《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 5: Rowlan ( Silent things in the fire )


The fighting still goes but for the most part the militia has pushed against the unknown attackers quite well. Rowlan still with Paco and Thomas as they kept on moving from the streets and alleyways, Not what I expected for the evening. Bodies lay on the ground with wounds most commonly from being stab wounds or gun shots from the leg to the head. The attackers and militia still continuing their battle as more and more militia came in pushing the unknown attackers causing them to retreat, Still there maybe some attackers lurking about, the weapons of the dead still there on the ground so better safe than sorry.

Rowlan now suggested to take the weapons as a form of protection in any instance they're going to be attack, they agreed on it instantly as they stopped in an alleyway looking for bodies to switch hopefully the weapons they once had are still there with them Thomas had taken two flintlocks and a knife from from one of the attackers laying dead on the ground, Rowlan had taken a cutlass and flintlock from a militia officer sitting by the wall of a house that seems he bleed to death, and Paco took a musket with a strap on it and a bayonet on its tip from a one the dead guard who appeared to have taken heavy amount of gunshots with other guards laying dead with him,Prep and ready for anything unless there was a group ambush.

They continuously moving, stopping and hiding nearby if they hear somebody passing by, be it a militia officer with his group or a civilian they wouldn't take the chance. Thomas had suggested they should go with the militia that surely they'll tell us to go to the post guard or a fort "Then we shouldn't have hide whenever we hear footsteps" Paco replied, "Alright, Alright next time we hear footsteps when we're trying to stay alive we'll hide first but take a peak if they're militia or the attackers" Rowlan said, It's better to silence them now because of the circumstance were in.

As they moved from the streets to alleyways they across a particular street noticing what occurred; A group of militia guard men down. Thomas took his time to examine the corpses with Paco for the look on militia men or the attackers. "Gun shots everywhere in their chest" Thomas remarked.

"Stab wounds too" Rowlan added as he pointed to some of men having a wounds that either from a cutlass or a bayonet from a musket.

"They were taken out by surprise" Thomas said.

"Very likely"

"Are they fresh or not?" Paco added.

"From the wounds, it appears that it was only done a few minutes ago, probably when the militia reinforcements started to pour in this group was unlucky to get ahead" Rowlan remarked.

"How did you make that conclusion?" Thomas asked.

"Rowlan can tell us when we reach a place that's not out in the open" Paco said. They left the area and went again into the alleyways finding a safe place. We're making good distance, the night... still hours. not even close to dawn. If we ever managed to survive the night without mortally wounding ourselves it'll be a blessing. For the situation now militia reinforcements have shortly arrived yet not even once we have seen some, not even guarding a street for some strategic tactics.


Passing through the empty alleyways they stopped to take a rest, the whole area and might even the town region and other towns are quiet, not even once as they moved ever meeting a militia guard just hearing the noise of the chaos of the attack. They went off again deeper into the alleyway path, they continued till they heard voices coming from a path to the left. they hid themselves over a wooden fence to the right waiting if they would pass by their sight to see if they're Militia or one of the attackers.

The footsteps were getting nearer seeing shadows of the bodies from a torch, it was a group of fine well dressed gentlemen with some of them carrying muskets, flintlocks and cutlasses. They stop at the middle of the cross paths of alleyways and one of them began to speak "The plan is shit, most of our forces got' out flank and powered"

"Militia troops are adding by now" added another.

"We best retreat with the others" one suggested

"Bugger that I'd say we leave the town region and the city while everything is still in chaos and confusion" remarked another. They continued to baffle on about what do till they decided to leave. After the unknown attackers shortly left Thomas, Rowlan and Paco quietly continued to sneak about not to draw the shortly left group's attention.

After a minutes worth of travelling distance they stopped to take a rest they heard voices again "Please it better be militia or civilians" Paco silently mumbled. They trailed the path were the voices were coming from only to a large group of the attackers, they were gathered into a crowd as they rambled on "Now come on, we should leave the city before we get shot down" said one and many others agreed on that then another spoke "Are you serious we struck a deal, I remind you that this deal was made from people from high above, probably high class people and you think they'd let you go with you knowing something" some of the men agreed on that too.

