《The Hushed Weald》Insanity


Oh, how one could fall. To come down from that high spot he was put on. You were born for greatness. HA, don't make me laugh. Your destiny does not exist, you are but a tool, for my entertainment. The moment you felt warmth, when you thought everything is perfect, that nothing can change... I took everything you ever loved. It seems like a cliche to me, I took something dear to you... For revenge? To fulfill my dumb ambition? For some forsaken knowledge?

I did it, because I could... Hehe, you see insanity is born from the depths of darkness, I am but a simple servant of the black void you call hell. Losing your loved ones, losing those you hold MOST dear, breaking your mind... Making you feel no remorse in killing the weak... It brings me joy. I hate you so much, for I know this fun won't last forever. Oh how you brought war upon these mortal fools. Breaking their bones, ripping their flesh, becoming a demon even more so than me.

It is just so much fun to watch my little monster grow... Yet again, I know it won't last, but just for this long... Suffer MORE, betray and be betrayed, KILL AND PLUNDER, rip and tear until there is nothing left... I got no power over you, I simply broke your mind, corrupted your soul...

No... That is the reason I am here... That soul...

In truth, being simply my pawn, not being able of truly understanding what you do... A pure soul, untainted, uncorrupted... It will change, in time.

As for those you managed to save, some damsels in distress, they will find their own doom.

Sooner or later, I am prepared for everything... My immortal friend...

Show this world true and absolute CHAOS!

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