《Phantom Path》Chapter 25: Interrogation
"Ah, you miserable lads!" Gunnar raises his hand, scaring the fourth of Osuv's group into using his arms as cover.
Packed with soldiers and the criminals they've caught, comes the rest that had escaped, cursing the soldiers in their cuffs as they are seated down with taunting words by their capturers who laugh in their victory over them.
"Good job! You younglings are very lively these days! I love it!" Gunnar laughs.
"Sir!" The soldier and his peers salute, Gunnar turning around to Osuv and the second in their cursing.
"Huh? Duties?!" The second question. "No, Osuv! You let the bastard talk you into betraying your friends, then he betrayed you and his men the same way, then even after that, you get treated like a little bitch by someone from our school!"
"Shut the hell up! Unlike you, I was no bitch! Damn it, all you do is complain and make noise in my head! You're not scary, you idiot, you're just crazy"
"W-Wouldn't him being crazy be scary?" The third asks.
"Shut up!!" They both scream at the third of their group.
"Hm, you boys best be quiet!" Gunnar bangs their head together, turning around to two other boys. "Ah yes, may I have your name, lads?"
"Oh, Carlan," The lizardman states.
"Reiss," The lizardman's friend also states, both saluting to the Vice Commander.
"At ease," Gunnar grins, shaking their hands. "Thank you for your service, adventurers. You will surely be rewarded for your bravery. Unfortunately, your schoolmates could not uphold the same morales as you boys do"
Rushing through the doors, a couple of adults, their eyes swerving around the room in their build-up of disbelief, to where they see the arrested boys on a bench, all of them wailing in the information they've been told on the phone before coming.
"Mom, Dad," The fourth call to his parents, his eyes averting in sensing their rising disappointment as they come to him, followed by the other parents.
"You-" The mother slaps him on the shoulder, panting in her stress awakening. "Is this what you've been up to?? Why would partake in these things?!"
"I-I'm sorry..." The fourth brings his head down, breaking into a sweat.
"Son, I..." The father goes, taking off his glasses as he rubs his forehead, disappointed in himself in where he went wrong with his son, as the third receives his own share of scoldings.
"Boy! What the hell is wrong with you?? Where did you even get these things??!" The dad of the second shakes his son, his mother bowing to the soldiers for forgiveness.
"Osuv..." The dwarven also hears a voice, his mother who stands in front of him, hissing as he turns around to not look at her.
"You terrible brat! Don't you see your mother talking to you?? Turn around and speak to her properly!" Gunnar commands him, grunting as the boy keeps his head still as his mother sighs with rubbing her shoulder, Gunnar placing a hand in comfort for her. "I am very sorry, madam. For now, we must ask that you don't worry too much. Would you like a drink? Soldiers! go get these lovely parents something to drink!"
"We'll get it," Carlan raises his hand, running along with Reiss to the vending machine.
"Heh...bunch of retards..." Osuv shakes his head.
"What was that??" Gunnar charges, Osuv turning around to him, stroking his beard to the eyes he meets.
"People like you act like their freaking heroes or something, while you do nothing but waste time," Osuv chuckles. "I said you're a bunch of retards!"
Osuv is slapped across the cheek by his mother who pants, apologizing to Gunnar for her son's behaviour, the vice commander telling her to not worry, as Carlan and Reiss have just come back to see what has happened, the second silently chuckling.
"And what are you laughing for?" Osuv turns to him, his eyes shaped in rage.
"What? You ready to look down on me and call me a retard too?"
"Stop it, both of you. I thought you boys were friends!" The second's dad states, his son chuckling once again to that last statement.
And Osuv jumps up, suddenly tackling the second, with the parents of the second and the other two pairs attempting to break them apart as others in the station watches, as soldiers also come along to help them, Osuv's mother dressing back as Gunnar enlarges his arms in spreading them apart, easing the conflict. Osuv screams in shaking his head rapidly, the second thinking he is actually the crazy one, as the dwarf curses them all out in trying to break free of the soldiers' grasp. And in his yelling, suddenly his body shifts to becoming heavy, shutting him up as he becomes slowed, caught in his blinking as everybody turns to who has cast this spell.
"It's disappointing that you would even decide to act like this in front of your mother as well," Victor comes, his book of magic floating in front of him as the boy is in the stasis of his spell. "Vice commander"
"Ah yes, good work," Gunnar tells him as Victor salutes. "What of them will you do?"
"I'd like to speak with them, one on one, sir," Victor tells him.
"Alright then. Don't scare them too much," Gunnar smiles.
Victor looks to all the boys, ordering the soldier to pick one up, the third who blows down in being first in line, also dropping Osuv with his book going back in its place, the dwarven's mother going off to the hallway.
