《The Celestial Kingdom》Fate Sealed


Àskériàn watched as the two orbs of pink and teal revolved around the island, the pink one casting a smaller amount of light than other. Had he not been to the realm he might have missed the sudden shift in time. Then finally the Celestial sun stood still against the star speckled void of endless violet.

Jae The Strong, stood near the fountain in the courtyard. Sark The Wise approached him.

"Are you ready?" Sark said holding out a blue orb. The color was brighter than the robe he wore.

Jae looked at him with hopeful obsidian eyes. "And this will get us back home?" He asked. The young wizard nodded in response.

"Are we really going to do this?" Mikra The Kind asked as he walked towards them beneath the stone arch that marked the entrance to the courtyard. The stairwell descended below along with the small canals of water.

"We do if we want to go home." Ellie replied. "But what about Ardent?" She questioned as she joined them.

"What about her?" Jae snapped harshly, causing Sark to flinch and a glare from Ellie, while Mikra gave an eyeroll.

Àskériàn began to wonder what the guy's issue was. He was watching the memory from atop the parapets that connected with the archway with his arms folded over his chest. It was apparent that he was invisible to the people below.

"She says she can't leave this place, wherever we are." Ellie explained.

The sound of footsteps in the distance caught their attention, along with Àskériàn's.

Ardent stood in the doorway of the castle entrance with a somber look on her face. "Please don't go." She pleaded.

"We have to!" Jae bit back. "There is an entire village back there. I'm not going to sit here and wonder if they escaped Etah. I'm going to go find our friends." He said angrily.


"You don't understand." She said to her husband. "I can no longer live in that world. I broke the Law of God. I was told not to show my true self, or the world of Gaia would become toxic to my body. The magic protecting it would disappear. And I went and did it anyway. Even if they were to come back, I can't live there." She threw her arms up as if to gesture her defeat.

The king pulled the girl into his arms. "We will find a way, somehow."

Without warning, a flash of lavender light erupted around Jae, Sark, Mikra and Ellie and then, they were gone, leaving a disgruntled Ardent and Alexander behind in the realm.

The stars above shined dimly that day. The Celestial sun began to make its way down the side of the floating Island they were on. King Alexander wore a concerned expression on his bearded face.

Finally, Àskériàn began to understand the weight of Ardent's burdens. She wasn't supposed to use those wishes. And she had one left.

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