"I'm sure they let us go after all this plan failed"

"You'd think they'd people walk out of a plan that involved attacking the militia and not think that some of us might even spill some

information to them",

This is getting now where, they just arguing whether they should leave stay quiet for a good while then some of them get caught and spill out information or stay loyal to their unknown high class leader, still being hired by a high class seems risky, making an attack on the militia of a city.

Momentarily they left listening to the attacker's baffling matter, until they heard steps coming along their way. They hid behind a brick wall in pathway to the right with a small metal gate but the unknown expectancy of the situation they made a noise in doing so, "Did you hear that" someone said as the person footsteps were inching towards the place where they were hiding. "Come out, lest you want a bullets through your head and chest" the person was now closely approaching the brick wall "Come on out, now" the person said as a sound of sword's tip scratching a wooden wall.


Paco suddenly rush to the direction of the voice with Thomas following instantly then Rowlan did after a short moment. Paco had driven the bayonet through the attacker in the stomach pushing him to the ground, the attacker gave a loud scream in pain causing then a nearby attacker to appear but Thomas had shot him in the throat without a moment's hesitation, Then they ran.

They left the bodies and ran with the sound of the attackers at their trail, as they tried to loose them in switching paths in the alleyways but only to spotted an narrowly escaping gun shots fired, they were now running straight into a path when a scout with no weapons appeared in front of them and shouted out their location Rowlan had shoot him in the leg putting him the ground screaming shouting curses at them, Soon enough the rest of his group appeared then resume to chase them.

They decided to pass across the streets and unto another alleyway but still the attackers on them, as they went unto another alleyway they managed to loose them but still hearing their voices from a far. They sneak out quietly but soon to see they were guarding the paths.

They found a back door to a building, the knob of the door looked rusted with that Paco pried the door with the tip of his musket, Fortunately the back door open and they entered closing door the behind them. They looked around to found a kitchen further exploring the inside it appears to be a tavern with tables, chairs and barrels of wine and beer.

"It's better that we should go the upper floors it'll safer, all we need to do is stay quiet" whispered Thomas. They went upstairs to find the tavern owner's room, they sat there silently leaning against the wall with their faces blank and relief, for a few moments there silence.

"You were saying on how'd you make the conclusion on how the guards were only recently been killed?" Thomas asked

"Just like you said they're taken out by surprise but consider this; the additional forces brought only an hour later, this group we found was from an earlier group fighting the attackers when the chaos erupted, also there was blood swaying in the direction of the alleyways. by the looks of it they were supposed to regroup with the reinforcements"

"How long till dawn?" Paco asked.

"About hours" Thomas replied.

"Damm" Paco said

"The attackers will leave the area, they probably think we managed to escape them" Rowlan said.

"We should stay here till dawn comes up"

"That'll be long time" Thomas said as he tried to listen to see if the attackers are near.

"Then two should sleep one stays up to warn" Paco said

"Sounds good, who takes the first watch?" Rowlan asked.

"I will, you two sleep I'll wake you if the attackers are there or if dawn comes or I get too tired" Thomas said as he taken the watch. At least it's safe now, still the attackers were talking about them being hired by a high class person. Certainly the militia would take one as captive and interrogate the poor person. Rowlan had worked for the library since the last two years having two brothers who had jobs of their own.

He had meet Thomas when he was required by his brother to join the discipline training on being a soldier, they become friends at separate groups at the training developing a soldier bond though the most part they talk about the past about the training was Rowlan having a mistake that forced the groups to a lot of work because of him.

He met Paco on a different terms, Rowlan had treated Paco badly on the first time they meet but grown to become friends, They said that a person who treats you nice is your worse enemy well if a person who treats you badly as ever on the first time they meet will be your best companion and friend that's my case. The three of them grown to become like brothers, Rowlan remarked that Paco was the Strong-willed Fighter Person, He was the Collective Mage Person, and Thomas was the Courageous Knight Person, It's true to their each personality.

Thomas had awaken him and Paco up to see that dawn was already up. "You kept your watch for the entire night, impressive" Rowlan thanked Thomas. "Would you blokes be mad if I did slept also" Thomas said. "Then we're lucky that the attackers didn't find us" Paco remarked as they down and exited the tavern. The people had returned with militia patrols and local guards ( The ones who didn't fight with the attackers ) with them.

The chaos of the attack was over though the three wondered who ordered the attack and the Thomas and Paco killed and the person Rowlan crippled during the night of chaos as they went home to see if their families were alright.

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