《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 6: Elis ( Troubling Thoughts )


Four days passed since the chaotic night of the bonfire as even other town regions and city had been under attack of the criminals. People still mourned for the lost of their friends and loved ones, the streets are under patrol of the militia andt still have the local guards who'd stayed loyal and not sided with the criminals, repairs of broken property damaged were still going on, the criminals who weren't shot to be executed were taken for interrogation.

The atmosphere of the town region was quiet, mourning, yet progression of forgetting the event was slow and still the affect of event still marked the people's mind, It'll be scar not easily forgotten. Elis wore black leggings, a white shirt and brown vest, good black boats had roamed the town region looking at the aftermath of the Bonfire event for himself, My pity for the people, Elis continued to walk down the streets. Even after four days has passed the people still felt fear and confusion, Elis had seen people on sides of the streets looking terrible; their clothes worn out and seemed haven't been cleaned for days, their faces unwashed looks as they haven't taken a bath as they still sat faces stared blankly straight as if nothing bothered them.

That wasn't even the part that struck Elis the most, during his survey he'd seen children about the looks of seven to ten years, wearing worn out tattered clothing coming out of a general store with the items they carried away as they exited through the backdoor of the store at the alleyway, he'd seen more of the children as he'd survey near the crowded areas mostly inns, taverns, and even post guard station; giving them food or money by people near them or passing by. or often times he'd seen them running around, Poor little children either their parents are gone by the attack or have to beg or steal to survive, The aftermath of the event had indeed taken a heavy toll on the people.

Elis continued his survey making his way to the town center where the bonfire stacks still there with the woods burnt into ashes as now it looked like a huge campfire with ashes in the center surround by stone, the people still haven’t cleared it due to the repairs and mourns of the attack, It was going all so well.. what could have driven those men to attack? They're clearly out class and out numbered so why?. That was thought bothered him ever since the end of the attack. He was relieved and more so his family had made out of the chaos safely out the attack and quickly made his way to the nearby town region which was strongly packed with militia guards.

Elis was shocked as everyone else when the shots were fired, the crowds were in a riot as he'd been with Paco and their companions at the inn when the chaos started as when they exited the inn to see the attack Elis himself then left with Jindagee, Nicholine a friend at school, a short fellow wore a nice coat of grey, glasses, summer skin, short black hair yet getting to get long, a simple person. Catherin another friend at school, light brown skin, long shaky black hair, wore a black dress, a rather strange lady unlike the others who'd had a wild personality.


They'd left at the moment the chaos began as they were fleeing they'd separated from Thomas, Rowlan and Paco when the chaos started, Nicholine suggested of going back to get them but Jindagee said that they'll know the way to a safe location. When they reached the next town region where the civilians are safe they stayed there all night till dawn when the attack ended. His family very much relieved that he'd not taken a gunshot or a cut at the event. The day after the event Elis decided on looking at the aftermath of things though his parents forbid him not to go unless he brought his older brother; Janiah Frank but Elis preferred to call him Jan.

Both brothers went out the day after the event roaming around the town region to see mourns of sorrows of people crying, dead bodies still being carried off, more so than that the people were still in somewhat of riot due to some being in the streets crying out of despair of their lost friends or loved ones, Since then the people still mourned, weeks or months they'll start to feel better but never forget the horror till it's only a page on a history book.

Elis still roamed the town region had now to be in the Post station of the this town region, The large station building was made out of stone, the entrance door made out of wood had a carved prowling cat into the center, the height of feet was as tall as any of the buildings in the town region though it's width had taken more space for the different rooms located inside added with the cells.

The Local guards who didn't turn over still posted outside though a militia guards still outnumber them and always a militia guard would be a place where a local guard would be to make sure they weren't faking and not a turn over. He heard some faint noises inside of a man screaming from inside, though Elis had no reason to go in so he was off again till he heard someone shouted his name. Elis turned around to find Jindagee wearing his out going clothes; brown leggings, light dark blue shirt, and black coat, "Finally found you" Jindagee said in exhaustion.

"Surprised to see you here" Elis greeted Jin

"Your brother is calling for a family meeting" Jindagee said in exhaustion.

"Alright, I'll be off then, you won't coming along to my place won't you"

"I'm invited to your home, Elis. Come let's not keep your family waiting"

"Wait why are you invited ?" Elis replied in curiosity.

