《Phantom Trooper》Arc 2-Chapter 16 (Ugly truth part 2)
(Yuri's POV)
I walk out of the room I was in. I start walking down the hall and hear footsteps from the corner. I peek and see two men, about ten meters apart. I come out from behind the corner.
Two down six to go. I hear more footsteps coming from behind me. That's when I realised, the inside was in the shape of a square and they held a formation where two men cover each side. Clever.
Luckily, they moved clock-wise. I hid the bodies behind the corner and waited for them both of them to step into the hallway.
Carla:"I see you you figured it out."
Yuri:"Tell me when both of them are in the hallway."
Carla:"Only if you say pretty please."
One armed man walked into the hallway. He slowly walked down the marble floor.
Carla:"Not yet...not yet."
The second man walks into the hallway.
Carla:"Not yet."
Both men are now deep in the hallway.
I step from behind the corner.
Four down four to go. I quietly run towards the other hallway. Same situation as before.
Six down two to go.Only difference, someone heard me. There was shouting on the other side and I heard footsteps. I ran into the nearest room. It was unlocked for some reason. There I saw a woman trying to hide in a closet.
She cried out in Georgian. Probably begging me not to kill her. I put my finger on my mouth and spoke Russian:"Shhh, I will not hurt you."
She seemed to calm down. I looks through the spy hole on the door and see the two men waking to the corpse I left. They were shocked to see it. One of them took his radio but the other one stopped him. He pointed into the room that I was at and was looking at the keyhole.
I pulled out my CZ75 with my right hand and hold the handle of the door with my left. I take one last look at the woman and put my finger on my mouth, telling her to be quiet.
She nodded and I got ready.
I shoot threw the spy hole and kill the one peeking. I quickly open the door and kick his dead body into the other one and then rush towards him and stab in the temple of the head.
I pull out my knife and clean it on his shirt.
Takeshi's POV
I look at the spy hole and see one man walking. I look at my tablet and through a camera I only see him. The other cameras show me that there are men walking clock-wise in order to patrol. Two by two but this one is alone.
I step out.
Dead before he could react. I walk down to the corner and see two more men.
I hear two more men running behind me. I step from behind cover and shoot one in the head and one in the chest three times.
I crouch down thinking the others will step from behind the corner. However, they came from behind me. I didn't turn around. I gripped my gun and get ready for combat. But then I hear some glass cracking and two thuds.
I turn around the see both men dead.
Carla:"You're welcome"
"Heh, well you could've warned me."
Carla:"Yeah I could have."
I slightly laugh:"Ok. Let's finish this."
(3rd person POV)
Takeshi was on the first floor looking down at the lobby.
Yuri got behind the large door and waited.
Yuri:"Reaper in position."
Takeshi:"Techno in position."
Yuri:"Breach in 3...2...1"
Yuri rushed in the lobby and immediately shot two men standing there. Takeshi opened fire and killed two more. The remaining fired on Yuri. He hid behind and pillar while Takeshi killed two more. Yuri peeked from the pillar and saw Asim running. He killed the man to the right and Takeshi killed the man his left.
While Asim was going through the back door, one man was firing at Yuri while the other ran with Asim. Yuri fired one bullet into the man's head and reloaded.
Yuri:"The target is escaping going into pursuit!"
Takeshi:"Wait for backup!"
Yuri:"Negative! Secure the hostages!"
He runs into the hallway Asim escaped into. It led to a which leads to the back of the building where a jeep was waiting. Yuri got out of the building and saw the jeep driving away. He wanted to shoot the tires but a man came up from the left and punched him in the face. This didn't prove to be a good idea as Yuri was barely fazed. He head butted the man, dropping him on the ground, before shooting him in the head.
Yuri (on comms):"All units the target escaping from behind the complex! I need helicopters after him!"
Yuri runs to where the police captain was.
Giorgi:"Hey Reaper! What is-"
Yuri gives him his gun, takes a nearby police motorcycle and drives after Asim.
Carla:"Wait! Where are you going!"
Yuri:"I am heading to secure the target! Have a Police vehicle on standby for pickup!" He turns off his comms and drives faster.
As he gets closer to the jeep, a man peeks out from the back right window and starts shooting. Yuri calmly brings out his pistol.
The man drops dead. There were two men left, Asim in the back and the driver. Yuri knew if he shot the driver or the wheels, at this speed, the jeep would crash and chances of Asim surviving go down. The solution? Stop the jeep.
He turned right into the street parallel with the one Asim is on. He accelerated and got ahead of him. At five kilometres distance he turned left and stopped at the road block meant to stop Asim.
He left his motorcycle and started walking towards the jeep with his pistol. Then he started running.
