《Phantom Trooper》Arc 2-Chapter 14 (First mission)
22nd of March
Batman, Turkey
NATO Headquarters/Base of operations
After getting up and getting ready, Kill team Nemesis went down to the briefing room. The room wasn't that large. It had five chairs and a wall display showing different images.
Inside the room was Colonel Mustafa with his captains.
The team entered the room and took their seats. Franklin sat in the middle, Takeshi was on his left, Yuri was on Takeshi's left. Victoria was on Franklin's right and Carla was on Victoria's right.
Mustafa:"Good, you're here. Let's get started. Around 13 hours ago, CIA sources have confirmed that one of ISIS's large representatives is holding a meeting here, east of Alduwaid, near the Iraq border." He shows the satellite images of the meeting site. "The meeting will be held inside this fortified structure which we can only deduce to be one of their operating facilities."
Franklin:"Hm. You gotta give those bastards some credit. They can sure build a good outpost."
Mustafa:"Yes. Satellite images show an AA defence system and light artillery consisting of mortars. We could storm the place during the meeting but the brass doesn't want to risk losing the targets and too many men."
Takeshi:"So they're sending us."
Victoria:"Who will be present at the meeting?"
Mustafa:"The man hosting the meeting is Nasir Ahmed. The men attending are Amir Hassan and Cairo Khan."
Franklin:"That explains why it's close to the border. Khan is a big shot in Iraq and Hassan acts as a sentinel on the border."
Carla:"Guess they wanna argue about the system or something."
Takeshi:"What ever the case it's our job to eliminate them."
Mustafa:"Yes. The meeting is scheduled to be held tomorrow morning, however Nasir is currently present at the meeting site."
Carla:"You want us to kill him first?"
Mustafa:"No, you will arrive 5km west of the meeting site via air drop, prepare and wait for the meeting to take place."
Takeshi:"So you want us to eliminate all three of them in one fell swoop."
Mustafa:"Correct. You will be divided into Strike team and Cover team. Strike team will consist of TNT, Techno and Valkyrie. Your mission will be to eliminate the targets in any way you see fit."
Mustafa:"Longshot, Reaper, you will be Cover team. You will provide spotting and long range support for Strike team."
Carla:"With all due respect sir, I don't think that's such a good idea."
Yuri:"I agree."
Mustafa:"This is how things will play out. Strike team will infiltrate the facility in the cover of night and set up the ambush. This decision is final. Any questions?"
Yuri:"Why complicate a simple problem?"
After some silence Mustafa asked:"Excuse me?"
Yuri:"I am able to kill those three by myself in a shorter span of time. If you just send me and no one else, this mission would be over quicker."
This wasn't surprising. Yuri is a lone wolf and doesn't value the idea of teamwork. It is true that he is able to fulfill this assignment by himself, but that wasn't going to happen.
Mustafa:"I'm sorry Private Maksimov, but these orders came specifically from General Popov. Under no circumstances are we to send you alone. Even if the outcome might be better."
Yuri frowned at that. His superiors are desperate for him to change. They think that by doing this they could accomplish that. Yuri really had no choice at the end.
Mustafa:"Any other questions?"
Franklin:"What's our evac plan?"
Mustafa:"Upon finishing the assignment, you are to return to your drop site and wait for a helicopter. It will take you to the nearest safe house. Any other questions?" No one answers. "Very well. A C-17 dubbed *Sandman* will be waiting for you at 1700 hours. Be ready by that time. Dismissed."
The team exits the room. As their walking down the hallway, Franklin grabs Yuri by the shoulder and turns him around.
Franklin:"What was that?!"
Franklin:"Don't play dumb with me! You wanting to do this by yourself! Who do you think you are?!"
Yuri:"I did worse mission by myself and came out fine. You will just get in the way. This whole thing is completely unnecessary."
Franklin:"Do you hear yourself? Get in the way? Unnecessary? Why do you think this team was assembled?"
