《The Hushed Weald》Dragon of the East


Three weeks passed, the group of pirates took Kojirou to China and left as this was the turf of some unpleasant acquaintances of Sykes.

He covered himself with a long coat to hide his unsightly appearance and wore a takuhatsugasa. This way even if he looked strange compared to most travelers the people would see him just like that, a traveler.

Kojirou knew a group of Manchus which helped him come into the country without many problems. After Huangtaiji proclaimed himself the emperor of the Qing dynasty his friends suddenly had much more influence, yet that only extended to the normal world.

This was a rather turbulent era in China with the new dynasty just proclaimed and their war effort to conquer the Ming people everywhere felt uneasy and strange especially towards travelers. Mercenaries, thieves and pirates were a common sight during these times with many other preparations made as well, for the invasion of Joseon Korea.

“These are, indeed turbulent times…”

“Is there a problem?”

“Just talking to myself.”

Kojirou was in the company of a few individuals who were leading him to Beijing. They were on horseback on a muddy road. The winter was still far, yet all he could think of was snow, a field full of snow where he could rest.

“We will take a break.”

“Hmmm… Do as you wish.”

They made a small campfire and unpacked some provisions.

“We will arrive in Beijing in a few days. Everything was prepared, all the information should be there. If you encounter any sort of problems don’t hesitate to inform us.”


One of the people traveling with them was new and did not know about Kojirou’s identity. He knew the man was a trouble solver, some sort of mercenary for odd or near to impossible jobs.

He took a glance and saw the skull under the hat.

“W-W-W-What is that?!”

“Calm down kid. He is new so don’t mind him.”

“Is that so…?”

The man crawled behind his senior’s back.

“Boy, don’t be scared. I am not here to kill any of you, stay focused for you never know when bandits might attack. Especially during times like this…”


“Good, now if you are all finished eating your food let’s keep going. Also, I know not everyone is born with nerves of steel, but you better get yourself on your feet or you won’t live long.”

And thus a few days passed and the group arrived in Beijing. The sky was filled with clouds, yet there were no signs of a storm coming.

Kojirou walked the crowded streets and looked for a place to eat. Of course, he didn’t need the food itself, but the place was where he would meet with someone which could prove difficult, but at the same time useful.

He walked around until night came, only one place was still open and he went in. He sat at a table and glanced around. Pirates, the followers of Wang Zhi, once known as a pirate king, now a mere myth for most of the people. The ones which surrounded him were those who wished to continue his legacy.

From all the men, one girl came to him. Her name was Jiao Qing. She had long wavy hair which was black, yet you could see in all that darkness a deep nuance of blue. Her eyes were as deep as the sea and her skin looked flawless.


“What is a fine man such as yourself doing here?”

Kojirou didn’t even look at the girl. He sat there in deep thought, then he pointed his hand towards the seat in front of him.

The girl understood the gesture and took the seat.

“I don’t believe we met.”

“Hehe, no we did not. My name is Jiao Qing, everyone calls me Jiao. Who might you be mister…?”

“There is no need for you to know. I am here in search of a dangerous man called Longwei.”

“Is that so…”

The pirates slowly got closer to the two of them. They were on guard as everyone felt that man was dangerous, yet little did they know he was not even human.

“Mhm… This man, he seeks a power which will bring unbalance. I’m sure you might know something.”

They got even closer. Trying to be ready in case he did anything strange.

“If you plan to ambush me at least try to make it less obvious.”

“So, you noticed them.”

“Jiao, I am no fool and I am not weak either. Listen here kids, I have a story for you.”

“Kids… It’s been quite some time since someone called any of us kids. What is this story grandpa?”

“It is the story of a man who lost everything, betrayed everyone and gained nothing his entire damn life. I would say that it’s very unwise to challenge such a person especially since he has nothing to lose, he might even be willing to share some secrets. I am sure some pirates like yourselves would be interested.”

“Alright men, stand down and let’s see what he has to say first.”

“Ahaha, of course, pirates and treasures. Fine, fine listen to me… When the fine hands of the creator shaped the world and gave it life, he bestowed upon it a guardian with a will of his own. He was given the power to end the world whenever he wished. He had power beyond anybody’s imagination, but that was also a test for the guardian… It was a test to see if he would ever do such a thing. Eventually he passed away without ever using it… Would you know why is that?”

“Surprise us oh knowledgeable one… Ahem, continue.”

“His son killed him and stole his powers. Just like his father his son was betrayed by a miserable man. Deep in the heart of the mountains it’s said to be a giant sword and inside it you can see golden flames still burning. Do you want to know where that sword is?”

“The question is how would you know?”

“Hah, because I am a miserable man, you are free to believe whatever you want, but that fact will not… change… ever.”

“Let’s say we believe your nonsense, where would these mountains be?”

“In the Tsardom of Russia. Deep within the mountains of Ural, there is a hidden cave. Through that cave, you can go deep down to the bottom of the abyss, once you reached the bottom you can see a tomb. Two giant gates with inscriptions in the language of old. If you can open that gate, there you can find the sword.”