"I'm sorry," The mother tells Gunnar who catches up to her. "I really don't know what to do. After his father died in an accident when he was young, he's been violent to others ever since"
And with Victor overhearing this, into the interrogation room, the third's heart begins to speed up, nervous as they seat him down beneath the dim light, with Victor sitting across with a file from his school, observing the boy's body language.
"Get him a bottle of water," Victor tells one of the soldiers, the soldier coming with one that the third quickly gulps. "Now, let's begin with this; I would like it if you could tell me how you obtained these connections in the first place?"
"Um..." The third pants.
"It is best you let it out all out"
"O-Our dealer, we met him when we were around Henney's"
"Where they keep their products?" Victor adds.
"I see. Now I would like to know where they're produced. Did your source ever tell you that?"
"N-No, he didn't," The fourth answers, scratching his nails, drinking his water to calm down. "All he did was to come with the products and we would sell them. That's it!"
"There must be something you know of. These products wouldn't just appear out of nowhere. Even the men of that boss seem to not know anything"
"I already told you everything I know! What else am I to think up?" The second charges against Victor. "I already admitted to helping them. How many years am I getting, huh?! Let's just get this over with..."
"Be calm, we are not ready to talk about that as yet," Victor tells him, the second banging his feet against the floor with his eyes blinking quickly. "The information you tell me now may help you and your friends, so I recommend you think carefully. Are you ready to tell me now? Hmm...are you not going to answer me?"
"Heh..." Osuv chuckles, keeping silent, Victor realizing he's glancing at the clock every few minutes.
"Hmm," Victor fixes his glasses, turning to the glass with soldiers behind it. "Call the rest of them in"
The door of the room opens, and appearing is the others who were also interrogated, seated beside Osuv who hisses in seeing their faces, all of them uncomfortable with each other as Victor observes.
"For drug trafficking, you are all looking up to 3-5 years in prison, added with damage to property, grand theft auto, resistance to arrest...and blackmailing," Victor informs them, scaring the fourth and third, as Vernon has arrived behind the glass, saluted by soldiers who greets him as he also observes. "It seems for there is still a presence of loyalty among you all, strong even though you've been caught. But let me tell you this, your parents did not wake this morning expecting to be informed later that their sons have been arrested for being drug dealers, now did they? Let me say this again, depending on what you tell me, your charges may be eased, so you may be spending less time in prison. I know one of you is hiding something, and one way or the other, we will get our answer. And don't believe that your boss of yours will come back for you later. You see how he abandoned his men, he'll do the same to you. Now, I'll ask again, do any of you know the source that these illegal products are coming from? Do not hide anything from me"
The boys fidget in their seats, the third and fourth looking at each other, the second hissing, and Osuv looking at the clock, the tension rising as they've all ran out of their water, their mouth dried in their guilt and fear, suffering within to the silence that fills the room, only hearing the clicking of the clock that rotates above them. And so the second slaps the table with getting up, all of them looking at him as he pants with sitting back down.
"Screw this...our dealer," The second starts, the third and fourth surprised he was the one to confess. "He-"
"Quiet!!" Osuv shouts.
"Silence your temper, Osuv," Victor warns him. "I'd like to listen to what he has to say"
"H-He gave us a phone call, saying someone would like to talk with us," The second explains, Osuv biting down on his lip in his urge to kill them all before he speaks.
"A-A man," The third adds. "That day, he said that said he was glad to have us on board, and that he hopes we can continue to serve him"
"Continue," Victor leans in. "What was the name of this man? Is it Yuejin?"
"Damn it...!" Osuv begins to bang his head against the table.
"He didn't give us a name, Captain Victor, we don't know for sure," The fourth answers. "The things is, our dealer said they're layers of circles to this business, we don't even know who brings the stash to Henny's Bar or where they're from, w-we were telling the truth!"
"W-Wait...there was something else our dealer told us," The second. "These guys...the dealer said they were a guild involved"
"Hm? A guild," Victor questions.
"The name...the name...?" The second tries to remember his conversation, his brain sparking as it comes on his tongue. "Yeah! He said it was the Blue dogs, that's the name!"
"Ahhh!!!" Osuv begins stomping his feet furiously against the ground, getting up with tears of his anger that reddens his eyes, blood dripping from his bitten lip, only restricted by the cuffs that hold him to the table, as Vernon is shocked by the name that was given as the young soldiers also mutter in the surprise of this. "Who told you we did it?! Which moron told on us?!!"
"You don't need that information, Osuv. I will speak with you later," Victor goes to the door.
"Was it Sabrina?! It was her, wasn't it??" Osuv laughs, crazy to the others who watch his breakdown. "That bitch never could understand when to stop talking. I'm gonna kill that whore!"