Yuri:"If you can't keep up, you're of no use. "
Yuri:"I'm only doing this cause I was ordered to. If there was a choice between doing this by myself or with you, I would pick the former."
Carla:"Damn man that's cold. I mean, we're on the same side, right?"
Yuri:"For now."
Franklin got mad and clenched his fists, getting ready for a fight. Yuri stepped closer:"Go ahead. I wanted to finish what we started yesterday."
After a few moments Franklin leaves. On the way he bumps into Yuri and holds his left cheek and the scar under his left ear. The mark was still there.
Victoria looks at Yuri, sighs and leaves. Carla looks at him:"Man, you really gotta work on your people skills." She pats his arm and leaves.
Takeshi stands in front of him:"I told you, you need to embrace this, not go against it. Like it or not this is how things are." He then starts walking away, "You're a survivor, you adapt. Think of this as adapting in order to survive!"
Yuri thinks about that for a bit. After a few moments, he walks away and goes to the firing range.
Each team member was in a different part of the armoury picking out their specific weapons and gear.
Franklin picked his SPAS 12 with a suppressor. These new suppressers are able to completely mask the sound making it impossible to hear unless an inch next to it. He also picked out his M9 Beretta with a suppressor, grenades and C4 explosives. He picked out his dark outfit, perfect for night missions.
Victoria picked her MP5K with a suppressor and her USP tactical. She equipped her flash grenades and medical kits.
Carla picked her suppressed MP7 along with smoke grenades. She also puts her earbuds in, puts some gum in her mouth, plays her *Pump toons* playlist and leaves the room with her M93 black arrow on her shoulder while popping bubbles.
Takeshi picked his MP5SD and HK45. He took his smoke grenades, two tactical knives and a tablet for his hacking skills. He puts in his signature mask over his mouth and leaves the room.
Yuri picked his Zastava M21 and, oddly enough, his KS23 shotgun, in case shit hits the fan. He brought his throwing knives and grenades. He also checked a duffel bag to see if he brought his *special weapon* along. When everything was in place he held his cross with his left hand and crossed himself with his right in an orthodox Christian way. After that, he took his gear and head out.
NATO HQ airstrip
The C-17 dubbed *Sandman* was ready for take off. The team got on the plane. To Franklin's surprise, it was Jeff who's piloting.
Jeff:"Surprised to see me Frank?!"
Franklin:"Jeff?! What the hell you doing here?!"
Jeff:"Didn't you hear?! They finally sent me my pilot's license for planes! I'm gonna be flying you while you're in Turkey!"
Franklin:"That's great!" He turns to his team,"Hey guys this is my friend Jeff! Don't worry we're in good hands! If anyone can get us to where we need to go, it's him!"
Carla:"Sup Jeff!"
Takeshi:"Good to meet you!"
Jeff:"So... let's get going!
They took their seats. The plane took off and the team was on their way to their first assignment.
The team was above its drop zone.
Jeff:"We're almost there! Get ready!"
Franklin:"Alright, let's do this! Remember the plan, we drop down five clicks south of the base and head towards the main gate! Cover team will stay one kilometre from the road while strike team heads in!"
The hangar bay opens. The team stands at the door and waits for the green. Green light turns on and they jump out.
They start free-falling and when they reached 800 metres they pulled the cords on their parachutes. They land on the ground and leave the parachutes.
Franklin:"TNT, check."
Victoria:"Valkyrie, check."
Carla:"Longshot, check."
Takeshi:"Techno, check."
Yuri:"Reaper, check."
Franklin:"Sandman be advised, all members accounted for. You are clear to return to base."
Jeff:"Roger that, Sandman returning to base. Good luck out there. Over and out."
Franklin:"All right, let's get moving."
The team heads out towards the base. On the way Carla plays her music while Victoria, Franklin and Takeshi discuss the plan of action.