"Your family will tell you when you get there" Jindagee ended with him and Elis walking to Elis' home.

"You've seen the things right. The aftermath of the night, the detailed part too" Jin remarked as they continued to walk.

"I did, suffice to say It's horrible plain as that" Elis replied in sorrow as he momentarily looked at the mourned people, broken property and others of the result of the attack.


"The screams from the post station?" Jin questioned

"Interrogation" Elis replied.

"Yes likely, finding out why'd they'd attack, most of them, or not all of them are saying they don't know who hired them but their leader; the chief crook they've sold him as soon as they entered the post station" Jin remarked.

"How did you make that theory" Elis said in shock.

"Overheard it"

"How did you hear it? inside the post station, because it's not likely hearing from the outside"

"Why not both inside and outside" Jin replied sarcastically with a grin, Elis ignored that answer. They finally made their way to the Frank residence as their was a brick wall with an iron gate behind that the building made out of stone which was slightly taller than the regular buildings in the town regions but just not as wide as the post stations, a garden at the back side, fine wooden door, and just in front of it is his Grand mother's house which was similar design but was larger and the garden even had a tree growing there.

Elis gave the iron gate a shake then call which his brother came and unlocked it. Janiah Frank the eldest in their family, taller than Elis, fine black hair, wore light brown breeches, fine velvet shirt, He's now working in the trading works with his other family members. "We're waiting for you for hours come on everybody is inside" Jan said. The inside of the house was fairly large but not to large to be mansion, they found Elis and Jan's father, mother, aunt, and little sister waiting on them by the center room. Elis' father Edman Frank was in his forty years, wore black breeches, fine white shirt, Edman Frank manages the income of the trade of their family. Their mother Eliza Frank was also in her forties wore a fine blue dress, she keeps an eye on the youngest member Rachel Frank, the youngest of the siblings, The energetic sibling. and there was their Aunt Susan Frank same age of his parents, she was the person the family name school but also had owned several general stores in the city, she wore a violet fine dress which matches her personality of kind but somewhat fearing when angered.They all sat in quiet for moment till Elis, Jan and Jin entered the room.

"Your finally here, where have been?" Edman began

"Just roaming the town regions, checking on the aftermath" Elis replied

"You ought to be careful out there, there's still danger even if the attack is over" Eliza reminded Elis.

"Well, what's the occasion for a meeting" Elis questioned as he was curious on the situation at hand. Jin gave a stare at Jan then his aunt gave a nod to his father, His father rose up then began

"We considered on moving away a bit from the city and town region" That sentence alone gave Elis a shock.

"Why" Elis replied wanting to know the reason.

"The city is mess, the town regions are even more a mess so we talked it over to move just for a while maybe a year" Eliza said

"What if there's another attack to come in the future" Jan added

"Then where do we go?" Elis questioned wanting to know more.

"Union's Rising" his Aunt Susan said "It'll be safe in one part of the main capital city, it's a quite place I knew, way back you could live there for while then come back for about a month or year so, besides I have people there that still supply us for some money" his aunt added.

"It'll be safer, than here added that I think Sir that you considered on bringing some of Elis' friends along" Jin added

"Yes, when the plan of moving to the city was made out, I thought of your friends and also your brother's friends though they are already in the city, so you can invite them to stay there because of the trauma of the attack"

"Hugh, so who from my companions are coming" Elis said

"Paco and his younger brother for one thing since their parents are all so kind to us, Tricia his friend and Tricia's other friend, Jindagee because it would be nice and your close companions, there's still room for more but not too much"

Elis thought of the matter clearly, the plan on going to the capital city of the country was every shocking leaving his school and normal outgoings, At least it would nice to escape the aftermath. Elis decided it would be best and the another reason he couldn't do anything about it.

"I could bring Rowlan, Nicholine or Catherin" Elis replied

"What about Thomas" Jin said.

"I'll see if he can come"

"Then it's settled, we leave next week" Elis' aunt said. The rest of conversation was about the locations and what to do in Union's Rising, when they're done talking about it Jin and his aunt left. After hours it was night time, the Frank family had dinner then went off to sleep, Elis was on his room thinking on trip there, It'll be nice, just stay away from the horrors that happened. Elis thought of trip what might happen maybe even a fun time and new experience when they got there, It'll be wonderful. Though the horrors that happened still plagued his mind till he slept.

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