《Phantom Path》Chapter 24: At Henney's Bar
At the command of them to put a big smile on their faces, Osuv strikes another deal with new customers, snapping a picture of a group of students from another school who have come for their guaranteed comfort, with a side of cannabis to go with their order, deep within one of the alleyways by Lam's avenue, joined along with his friends, as usual.
"Pleasure doing business with you all. I don't usually deal with kids from other schools, but a man and his boys gotta get paid, am I right?" He goes, his friends agreeing with him. "Here you go. Thank you?"
"T-Thanks," The group follows along.
And just on time, 6 pm strikes and comes to the spot of trade, the dealer with his suitcase of supplements as the other group leaves, surprised as they meet a new face, hearing him click his sharp nails as he walks towards them in his suit.
"Are you...?" Osuv and the boys look at him.
"Oh yeah, something came up with your usual partner. I've come in his stead. Nice to meet you," The wolfman scratches his furred face, stretching out a hand to Osuv.
"Yeah," Osuv slowly takes his hand.
Thus their trading commences, Osuv handing over money and the dealer giving them their packs of frostbites, which the boys split, each sharing the weight of one in their hands.
"Wait," Osuv grabs the dealer before he leaves, quickly letting go as he sees that the man's eyes are set on his hand. "I thought I should tell you this. One of my clients, they messed up, but it seems not a lot of our school knows the exact happening. But I'm still going to warn you, just in case"
"Hm...you don't say," The dealer noises, looking at them with overbearing eyes.
"Hey, we're simply trying to warn you here. What's with the eyes??" The second charges.
"I'm kindly asking you to make sure you don't mess up and get the rest of us in trouble. When we give you a 'product', we expect you to handle them carefully...I believe this is why children should remain...well, children," He clicks his nails.
"Tch! The fuck is that suppose to mean??!" The second walks up to him.
"Hey!" Osuv glares at the second.
They begin to argue in front of their dealer, and within the heat of this moment, appear some soldiers who catch them in the act, their eyes firstly setting on the items in their hands.
"That's it...! What do we do now? Should we sneak up towards them?" One soldier questions.
"I don't think so. They'll see us coming from a mile away. There's nothing here to hide with," A second soldier says. "Damn it...! We should catch them now, what do you guys think?"
Cooling down from their heated argument, the traders tell each other their goodbyes, as the dealer feels he had seen enough. And in observing this, are the soldiers grown ever more anxious to catch them, wondering if they should wait for better timing. But in biting down on his lip, impatient a third soldier grows, making noises as he sees their group begin to separate. And so he jumps from his cover, lifting up his weapon, shocking his peers and catching the attention of the surprised perpetrators.
"Stop! you villains!!" He roars at them, pointing his weapon in their direction.
In their awareness, the boys are pumped with adrenaline kicking in fastly, the dealers waste no time in sprinting out of the alley, into separate groups as they hurriedly stash the packs of drugs into their bags, with the other soldiers coming up to the third one with faces that show their disappointed confusion.
"...Really? You couldn't have waited until we were closer?" A fourth soldier questions.
"Agh! Never mind that! Come on! Let's go make Captain Victor proud!!" The third soldier hypes up his unit, all cheering.
Begins the pursuit, the soldiers separate as they've chosen their targets. And building up is an upset that shakes the city, as the perpetrators crash down objects in the path that the soldiers trail them in, hurting civilians in their desperation to escape, causing some soldiers to halt in helping the injured bystanders, with them cheering on their comrades as they continue along. In their own chase, the third and fourth of Osuv's group in keeping together, scream at each other in fretting about where they should run to, skidding their legs at seeing soldiers in front, running onto one of the main roads in dodging oncoming traffic, to where they rush into a nearby supermarket as believe they've lost the soldiers. But stopping at the said supermarket, are the said soldiers. They enter inside, hailing the clerk whose face is confused about what is happening. Silently asking for her aid in their search, she simply points to a freezer that holds popsicles.