Asim was confused:"What is that lunatic thinking? He wants to unite with his make belief god so badly? Fine! Run him over!"
Yuri ran faster. The jeep got closer and closer. Asim was terrified. Why? Why did this man ran into his doom? But Yuri had a fierce look. He didn't let up. He kept running.
And when the jeep got close enough, Yuri jumped and drop kicked the driver in the face. Asim wanted to shoot but Yuri shot his hand and knee. Asim yelled in pain as Yuri pulled him out of the jeep.
Asim:"You devil! You dare destroy my life's work! For what?! For a few sinners! This world is on the brink and only by submitting to Allah can we-"
Yuri then pistol whipped him in the head, knocking him out.
Carla watched the whole thing from the police helicopter. The pilot was shocked:"Damn! That was intense! Are all you special ops like this?!"
Carla:"No! Just him!" She thinks:"Jesus that's twice in a row. Why the hell did we even build this team?"
(One hour later)
The police took Asim and send him to the airport where he will be sent to a special military facility in Russia for interrogation.
The hostages were freed and since all the other radicals were dead there were no new casualties.
Yuri, Takeshi and Carla were taken to a safe house at the outskirts of Tbilisi. They had a choice between staying for three days as a thank you from the director of GIS or they could leave at any time.
(Inside the safe house)
Giorgi is talking over the phone in Georgian. Carla is leaning backwards in her chair while popping bubble gum. Takeshi is typing something on his laptop and Yuri is looking out the window.
Giorgi finished and walked into the same room with the team:"Ok, that was the director of GIS himself expressing his utmost gratitude. On behalf of Georgia we thank you."
Carla:"No need mah dude. We did our job."
Takeshi:"She's right. This was business."
Giorgi:"Whatever you say. You are welcome to stay for a while until your people come and pick you up."
Takeshi:"No, thank you. I already booked a flight back to Turkey. We will leave first thing in the-"
Yuri:"Cancel that flight."
Yuri:"We are returning on Monday."
Yuri:"I have... something to do here."
Carla:"And what's that?"
Yuri:"It does not concern you."
Carla gets up:"Like hell it doesn't! We just supposed to wait for three more days just cause you got a date or something."
Yuri:"I do not have a date."
Carla:"Then what?!"
Yuri:"I told you, it is none of your concern."
Takeshi:"Shut up Carla!" His voice boomed over the house. This was the first time he got angry and had to raise his voice,"I will cancel our flight and schedule a new one Monday morning. Is that fine?"
Carla just groaned and went into the other room. Giorgi just stood there:"Well... I'll just get out of your hair then. Have a nice day."
Takeshi:"You too agent."
Giorgi left and that's when everyone pondered. Why? Why did Yuri want to stay until Monday? What did he have to do? It wasn't anyone he had to kill, nor did we receive any other assignments. This is strange.
(Two days later)
10th of April 2011
Takeshi was once again typing on his laptop. What ever this thing that he's working on is, it gotta be important. Carla is on leaning on the open window listening to hip-hop while drinking RedBull. She's still bummed about being here.
Takeshi:"I'm not sure how healthy that is." She ignores him,"Heh, fine."
Just then Carla spots a man exit the safe house in casual civilian clothing. It was Yuri, no doubt about it.
Carla smiled and thought:"So you made your move. Finally something interesting." She turns her head to Takeshi,"Yo Tashi."
Takeshi:"It's Takeshi."
Carla:"Whatever. Yuri finally left somewhere. Wanna follow him?"
Takeshi:"And why would I do that?"
Carla:"Oh c'mon we barely did anything since we got here. I wanna see what all the fuss was about. Don't you?"
Carla:"Oh c'mon. Chicken! Bwakbakbakabwak."
Takeshi:"You're being childish."
Takeshi:"Ok fine!"
Carla:"Yus! Let's go."
(20 minutes later)
Carla and Takeshi followed Yuri to Tbilisi. The city was asleep and everything was silent. Like no one was even there. A pale full moon loomed over the streets and the buildings.
However, there was one building that worked. A church. An orthodox Christian church. It's lights stood out from the rest and it's bells began to ring.
Yuri stepped into the church with his hood on. The old priest was there with a broom brushing off some dust. He saw Yuri and spoke in Georgian:"Oh I'm sorry my son, but we are closing for today, you can come back tomorrow morning."
Yuri took of his hood and revealed his face. The priest was shocked.
Priest(in Georgian):"Y-you are... You are that man that saved our lives at the fellowship. My son please come in."
Yuri(in Russian):"I am sorry father but my Georgian is not very good."
Priest(in Russian):"That is alright. Please, come in. It is the least I can do for our hero."
Yuri lowered his head:"I am no hero father. I've come to ask the Lord for forgiveness. I am ready to repent for my sins."
