《The Celestial Kingdom》Back From the Past


Only a few moments had passed since Àskériàn had dissapeared into the star crystal. Ace, Renfred, Storm and Zoe were in shock, still unsure of how to free him.

"This thing was not supposed to suck up material things!" Zoe shouted in frustration.

"Now calm down, there's probably a logical explanation and a way to fix it."Renfred soothed.

"But Àskériàn just!" Zoe protested as she paced the area between two quartz collumns. One held the bowl of flames and the other now dawned a scarlet pillow made of velvet and its center rested the star crystal.

"I SAID CALM DOWN!" Renfred shouted back.

"GUYS!" Ace interupted them. "Look!" Drawing their attention he motioned to the crystal.

Zoe froze from her pacing and turned to glare at the object that she had created. Renfred snapped their cloaked head in it's direction.

It was glowing again. A bright light erupted from the crystal, casting a white gleam over the red material of the plush beneath it. A moment later, Àskériàn materialised infront of the collumn.

Tears welled in Zoe's eyes. "Oh my stars! You're alive! Thats soooo good." She sobbed.

"Àskériàn," Renfred inquired, "what happened? Did you see anything?"

He gave the cloaked figure an empathetic look. "I saw... everything."

"I see." Renfred said confirming their suspicions.

Àskériàn gave the knight a curious look, "Tell me, does she remember any of this, since you sealed these memories away?"

"Smart boy." Renfred said as the knight ticked their cloaked head with a finger.

" It's hard to tell." Renfred continued as they moved closer to the column holding the star crystal in place. "We were originally going to have you look after the stone until we learned if she did remember or not. We do not even know how many memories we stored or what they may be."


Renfred glanced over at the now calmed Zoe. "Now I'm not so sure the stone is safe for you. I think it reacted to the dragon blood in your veins. It's not supposed to absorb solid things."

"I'll keep assisting you." Àskériàn declared, his motives were driven by curiosity.

Renfred nodded. "Ace would you go fetch me a glass box from Chancellor Varier please?"

Black smoke shimmered around Ace and the boy shifted into his wolf form, taking up a good portion of the space around him, barely managing to sidestep the columns that held various items, which he avoided knocking over with his tail.

"Awoooo." He howled as lowly as he could. He darted out of the room through the double doors and vanished into the shadows of the corridor.

"Since you're still interested in helping, there is a way to make the stone safe, just be careful not to touch it with your bare hands again. It may seal your own memories or worse, your soul." Renfred warned him.

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