"Aw man, I can't believe we lost them!" The soldier stops his friend from searching inside the freezer. "I'm so disappointed in myself"
"A-Ah yeah. Ahh, it sucks, man," The other scratches her head. "The captain is gonna be very upset by this"
They both stomp their feet in pretending they've left the store, hiding behind cover as they begin to hear rummaging inside the freezer after, with one of the boys popping out their heads to look around, blowing as he's relieved that they are not in sight.
"Ah thank you, lady," The third rubs his head. "I'll make sure to come back here, and buy a lot of things from your store-huh?"
Tingling on the back of his neck, he turns around to the sight of two uniforms towering behind him, slowly closing back the freezer as he tells of how cool it is within. And forced open is it by the soldiers, both of them looking down on the boys hugging each other in the tight, cold space, watching as one of them waves, dragging them out with popsicles stuck in their clothes.
"Heh, I feel like I could use a popsicle right now, don't you think?" One of the soldiers grasps the nape of the third, like a kitten as the young lad repeats that he's sorry in fright of the soldier's sharp teeth.
And in the other chase, are Osuv and the second racing along behind their dealer, shifting into many lanes as soldiers keep their pace without faltering, feeling like cornered rats as they've come to a stop, with cursing as they've now halted halfway in their descending of a stairway, met with what seems like hundreds of disappointed soldiers below.
"Ah! Damn it!" The second pants. "What do we do now??"
"Dudes...just surrender, alright?" The soldier gestures to them, also panting heavily. "Just come down here, and let us do our jobs properly. We have other stuff to do!"
"You-Hm...alright then," The dealer puts up his hands, confusing the boys.
With that, some of the soldiers begin to make their way up the stairway, as the delinquents also hear more soldiers coming from behind, three of looking at each other in what to do next.
"You want to do your job?" The dealer abruptly says, grabbing onto the second's shirt. "Then catching us is your damn job!!"
He flings the second into the group of soldiers, tumbling them down with the flying weight of the boy into the rest of them.
"If you wanna stay out of prison, better you follow along, little dwarven," The dealer tells Osuv, jumping down from the side of the stairway.
"Damn it! Osuv!!" The second stops him before he follows along, handcuffed on the ground as they look into his bag to find the drugs while he looks to his friend.
"Tch...!" Osuv sounds, jumping to catch up to his dealer, leaving his friend behind.
"Let's split!" The dealer tells him. "If you're aren't caught, then find me at Henney's bar. See you later!"
They split with his conclusive instruction, and in dodging contact with many of his pursuers, Osuv finds himself in another small alley, throwing his bag into a dumpster, wheezing as he catches his breath, thinking that a dwarven as himself should not be running so much. With his stamina climbing back up to a decent state, he steps forward, bouncing into another he recognizes, his schoolmate dressed in his adventuring gear.
"Huh? Osuv??" The lizardman questions. "Hey, dude, you better tell that friend of yours not to mess with my classmates anymore, alright?"
"Hm..." Osuv sounds, cutting his glance as he begins to look around the area, his eyes halting as he sees something of interest.
"If it weren't for my teach, I would have taught your friend a lesson right there and then. You're lucky she didn't beat you sorry folks, even the gods wouldn't help you, trust me. Ah, It was almost a bloodbath, I tell ya! Imagine if you went full dragon mode on your asses! Don't let his temper go out of control like that, okay? Aren't you a close friend of his or something? Teach him how to control himself-huh? H-Hey! Are you listening??" The lizardman charges, seeing as Osuv roams off. "Where are you going??"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening...I'm listening alright," Osuv smirks, planting his hands on a bike he discovers, with gratitude to the owner as he sees that the keys are still in.
Comes a group of soldiers, one's mouth opening, building up his breath at the sight of Osuv's leg hovering over the seat of the ride, looking at the lizardman dressed in his adventuring gear, with the bike owner and his friend catching the dwarf on their wheels as they exit the store.
"Adventurer!! Catch that dwarf!! He's a criminal on the loose!! Don't let him escape!!" The soldier screams, with the lizardman quickly turning back to Osuv who has already turned the key into the bike with rushing off at full speed.
"Lad! Take my bike!!" One of the bikers sounds, throwing his keys to the lizardman.
"Thank you very much!" The Lizardman catches the keys, hopping onto the bike, wasting no time in moving off. "I'll return it with no damages done to it!"