The priest smiled:"My son... you do not need to ask for forgiveness for doing the righteous thing. You saved many lives. You are a good man."
Yuri:"I am not. I kill for a living. I do not deserve to be called righteous. Taking a life is not righteous. You do not know me."
Priest:"Oh but I do... Yuri." Yuri raised his head and looked at the priest,"The lord sees all, knows all and the lord speaks to those worthy. I know who you are Yuri. And I know what you've been through. It is a dark life you had. One that no one should have. You've been led down a sinister path, but despite that, you kept going. You accepted it and you never once faltered. People are blessed in different ways Yuri. You too are blessed."
Yuri:"How am I blessed father. I am a killer, a monster. I take lives just cause others tell me too. Just so I can keep mine. Tell me, what is the blessing here?"
Priest:"For every life you take you save countless. For every sinful and cursed soul you vanish from this earth, you prevent others from falling victim to them. And for every life and soul you save, you put a smile on an innocent face. You are not a monster Yuri, you are a protector. You've been blessed by the lord with the strength of the righteous to fight the wicked. It does not come without a price, but you take it and that is what makes you worthy."
Yuri lowers his head again and kneels. The priest puts his robe on Yuri's head and chants. After he's finished, Yuri crosses himself and takes a single candle to the room on the left. This was the room where candles were lit to protect the living or protect the dead.
Yuri prayed, kissed the candle and placed it at the bottom, for the dead. After that he left.
He started walking back to the safe house. Carla and Takeshi saw the whole thing and were a bit confused. Mainly cause the didn't speak Russian.
As they were following him they were a good distance away to make sure he doesn't notice them. But they were wrong.
Yuri stops on the street but doesn't turn to them:"You have been following me since we left the safe house. You wish to know what I did and why. Master Sargent Yamato, you have been trying to hack into the Russian military files to learn about me but it is not going as planned. You are having problems with the fire wall."
Takeshi:"How did you-"
Yuri:"Type in 732737. That is the code for entering the files. Take all the time you need to look through them."
Yuri keeps walking. So do Takeshi and Carla.
(The next day)
11th of April, 2011
Batman, Turkey
The team returned to base. Carla and Takeshi were in the room with Franklin and Victoria. Yuri was talking to Colonel Mustafa.
Franklin:"So how'd it go?"
Takeshi:"It went really well."
Carla:"Yeah just a bummer we had to stay for an extra two days."
Carla:"Yuri wanted to go to a church."
Takeshi:"That's what I'm gonna find out. He gave me the access code to the secret files regarding him. The files all say "REAPER" on them.", he typed in the code and stoped before hitting enter,"You guys sure about this?"
Franklin:"Do it."
Takeshi pressed enter, but it might've been a mistake. The sheer amount of files regarding Yuri was immense. Every mission was solo and every target neutralised, plus some. They saw burned and destroyed buildings along with dozens of dead bodies. Destroyed military machines and facilities. But that's not the worst of it. The death toll was unbelievable. Every mission ended with dozens upon dozens of bodies.
Victoria put her hand on her mouth and Carla's jaw dropped to the point that her gum fell out of her mouth. This was unbelievable. One man can't do this, can he?
Takeshi:"Wait. Look at this."
There was only one image with Yuri in it. A blurred image of a man waking away from a fire.
Takeshi:"Jesus. Afghanistan, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe... he was everywhere."
Franklin:"I knew the Russians were powerful. I heard a lot about their battles and I admired them. But to think they're willing to send out one man against a threat you need a small army for. I don't believe this. He's not human."
Just then Yuri entered the room. The team looked at him with fear in their eyes. This man killed enough to cover their kill toll and have left over. They finally realised why they called his the Reaper.
Yuri:"Did you find the answer to your question?"
Franklin stood in front of Yuri. Sweat was dripping from his hands and forehead. His eyes were going up and down and his breathing was rapid. He inhaled:"What are you?"
Yuri:"I am a soldier that follows orders."
Such a simple answer and yet it made it more terrifying. He did it just cause he was told to do so. Any normal soldier would understand his limits and rebel.
Takeshi then opened another file. It showed pictures of him entering and exiting churches.
Yuri:"Do those files answer your question Master Sargent Yamato? I believe in God. Do you? Every Sunday I go to church and pray. I pray for the living and the dead. I pray for those who's lives I have taken. I light I candle for my family to make sure they are safe in our Lord's kingdom. My mother raised a believer. And I've never once missed a Sunday."
Yuri walked to his bed while Franklin stood there like a statue. He took his knives and started sharpening them, like nothing happened. Takeshi closed his laptop.
End of chapter 16
Thank you for reading
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