《The Hushed Weald》Lost Memories II



A dark sky, raindrops slowly falling upon the land. You could smell the fresh cent of the forest all over the city of Sillacet. Most of the citizens were staying inside, but Tarex kept training.

It was a square area surrounded by white pillars. The training ground where the sons of the king all used to practice.

Tarex kept swining an old sword again and again and again... Hopeless... Uncertain... He fell and started punching the ground.

Near him a hooded man was sharpening his blade. He glanced once at Tarex then back at his sword.

"Hehe... The earth did nothing to you kiddo. What's the rush? What's the problem? Hehe.."

"I don't know! I want to know!"

"Aha... You had a little talk with Vesper, I see, get up."

Tarex got back on his feet and went to the man.

"You look like a wet mutt. Listen here, you were told what to do. You've been given great responsibility for which you are not prepared. This is why I'm here."

"You are simply a servant. It doesn't mean you actually do care about us!"

"A while ago... That might have been true. Also I am not a simple servant you moron, I am your friend as well."

He punched Tarex in the chest gently and gave him a stern look.

"I'll make out of you a great leader. Even greater than Vesper is, I'll help you rise above and I'll be there for you."

Tarex felt that the man in front of him was more like a father than his actual one. It was strange, yet it made him feel much better.

"Alright get out there and do what I tell you."

Tarex listened closely to his friend. He put his all in one swing and... nothing happened.


He kept doing it until night came. Suddenly something he wasn't prepared for occured.

Tarex tried to strike again and from his hilt a flame surrounded the blade making it much bigger. Once he swung the blade the fire cut the pillars in front of him.

"So your affinity is for fire. That's really..."

He stopped and looked again. He could not believe it. The space itself was cut by his swing. It was like a slash in the reality.

He looked at Tarex and saw some nearly invisible wires coming from his fingers.

"Put the sword down and move your fingers slowly."

As he moved his fingers the hole got bigger. Tarex noticed as well thus with one hand he pointed down and with the other up and closed the hole.

"You might have the affinity of fire, but that... Speak with Vesper about this. I am not used with such... abilities."

"I will. Thanks for everything Renate."

After he left Renate went close to the sliced pillars.

"This... This is a problem."

♦ ♦ ♦

The castle of the Nephilims. Inside resided the royal family. Statues of knights watching over them in the throne room. The inside of the castle was made out of white marble. Black rugs in the hallways and most of the rooms. Red flags hanging around, on the flags it was their emblem, a sword pointing down.

Tarex went inside to look for his father. He got through the throne room up the stairs. He kept walking through the hallways and for a moment he nearly missed him. Tarex took a few steps back and saw Vesper on the balcony.

The giant covered in white armor plated with gold. His wings as bright as the sun. He could barely see his face. An old man with gray hair and a long beard. He was watching from up there over the entire city.


Tarex got closer to try and talk with him.


He did not flinch. Keeping his eyes on the city.

"Father can you listen to me?"

"Ah... Yes, I was lost in thought. What is it son?"

"There is this weird ability, Renate told me to come and talk with you."

He explained everything to Vesper. The ability and his worries as well. How he didn't feel prepared as well as many other concerns.

"Tarex, I was actually waiting for this to happen. The ability to weave reality, just like Letitia. I know you are afraid, I know this is much to ask of you right now. There will be a time when I am no more, your brothers or your sisters could have been chosen, but I wanted you."


"Because you are the kindest of them."

"How can you say that? Do you actually know any of my brothers or sisters? They are better than me in each and every aspect. They are better... just better..."

"Yet you will be the king. I know how much you love them. I know how much they love you, but this is your task. Rise and become as strong as me then keep getting stronger. Never be afraid of any man, monster or demon. I know you can become a better king than I ever was."

"Do you even understand what you are asking? How am I supposed to do any of that?"

Vesper turned and gave Tarex a helmet.

"This helmet... Letitia loved this one. She will no longer leave the city, thus she told me to give you this."

"Mother... Why...?"

"She gave you her helmet and I will give you my sword."

"Please don't do this."

"Everything will rest on your shoulders now... son."

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