He quickly speeds in catching up to Osuv, having the dwarf hiss in thinking he was safe. They speed through the lively city, the lizardman forced into ignoring some stop lights as he now turns into more paths following Osuv. From there, Osuv looks above him, seeing that the main gates haven't been closed as yet, as they both swerve around traffic and people who are shocked at what is coming their way. And onto the main street that leads to the main gates, Osuv puts more pressure onto the pedal of his bike, grinning as he's almost there.
"No! Damn it!" The lizardman reacts, in realizing as Osuv is going to the main gates, and there he thinks of making a risky move, thinking of his idol as he loads up his confidence, slowly unmounting his shield from his back, mind focused as he also presses onto his pedal. "Osuv!!!"
He launches his shield towards Osuv in dangerous force. And in just hearing the whistling sounds of the projectile creeping up to him, bent is the side of his waist, the shield slapping him right into his spine, which causes him to go hazed. But in his desperation to escape, he holds onto the bike, met with another surprise, cursing as his body is rocked into the air, by a taxi that had suddenly checked in front of him, meeting the bike in a collision which sends him right onto his wounded back, having him wail out in pain where he lies.
"Dear lord! Lad?! Are you alright??" The taxi man gets out of his vehicle. "Huh? But the light is green for me??"
And so the gates of the city closes, as the dwarf watches in depressing realization. And turning to see the name of another lane, Osuv launches back up onto his feet with his hope regained, turning around to the lizardman who also stops, their eyes meeting in the moment. He runs into a lane of people, inviting a contest of chase to the lizardman who picks up his shield, as atop buildings, curious is a silhouette as they observe from high above the city rooftops. Osuv, like before, flings almost anyone and anything to stop his pursuer, colouring the streets with paint and fruits, as they've both stopped in front of an establishment, halting a group of street entertainers and their performance.
"Tch! Osuv!! What the hell did you do!!?" The lizardman shouts to him. "Yo! Huh?!"
"Boss!" They hear a man call, and sounding is the bells of a door opening.
"You've made it," The dealer appears out of the bar, tapping Osuv on his shoulder as he takes a smoke of his blunt, turning to the lizardman. "Though you've gotten me into trouble, and annoyed me as well, I commend your determination to not be captured, I guess I'll give you that"
"B-Boss??" Osuv questions.
"Nice to meet you again, Osuv. I've heard a lot about you and your friends, and the work you've done as one of our...salesmen, I should put it," He chuckles. "Yuejin, welcome aboard, Osuv"
"T-Thank you," Osuv scratches his head.
"Who the hell is this guy? Why are you running from the soldiers?" The lizardman questions.
"Listen here, I'm not your friend, scumbag! Don't go asking me things when you barely know me!" Osuv states. "I'm a god-sent, that's all you need to know. Only I helped the weak ones of our school, and what do you do? Annoy me and chase me around like you're some hero! I'm warning you, go back to your little adventuring...you don't want any of this"
"Eh?" The lizardman sounds, as Osuv is encircled by the goons of Yuejin.
"You heard it, buddy. Run back to your own playground," A big goon laugh.
Slowly they begin to pace towards the lizardman, who's brave in equipping his weapons in seeing them with their own, their smiles vicious in coming towards him. The big goon shouts in his ear, again warning the lizardman, then rushing in front as he lifts his weapon in having the boy lift his shield, and comes screaming towards them, a kick to the face of the goon, knocking him cold to the ground for a few seconds before he could lift his weapon.
"Damn it! I leave you for ten minutes and go on to have some fun without me?! What's going here?!!" The friend of the lizardman questions.
"Oi, he wasn't gonna hit you! Boss!" A second goon looks to Yuejin, hearing sighs as they are gestured the order to do whatever they want. "That's just your luck, you little mongrels!"
"We fight now! Questions later! Let's hold them off until the soldiers get here!" The lizardman orders, his friend pulling out his greatsword.
Slowly the goons begin to walk towards them in the thrill of it, the two boys take their time dressing back with their weapons in hand, as Osuv and his dealer stay back and watch, with growing anticipation for those nearby. And comes another who drops right into the middle before they could clash, surprising them all with his splendid appearance.