Osuv...refrain from speaking about her that way, there's only so much I can ignore. You are the only who hasn't confessed to your wrong-doings" Victor gazes. "You won't be killing anyone anytime soon. Don't worry, Verencia is known for its posh prisons, after all. I hope you can reflect on your actions, don't stress your mother than you already have"
The soldiers take the cuffs off the boys, Osuv still crying as Victor meets Vernon. Osuv screams and struggles, the soldiers telling him to calm down, dropping to his knees, looking up to Victor who he perceives as someone looking down on him, his soul tearing apart as he's lifted off the ground and carried out.
"Call the Knights of Vestland," He tells the soldiers. "A particular knight is gonna want to hear about this. Give them what we've heard"
"What next?" Victor asks.
"Well, it's my turn," Vernon smiles, putting his hand on Vernon's shoulder. "Good work. I'm going outside the city in the morning"
The sun climbing back above the earth, the sky restores its blue palette, and preparing is a knight who has just woken up, going to his bike where he places his helmet on, riding out of his home, his radio on as he braces the wind in his travel.
In the town of Harstad, a man eats his stew on the outside, seated by the front of a brothel with some friends. And seeing as a truck stops, knowing they are soldiers, he looks to his friends in wonder, hoping it isn't trouble. Then it is revealed to him, choking on his stew as he and his friends quickly stop what they're doing, to greet who has come to meet them.
"C-Commander Vernon!" The man states, clumsily saluting as Vernon waves. "What brings you here, sir?"
"Is Luth inside?" He asks, the man and his friends looking at each other in worry.
"May I ask the reason?" The man sounds, looking as Vernon smiles.
"Just a little talk," Vernon scratches his head.
"Ah..." The man nods, clicking his tongue as he looks to the sky. "Alright, clear the way. Let the man through"
Thanking the man who gestures for him to go inside, Vernon enters the brothel, with the soldiers outside awkwardly greeting the man and his friends. Inside, Vernon greets some of the women who come to his side, flirting with the commander as they circle him, to which he chuckles, telling that he has only come to visit a friend. The receptionist shows the room down the hallway, in which he walks to, clearing his throat as he hears the laughter of another old man and women as they have fun within there. With knocking, one of the women opens the door, shocking her and the demihuman he catches with a breast in his mouth, frightening him into quickly pausing his pleasure time and fixing his clothes.
"Luth," Vernon calls, clearing his throat. "Ladies, may I speak with this gentleman?"
"Hm, g-go on then! Bring us something to drink as well," Luth orders, putting his hands on his big belly. "Ahem! Commander Vernon! My old friend, what has brought you here?"
"Well...the soldiers and I have been busy," He starts off with. "I've come for your help, Luth. I'd love it if you'd help me"
"Sure, sir, anything to help a great commander as yourself," Luth grins, as some of the girls come back with something to drink.
"Thank you," Vernon smiles to the ladies, drinking some of the drink as they leave.
"Well?" Luth also drinks.
"It's about the blue dogs," Vernon states, Luth choking on his drink to that name. "You remember them, right?"
"Yes, of course," Luth nods. "I haven't heard from them in a while"
"Really? Though you helped them so much?"
"I tell ya. But what is happening?? A-Am I in trouble??"
"Hmm...It depends," Vernon laughs, scaring Luth. " I would like some information"
"S-Sure, whatever you need"
"When's the last time you spoke to them, Luth?"
"Um...It was about two years ago. Their guild master, was it? He came to me one day asking for money. He said he wanted to start a business"
"A business...? The guild master you met...was it still Kalf?"
"Y-Yes, it was. It seems like he was tired of the adventuring, especially after all of those accusations; exploiting his guild members of unfair cuts from their rewards and having them sign shady contracts, he must have gotten tired of the rumours. As said, he asked for a sum of money to start up his business, then paid me back the year after, he told me he was going to Vestland and I never heard from him again"
"Hm, you don't say," Vernon says, as he begins to hear the sounds of a vehicle coming to the brothel, seeing a bike on the outside.
"Tell me, what exactly is happening??"
"A case of illegal drugs was just busted. After the suspects were interrogated, we got the name of the guild, Blue dogs came up," Vernon tells him. "It was nice talking to you, Luth. I'll be on my way now. Don't worry, you are not in trouble, yet at least"
"Y-Yet? Ah, you were always one to crack jokes," Luth laughs, slowing down as he sees that Vernon is not laughing with him.
Vernon leaves the room, waving his farewell, onto the outside to meet who has to see him. The knight shuts down his bike, taking off his helmet with sighing as he brushes his hair, and curious are the others who observe him, looking at his many tattoos and piercing decorating his body.
"Adrian," Vernon smiles.
"Sir," Alps salute. "I'd like to hear more about what your soldiers discovered"
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