"....." Sarah was completely confused. The boy that didn't get hurt from fireballs got hurt by rocks? It just didn't make sense.

"Can you not send so many rocks at me? Although my body's endurance and tolerance is much better than others, it still hurts." Kale winced in pain.

"So can you explain how you weren't hurt by my fireballs?" Sarah puzzlingly asked.

"Yeah...about that..for some reason whenever magic comes into contact with my body, it just gets engulfed by my body. This may sound weird but it's true. My body just nullifies all low tier spells. Only with much more mana will you deal damage on me with magic." Kale explained.

"As for why I got hurt by the rocks? It was physical." Kale answered her thoughts.

"I see...your turn to cast magic on me now. Since I hurt you pretty badly, it'll only be fair." Sarah beamed in dignity.

"Sure, if I could." Kale replied sadly.

"You see, I'm unable to cast magic at all. Sounds crazy right? An elf that can't even cast a single ounce of magic. Although I can feel it." Kale became downcast.

"What? No way!" Sarah cried shockingly.

This kind of news was indeed shocking to the people that heard it for the first time.

"Then won't it be hard for you to spar me? Because if you come close to me, I'll just shoot rocks at you." Sarah became even more confused.

"You're best sparring partner? Yeah right! What master Calion really meant was that I'm the number one training dummy of Renuit, maybe even the whole continent of Vahsil. Since I'm probably the best indicator of your magic power as I'll only be hurt the more mana you have." Kale jokingly mocked himself.

"So I'll be casting fireballs on you all day? As long as it's not a physical attack?" Sarah jokingly asked.

"Pretty much...." Kale replied bluntly.

"I was kidding, but if you meant it then excuse me if I do. Huhuhu." Sarah used her right hand to cover her chuckling mouth.

The two then continued on with their spar.

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