Yuri thinks:"This is a mistake. I don't need them. I'm better than all of them. If they sent me I would've completed the mission quicker. This way we'll be slowed down. I don't care. If they can't keep up, they shouldn't bother to move at all."
Takeshi:"Hey Yuri! What's in that duffel bag you're carrying?"
Yuri:"What's it too you?"
Takeshi:"If it's something that's gonna be useful in the mission, it would be better if you tell us."
Yuri hesitates but answers:"It's a backup plan. In case this plan doesn't follow through."
Franklin:"You're saying our plan is flawed?"
Victoria:"And what's the flaw."
No one says a word. The silence was real.
Franklin:"So you're saying that you... are able to take out the snipers, infiltrate the base, assassinate the targets and get out... all by yourself."
Franklin wanted to laugh, everyone did, but they didn't. Yuri's eyes were dead serious. There wasn't a single lie in his statement. A soldier needs to be able to evaluate his own strength, realise his strengths and weaknesses and deduce what he is able to accomplish. The fact that Yuri was saying he could single handedly take out three of the most powerful men in the Middle East and get away is nothing short of terrifying. Who or what is he?
(One hour later)
They reached the Cover team's point. It was an elevated position hidden in bushes one kilometre south of the enemy base. The main road could be seen and well as the main gate.
This base wasn't just a couple of brick shacks or a storage unit. This... was legit. A full on military base. During the crisis in the Middle East the local army wasn't able to hold its position. Four years ago, ISIS took advantage of the small numbers and disorganisation of the forces to take the base. It came at a cost but it was worth it. In the past four years the rebuild and fortified.
The base was one kilometre long and 600 meters wide. The outer walls are 7-8 metres high with a single large gate in the middle and one smaller gate on each side. There is an 11-12 meters tall concrete sniper tower in each corner as well as two more inside. The inner walls are 2,5-3 meters tall with barbed wire.
For defence, two mobile but intrenched PGZ-07s for anti air battles and two M252 81mm mortars for vehicles and infantry.
For this base to operate there would have to several hundred soldiers inside.
The main HQ was close to the north-west corner. It was a 12 meter tall, four floor building (if you count the bottom floor). If we're going by basic design, the bottom floor is the security and check up floor with the most guards. The first floor is the storage/armoury. The second is the server room with office workers for intelligence purposes. The final floor is the office and the meeting room. Each floor had three windows. One facing south, one west and one east.
All this made it into a deadly stronghold. It would cost a lot of manpower and machinery to take it out. While not impossible it's definitely risky and costly. Not to mention it could alert the other bases and checkpoints coursing a chain reaction.
Franklin thinks:"Damn. Mustafa wasn't kidding. This place is like a damn fortress. The mortars and AAs make it hard for a direct assault. It's double but costly. It's a good thing they sent us out. And that fool said he could do this by himself. He's insane."
Franklin:"All right everyone listen up. Here's the plan. Strike team will head to the emergency exit on the east. Carla, I need you to take out the snipers. Once they're all down, we will move and set up the ambush and explosives. I will place C4 on the living and medical quarters. Takeshi will hack into the mainframe and open the door for us. Once that happens, we'll have to be quick. Take out the targets, run like hell and blow the explosives. The targets are set to arrive at 0500 tomorrow. We will wait until then. You ready? This is our first mission. Let's make it count."
Carla:"Yes! I finally get to pop some heads!"
Takeshi:"Be quiet you idiot." He smacks her on the back of the head.
Victoria:"What about you Yuri?"
Yuri:"I will indulge you this one time."
Franklin:"Good enough, let's go."
Carla gets on the ground and aims her rifle. Yuri lyes next to her and watches through his binoculars.
Yuri:"Target 1084 meters."
Yuri:" Target 1473 meters."
Yuri:"Target 1682 meters."
Yuri:"Targets 1092, 1489 and 1697 meters."
Carla:"All targets down. Strike team you are clear to move in."
Franklin:"Rodger that Longshot."