"2 against several of you. Now, that is not a fair fight," He gets up. "If you call yourselves warriors, then you should be ashamed. Am I right, boys?"
"A-A..." The Lizardman eyes begin to glitter in shock, followed along by his friend. "Captain Arnaldo!!"
"Hello, young adventurers," He greets them, as soldiers begin to appear. "Care If I join you?"
"Hey! That one with the big sword almost killed one of our pals here," A goon points. "Shouldn't he be locked up?? This is assault, you know. He can't be doing that stuff to us innocent bystanders here!"
"Captain, they're drug dealers among them! They are keeping us from arresting them. Look! That's two of them, right there," A soldier informs him, annoying Osuv and Yuejin.
"Huh? How can you say things like that! Do you see drugs anywhere on me? Get the hell outta here!!" Another goon complains. "Captain Arnaldo! Your soldiers are harassing us!!"
"Hmm, I see," Arnaldo nods. "Gentlemen! Why must we fight then? If you are innocent, as you say you are, then why not have my comrades do their work properly. If you are indeed innocent, then you have nothing to hide, again, that is if you are innocent. Your friends seem to have caused some trouble, and they are being asked for their cooperation, which you have acted out against in a very indecent manner, don't you think so?"
"Didn't you hear us?! We don't know what they're talking about! Agh! You soldiers always think you're high and mighty, huh? This is against our rights," The big goon says.
"Your rights? Your rights...? You see, before coming here, I watched as the soldiers chased that dwarf and wolfman over there. Destruction of property, running stoplights, and hurting civilians," He counts their actions. "Alright then, let's say they haven't been distributing harmful products. Now, how about they come with us to the station for a simple talk for why they've done these other acts? Would that change your minds, amigos?"
The goons look at each other in their cornered situation, their faces serious as they look to their boss in what to do, seeing as he simply blows smoke into the air then chuckles.
"Sorry, they are their own people, it is up to them. So, what will you do, boys?" Yuejin questions to them, and appearing is a big grin on one of the goons' faces, slowly turning around to Arnaldo who tilts his head in what this man is thinking.
"Heh! I'll be damn! This is the day I get to beat the shit out of a captain!! Hell yeah!!!" He shouts, and rushing he does, lifting his weapon as he charges Arnaldo, his attacks dodged with his consciousness going dark with only three hits in fabulous fashion, with the captain spinning with launching three coins taken out of his pocket, into the performers' box of money.
"My friends, prepare yourself, for my soldiers are no weaklings. I am Captain Arnaldo Rodriguez, a sword and shield that has vowed to serve and protect his people, a captain under the great Commander of Strongcastle!" He declares, awaking goosebumps onto the lizardman and the other allies, his shoulder-cape flowing in the wind, drawing his sword and shield, as civilians take their phones out to record this spectacular moment. "If you still wish to fight, then let us waste no more time!!"
Both parties roar in this declaration of battle, their weapons clashing at last as a show for the people, the goons with their threatening weapons and the soldiers with mostly batons, both met with a little assault of magic. And in looking at each other, starting is a theme for a match like this, a Spanish melody performed by the street-entertainers in setting the mood for this event, magic-induced in it's every note which adds to both parties a buff of confidence. The lizardman knocks his way through some enemies with the back of his sword, cleaning his way through onto the side of the crooks, with a thrust of his shield that he brings one down with, halting to the sight of a particular enemy, his eyes set on the dwarf just standing without doing anything.
"Osuv!!" The lizardman calls, getting the attention of his schoolmate.
"Tch! You're not dead yet, scumbag?!" Osuv becomes irritated.
"Look at you! You like to talk like you're all high and mighty! Yet here you are, just standing around like a coward as your friends are being beaten! Hmph! Some 'god-sent' you are! If he allowed, Arlo could have beaten you to a pulp, just like he did your friend. So, who do you think is the weak one now?" The lizardman smirks.
"Yo-You! Argh!!!" Osuv yells, and like being flashed by a red sheet like an angered bull, the lizardman has irritated him enough, his skin itching with the heat of his frustration, picking up a dropped weapon with charging at his taunter with eyes that attract to wanting to kill his enemy, their weapons clashing with his teeth gritting against each other.
