《The Mystic》Volume 1: Chapter 1-Sarah


In the town of Renuit, a group of young kids are practicing their combat abilities. With the supervision of twenty adults, the kids were able to practice safely.

"Hey Kale, have you seen the new girl Sarah?" An elven boy around the age of 12 asked.

He had the typical light green hair with decent looks in elven standards. His eyes were light green and his pointy ears were four inches long. His frame was pretty slim but polished.

"Oh, I haven't gotten the chance Roi." Kale replied bluntly.

As for Kale, he also had a slim build and long pointy ears. What set him differently from Roi and all the other elves were his hair and eyes. All elves had green hair and eyes. It was only in rare instances that you'd find an elf that was different from the norm in this aspect.

His hair was black and his eyes were also pure black ( No, not brown! Black!). It was due to this characteristic that he was an oddball in the eyes of others.

"Man, you must be living in a box. Why else would you not pay heed to the arrival of such a pretty girl." Roi shockingly replied.

"So what have you been doing?" Roi asked.

"Oh, just the usual Roi. I've been trying to find some different ways to release my mana." Kale sadly replied.

Roi noticing the atmosphere becoming gloomy tried to cheer Kale up.

"It's okay man, at least you're the strongest in a fist fight. No one can compete against you in a one on one brawl." Roi said excitedly.

"Yeah, I admit that my body is strong, but compared to your ability to use magic, it's not much. In a war, you'd be able to kill hundreds, if not thousands! While I on the other hand have to run around like an idiot to kill just one guy." Kale remarked.

"Don't say that, warriors are just as good as mages. Although mages are really good at large scale attacks, they are not as good as warriors in close combat." Roi quoted what he learned from one of the teachers.



"Whatever you say Roi. Can we go see this new girl you've been telling me about?" Kale asked.

"Oh, now you're talking my language my man. She should be eating lunch about now. Let's go!" Roi said excitedly.

As the two ran towards the cafeteria, they made sure to bow towards their teachers in respect. Wherever you went, the common populace in Vahsil all venerated their teachers and masters to the utmost of their abilities. This gave sense to the idea that the strong were the ones standing at the top of society, not rich businessman.

As the two arrived at the cafeteria, they could see that there were a lot of people staring at the new girl. She was beautiful. Plain and simple. Her lustrous flowing green hair and blue eyes were simply captivating. She seemed so delicate with a figure of only around 4'2.

As Kale stood staring wide-eyed at the gem in front of him, Roi was chuckling to himself. "I told you she was pretty. A beauty huh? You don't find elves with blue eyes often. Heard her dad was a human."

As Kale did not respond, Roi tugged and pulled Kale to get their afternoon lunch.

"Huh? Oh yes, let's get some food." Kale finally responded.

After they got their food and were sitting at a table not too far from the girl named Sarah, Kale asked his friend why she decided to go to a town such as Renuit.

"Well...how to say this...some nobleman tried to force her parents in arranging a wedding between their son and Sarah. Of course the parents refused and so they decided to move to a town far from the capital." Roi replied

"Makes sense..." Kale nodded.

"Also, she's a really good mage man. Even better than our school's prodigy." Roi announced.

Hearing that, Kale was shocked. Who was Drek? He was a young teen at the age of just 13 but was already capable of rivaling the average adult mages in the town of Renuit. For Sarah to be even better than Drek meant that she was better than most adult mages.


Kale stared at the petite girl in front of his eyes. Looks can be very deceiving. If an adult elf were to pick on the young girl, she'd surely give a "pleasant" surprise. Kale made sure to engrave this in his head that you can't judge someone by their cover because if you did, it may just be your downfall.

"Hey look, here comes Drek." Roi exclaimed expectantly.

Drek was probably the most handsome elf in their age group. Not to mention, the most powerful...well...at least before Sarah arrived.

"Sarah, want to hang out with me after school today?" Drek asked politely.

"Sorry, but I just moved here and have lots of errands to tend to." Sarah politely refused.

Drek looking very disappointed nodded and left.

"Haha...Even our prodigy isn't able to swoon her." Roi exclaimed happily as he was very amused at what he just saw.

"Yeah..." Kale said dreamily. For Kale, this was the first time that he'd ever felt his heart beat so fast. This truly was his first love.

"Let's get back to class before Calion scold us again. Especially when today's the monthly school wide sparring day. He's always bugging us to train harder even when we train the hardest. That Calion...one day I'll beat him senseless and say train harder. See how he likes it."

Hearing that, Kale couldn't help but chuckle. Calion was a persistent teacher that loved to push the kids to their limits. Out of their twenty teachers, Calion was one where you'd have to watch out for or you'd be greeted with blood, sweat, and tears.

"Yeah, let's get back before Calion weed us out from the rest. That wouldn't be fun." Kale said with fright.

As the two were leaving the cafeteria in a hurry, they accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Kale cried out.

As he turned around to see who he bumped into, the world suddenly froze in time. It was Sarah! Kale immediately panicked in his mind as he thought of a million ways to get out of this situation.

"I'm okay, just watch where you're going next time." Sarah remarked.

"W-w-will d-do!" Kale stuttered shyly.

Kale's face truly was just like a tomato.

"You're really peculiar. I've never seen an elf with black hair and eyes before. So is one of your parents also not an elf?" Sarah questioned.

She really was curious, for this was the first time she's seen an elf that was so abnormal in appearance (aside from herself of course).

"W-well...no...my parents are both elves. I was just born this way." Kale replied honestly.

Sarah was immediately taken back. As here she thought that she'd meet an another abnormal elf like her, but it wasn't the case as here stood someone even more abnormal than her.

"Well, I'll be going now. I have to get back to class before I get scolded. Maybe we'll talk next time?" Kale nervously cried.

"Okay, talk to you later." Sarah disappointingly replied.

As Kale rushed outside to catch up with Roi, he couldn't believe his luck.

She said "Talk to you later." This was what went wild in his head as he made his way to class.

AN: Well my series may start slow but that's how I personally like it. As for the prologue, the elderly man will be introduced later in the story. Hope you enjoy!

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