Strike team starts running towards the emergency exit on the east wall. It was a steel door which could only be open from the inside via key of computer.
Takeshi:"Leave it to me." He pulls out his tablet and does his magic. In a minute the door unlocks and the team heads inside. Barely anyone was out cause it was night.
They ran past the medical building and saw three guards walking down the road towards them. They hide behind the corner and wait. Franklin pulls out his M9 and Takeshi his MP5SD.
Takeshi was crouching and Franklin was standing above. When the guards got close enough they fired three times. Franklin killed one and Takeshi two. They hide the bodies and move behind the living quarters. On their way they kill several more guards patrolling and Franklin places C4 on each building.
There were a few guards in between the buildings but Carla took care of them.
(Cover team point)
Carla was aiming down her scope while humming *Where the hood at* by DMX.
Yuri:"Stop that. We need to focus."
After a few moments of silence Carla speaks up:"Sooo... listen Yuri. About what happened yesterday at the gym I-"
Yuri:"Don't bother."
Carla:"Look!" She exhales, "I just wanted to say... I'm sorry. I'm very annoying and I get on a lot of people's nerves. I shouldn't have angered you back there. I'm sorry."
Yuri doesn't answer. But after a few moments he remembers Takeshi's words:"I'm not saying you should stop being who you are. Just... give this whole team thing a chance. You might end up liking it. And also, don't be too harsh on Carla, she's just playing around."
He then answers:"I forgive you."
Yuri:"You were just playing around. I should not have gotten angry because of that."
Carla:"Oh! Well... ok then... Just, I meant what I said. You're pretty badass. You must be jacked under that uniform. Mind showing me after the mission?"
Yuri:"Do not push it."
Carla giggles.
Yuri:"...And I... I like your hair. It suits you."
Carla:"Oh really?"
Yuri:"Plus you're a sniper so it doesn't get in the of your scope and you can fit it easier under a helmet if need be."
Carla:"Yeah... right. Hm, looks I got to him. So he's not gay. Well that's a relief."
(Strike team)
Franklin:"Alright, we're almost there."
The team gets the corner of the HQ building. Takeshi starts hacking but... there's a problem.
Takeshi:"Aaaaah guys? We have a problem."
Franklin:"What is it?"
Takeshi:"I can't hack it."
Victoria:"What? What do you mean you can't hack it? You hacked the other one."
Takeshi:"Yes, but they were connected to the system. This one isn't. Hold on."
He hacks into the cameras and shows the door.
Takeshi:"No wonder."
Takeshi:"The door is not connected to the system cause it's can't connect. It's mechanical."
Takeshi:"It can only be opened from the inside with a key. I can't open it from here."
Franklin:"Damn it. Cover team come in."
Carla:"This is cover team, over."
Franklin:"We can't open the door. We'll have to come up with a new plan."
Carla:"What? Sceiße! Well maybe I can just shoot them while they're in the meeting room."
Takeshi:"Negative Longshot. I checked the walls. The entire top floor is reinforced. That explains the extra pillars on the bottom floor. You can't shoot through them."
Carla:"So what do we do?"
Franklin:"We'll have to storm the building. I need you to get over here and help us prepare. When the others arrive, we will breach the building and take them by surprise."
Carla:"Alright, we're on our way."
She gets up but Yuri pulls her down.
Carla:"What are you doing?!"
Yuri:"Nine o'clock."
She looks and sees six jeeps driving down the road. These were the other big shots.
Yuri:"Strike team be advised, the other two targets designated Amir Hassan and Cairo Khan are arriving. It appears they are early."
Franklin:"What?! This is bad, this wasn't supposed to happen."
Victoria:"What do we do now?"
They didn't know what to do. The targets came early and the door couldn't open. The meeting room reinforced and there was no time for Cover team to get to Strike team. It looked like all hope was lost. Until...
Yuri opened his duffel bag.
Carla:"Is-Is that? Is that a fucking bow?!"