And on the other side of the battle, doing his best as well, the lizardman's friend grins in the joy of fighting, his unsheathed sword slapping whoever that dares to challenge him, taunting them of their weak oppression against them. But his taunting ends there, for he turns around to someone with bad blood against him, towering over him with his body as under his nose is smudged with blood, the one he almost knocked out when he arrived. The big goon swings his weapon down, having the boy react with clashing his sword with his, creating the impact of shockwaves from the clinging of their steel connecting.
"What's wrong, boy? I thought I heard ya making fun of a while ago!" The big goon laughs, yelling as he swings his sword down in frightening force, having the boy roll out of his way, as he creates an uproar that brings up some floors of the lane, surprised as he turns, flashed in the face by a pouch of sand. "That's dirty! You scoundrel!!"
"You can thank Captain Victor for that!" He tells him, roaring as he charges his enemy.
Begins his onslaught, he swings his big sword into quickly bashing against his opponent, several strikes like a hammer beating against a hard table, with a final strike underneath the man's jaw that truly staggers him, the goon's leg shaking from keeping himself up.
The boy spins back promptly in lifting his sword as he roars, thrusting to his opponent with a call of a mighty gust that builds up the dust of this stage, into the man's chest with a successful strike that sends him flying above the ground, this time truly knocking him cold to the ground, bringing a smile to the boy and decreased morale to the goons. And back to Osuv and the lizardman, is the dwarven angry with each strike to the boy's shield, eventually denting it's steeled skin, forcing the lizardman to meet with his own strikes, slapping Osuv across his shoulder.
"Fucking scumbag!!" Osuv yells.
The lizardman hisses at that word, both getting even more serious as their strikes begin to chip each other's weapon. And in his desperation to win, Osuv screams in cursing, his eyes becoming truly like a bull, red in his opponent's level of difficulty. And in his thoughts, he begins to think of who could have been the whistleblower, and thus his mind shifts onto Sabrina, upset as he cannot believe she had done to him, promising himself that he will someday teach her to be quiet, how he'll beat her into learning that lesson. And are his fingers jerked, seeing as his weapon is banged out of his hand, he comes back to reality, staggered as his feet begin to lose balance, looking to the lizardman, seeing eyes that show disgusts, as he watches him drop his weapons as well, zigzagging across the wall near them and underneath, clutched by his schoolmate with not having the stability to react.
"My name is not scumbag!!!" The lizardman shouts.
Into a glass table, Osuv is sent into with his back injury from before awaking with greater pain than the last, sending him into a state where he no longer wills to fight, broken as he becomes lost in cursing himself and the one who has betrayed him.
"That's for Arlo and Sabrina! Spend some time in prison and be sorry that you dragged them into your mess...scumbag!" The lizardman pants, and silent Osuv becomes, his consciousness fading in his final mutters.
And his reflexes fasten, his shield raised, laughing at his opponent's unfair attempt, putting down his cover as to show that he is smiling in the midst of this battle.
"You have finally made a move, big boss," Arnaldo gestures, then pointing his sword towards Yuejin. "Now, shall we?"
"Nope, sorry," Yuejin scratches his head. "I just missed my chance to kill you. I'm not gonna bother to try and fight a captain of your level, I'm good"
"So you have to wish to surrender?"
"No, I'm leaving. You've got enough of my pals here to interrogate," He tells.
"Tsk, tsk, you are a bad leader. Your men will surely remember this," Arnaldo sets in his stance, as Yuejin shrugs and chuckles. "You have disappointed me!"
"Sorry, I guess I'm not your opponent to fight, Captain Arnaldo. Bye-bye," Yuejin waves.
The muscles in his legs strengthening, Arnaldo strafe towards him, met with Yuejin taking out a bomb with throwing to the ground, appearing a blast of a smokescreen. Arnaldo spins with whiffing his sword, erasing away the smoke, shocked as he sees that Yuejin has disappeared. And just in time, as some of the goons have made a run for it as they've seen that their boss has fled, Victor reaches the scene in seeing that most of the crooks have been detained, waving to Arnaldo who catches sight of him.
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