“Why didn’t you take it if you already know all of this? Also, what makes you think I would sail my men so far only for a sword?”

“A sword and mounds of gold.”


“Now that is more like it. Listen, you gave us the information for free so I expect there is a catch am I wrong? We could also kill you right here and go there.”

“Indeed, there is a catch. You can keep the gold, for all I care you can take the sword as well, but the path is dangerous. I suppose you want to know the dangers that await you as well, do you not?”

“I expected as much… So, what would we find in that place?”

“Blood sucking vermin and many undead monsters. They are not your average undead so don’t be fooled.”

“Yeah, yeah, we got it you are awesome and strong and knowledgeable… Whatever, say boys are we going to that place?”

The pirates looked at each other, they discussed the situation for a moment and came quickly with a decision.

“If I may Jiao… I think is not worth it. All the gold in the world, but if such a place truly exists, we will probably die. I know a pirate lives for the loot, but we are simply not strong enough.”

“That is true, but with all that gold we could live the life we all wanted to.”

“I know captain, but do we risk everything or we play it safe? We know you are taking care of the orphans around, we don’t mind, but I don’t think you could abandon them. I doubt there is any among us willing to go and lose their life just to get some damned money, let’s be real, we are pirates just in name.”

“We had dangerous jobs before! We were able to came out unscathed. I won’t press any of you further, but I want to be sure nobody regrets this missed opportunity.”

“I really doubt we want to meet undead and blood sucking vermin am I right boys?”

Everyone agreed with the one who spoke.

“Ok gramps we won’t… Where did he go?”

Kojirou disappeared after he understood they were unwilling to cooperate. It was quite an unpleasant situation for him as well, for as strong as he might have been, the tomb was nearly impossible to clean alone. Although it was not for nothing, as he spread the information so treasure hunters, pirates or bandits will know such a place exists.

“Ahaha, it seems I did not fail my task entirely. Time to be on my way towards these sacred mountains.”

Through the night he walked alone, a blue flame moving around jumping from tree tops to tree tops, from buildings to buildings. One could mistake it for a misguided spirit. Thus, in just two days he reached Tài Shān, the east mountain.

As Kojirou reached at its base, he looked around. It was a beautiful path, the scenery and the lack of people made him feel comfortable.

“If only I could walk like this for eternity.”

He walked slowly towards the mountain top and as he arrived, he saw the world before him. At the top he saw everything below, the vastness of the world. All his life, he simply followed others or their wishes, all he had in his mind were thoughts of revenge. Kojirou never stood for one moment anywhere to just contemplate what is his true purpose or what he truly wants.

Indeed, he made a promise, but would his friend truly wish to put all the weight and responsibility on his shoulders. He never thought about it. For the first time he felt free.

“I’m sorry Tarex, it seems I might never fulfil that promise in its entirety. This time, just this time I will do it and… I will retire, the new generation will have problems just like we did. Isn’t that right? Making excuses for myself… I am tired friend… I’m so tired.”

From behind him a man came. He looked at Kojirou, standing on the ledge overlooking the land. He saw a man in deep thought and so he stood behind. The man waited for him to turn around, yet that moment felt like it would never come.

“Greetings, may I know who might you be?”

“It matters not who I am, tell me… Why do you want power?”


“I know your name is Longwei, some sort of cultivator, a person who want to attain great power, but tell me why do you want it?”

“I believe everyone wants power, but not everyone is ready for it. To reach the status of god is what many mortals want, it is a dream I have as well.”

Kojirou started laughing hysterically.

“Excuse me, but what do you know about god? Were you there when he made this very land where you stay, were you there when he created everyone and gave them their free will? Were you there when we betrayed him?”

“It seems there is more to your story than I thought at first…”

“Nay, I wasn’t there so don’t look so concerned, it was but a simple question. Longwei, as this is my last time before I retire, the power you seek, the power you have will upset the very balance of the world. You look like a gentle person, so I am giving you this chance, stop right now or face the wrath of the Blood Hound Kojirou!”

“You don’t really give me much of a choice, yet I can’t feel any power from you, are you sure one like you could best me?”

“Please make your choice, if I die here… I am more than happy, release my shackle for I have suffered just like him, I began to understand the pain and it is not pleasant.”

“For one such as me, seeking greater power is everything and so I am unable to accept this proposal. I believe I understand you more or less. A person such as yourself reminds me of the Abatina flower, fickle… Why is that?”

“Fickle? Now that is a first, hehehEHEHEHE… It really seems that we must return to the earth. At least my generation, they are wandering restless in the underground tombs across the land. Am… t-tired? Yes… Just let me, rest my eyes…”

Longwei looked at him, he tried to put his hand on Kojirou’s shoulder. At that moment, he saw him collapse. On the ground, a skeleton dressed like a samurai and his flames faded. Even if they still burned mere moments ago, Longwei knew, his spark disappeared long ago.

“It seems, you just went and died, you left me with all your burdens on my head. I don't even know your name… Sigh, alright let me try to fulfil your promise, this might be quite a fun journey. Maintining balance, hoho.”

And so… the legend of Longwei, the Dragon of the East began.

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