Yuri:"Yes. And these are the explosive arrows I ordered. Takeshi, where is the meeting room?"
Takeshi:"It's one the west side. There's a window but I don't think you can-"
Yuri:"Just tell me when they get in, I'll take care of the rest."
Takeshi:"What are you-"
Yuri:"Carla you cover me."
Carla:"You mind telling me what you're doing."
Yuri:"Finishing this mission."
The jeeps got inside and Yuri ran towards the west wall. He ran at inhuman speeds. The average man can run at 24km/h. A soldier can run faster but Yuri ran MUCH faster even with gear on.
He ran past the emergency exit on the west wall and got in perfect position facing the window of the HQ's top floor.
Takeshi was looking at the camera's:"Ok, they should be getting in."
Yuri takes one arrow.
Takeshi:"They're entering the room."
Yuri loads the arrow.
Takeshi:"They're closing the door."
Yuri pulls his bow, aims and inhales.
Takeshi:"They're sitting down."
Yuri releases the arrow. It files through the window and as the big shots sat down it explodes, killing all of them.
The explosion shook everyone. Even the Strike team. But Franklin wasted no time and detonated the explosives he set up. A lot of building blow up killing a lot of terrorists.
Yuri yells out:"Run to the nearest exit!" He starts running, too. He stops three times and fires one arrow each time into the air. One lands on the mortar's nest, one arrow lands on the helicopter on the helipad and one on the armoury.
Carla sees this as she shoots several terrorists.
Victoria runs out and asks:"Did he just-"
Carla:Memorise the locations of those structures and fired an explosive arrow into each one destroying them completely? Yes he did."
Franklin:"Holy shit!"
The continued to run as they were shooting terrorists.
Yuri runs to the road and fires and arrow into the sniper tower, destroying it. He crosses the road and hears the gate opening. He fires an arrow into the truck coming out, destroying it and preventing the terrorists from sending out more vehicles. The mortars fired, but not knowing their location, they kept missing.
All four of them ran to the Cover team point but Yuri just picked up his gear and continued running.
Franklin:"Where are you going?!"
They were forced to take their equipment and run, too. As they were running they were well behind Yuri.
Franklin:"Jesus Christ. Is he the fucking terminator or something?!"
Carla:"Don't look at me man. Although I wish he would slow down. Being the shortest one of the group ain't easy."
Yuri takes out his radio:"Alpha Actual this is Reaper of Kill team Nemesis! Requesting emergency extraction at the designated extraction zone ASAP!"
Radio:"Roger that Reaper this is Alpha actual, what is the situation of the mission?"
Yuri:"The mission is complete! Targets neutralised! We're currently being pursued by ISIS troops! Requesting extraction ASAP!"
Radio:"Solid copy Reaper. We are sending out a helicopter to extract you. ETA 30 minutes."
Yuri:"Roger! Reaper out!"
He puts away his radio and keeps running to the place where they landed. The rest of the team struggles to keep up.
They eventually get over there and find Yuri in a kneeling position aiming his rifle. They were heavily breeding and Carla sat down on the ground. Yuri was fine.
Franklin:"What... the hell... was that?"
Yuri:"That was me completing my mission."
Franklin:"Not that! You left us back there! What's wrong with you!"
Victoria:"Frank calm down."
Franklin:"Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down?! He ran off without us! And worst of all we don't even have-"
Then he sees a helicopter coming in. Yuri grabs his radio:"Extraction helicopter this is Kill team Nemesis, come in, over."
Radio:"Kill team Nemesis, this is Saviour 1, I'm here for extraction. Mark the landing site with a green flare."
Yuri:"Roger that Saviour 1. Over and out."
Yuri puts away his radio and throws a green flare. He turns back to Franklin who's just staring at everything:"I told you already. If you can't keep up, you're of no use."
The helicopter lands and extracts them. They head back to the nearest safe house.
End of chapter 14
Thank you for reading
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