《Phantom Trooper》Arc 2-chapter 10 (The call-part 3)
Minister:"The next representative is Germany."
General Hans Weber steps forward:"For our representative we have chosen gunnery Sargent Carla Franberg. Age 27, born in Marburg and former junior champion of the shooting league. Finished sniper training with flying colours currently holds the record for longest and most accurate shot in the German military. She was sent to Eastern Africa, more specifically Kenya, in order to help abolish a slave trade system linked with the rest of East Africa and south east Asia. We have reason to believe that Kenya and Somalia are the main forces behind the slave trade in Eastern Africa. She has been assigned to that post two years ago and despite our many attempts to pursued her into leaving, she refuses. However, her accomplishments cannot got unnoticed, as she has already eliminated a large number of figure heads in Kenya, significantly decreasing their activity."
General Mark:"Is there something else you want to tell us about her. I feel like there's more to it."
General Hans:"Well yes. She is... to put it in American terms, a cowboy. She is very unpredictable and uncontrollable. She will often engage in different forms of combat, despite her primarily being a sniper. On many occasions she was sent out to do basic reconnaissance, but instead seized the opportunity to take the enemies out herself. Her energetic and bombastic personality compliments this. That said, she can be somewhat of a handful, often not caring about her manners and disobeying direct orders from her superiors. She also doesn't have a teammate watching her back because... they just couldn't stand her. But she claims to be doing it on purpose because she *performs better alone*."
General Watanabe:"Why haven't you court marshalled her and had her discharged from the military? Surely having a soldier like this is a problem in the overall system."
General Hans:"While I do agree that she is a wild card, like I stated previously her accomplishments can't go unnoticed. She may not always follow orders, but she gets the job done."
Minister:"At this point in time we cannot be picky. We must look at skill first and having a good sniper will be crucial."
General Watanabe frowned. As someone who values discipline and organising, he couldn't stand the fact that there's gonna be a soldier on the team that's the exact opposite. But at the end, he couldn't really argue.
Minister:"So, what will be her callsign?"
General Frans:"She likes to call herself... *Longshot*."
Minister:"Very well. Where is she right now?"
(Eight days earlier)
Barata, Kenya
There was a group of ten standing and talking to each other. There were two jeeps next to them and two dirt bikes. Some were smoking cigars while others sharpened their knives. On the ground were about 24 people. They had barely any clothes and a lot of them were beaten. About six of them were kids below the age of twelve. They begged for mercy, but received slaps and punches. After a while a truck came by and two men stepped out.
Driver:"So you got em?"
Man 1:"Yeah they all here. You wanna count?"
Driver:"No. Can't be picky these days. Those whiteys are getting serious. We gotta move fast."
Man 2:"Don't worry. We already checked the area. Ain't nobody out here."
Driver:"Fine. Get em in the truck."
The men started drafting the men, women and children into the truck. Two of the men grabbed a woman.
Man 1:"Oh she's nice."
Driver:"Hey hey! Get your hands of!"
Man 2:"Here" he hands him some wrapped cash," we can pay in advance."
Driver groans:"If the boss gets mad, it's on you. I'm not getting dragged into some bullshit just cause your wiener wanted some action. Got it?"
Man 1:"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just go already."
The drivers leave along with eight of the ten men. The other two were the ones with the dirt bikes.
Man 1:"Ooooohhohoh, this'll be fun."
Woman:"No, p-please-"
The man slaps her:"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
Little did they know, they were being watched through a scope. About 200 meters away, a woman in a gillie suit was lying on the ground with her M93 black arrow sniper rifle. She seems to be calmly lying there, chewing her gum and blowing bubbles while listening to Lil Jon-Snap yo fingers.
(Carla's POV)
In her mind:"Let me see ya do it, AYYY, lemme see ya do it, AYYY... man I love this song." She sees that the others left,"so those fucks finally left. Good."
I keep the targets in my sights as I chewed my gum. These guys were nothing but target practise. I see the ugly asshole pull out his wiener in front of the woman. I popped a bubble and shot it. He fell over and screamed in pain while the woman screamed in confusion and fright. The other ugly bastard grabbed and tried to use her as a meat shield as he looked around to find me. That dumbass. I fired a bullet right between his eyes and he flopped on the ground. I got up and ran towards them the woman was sitting on the ground still scared.
Woman:"Please, please don't hurt me please." She started crying.
I kneeled in front of her:"Hey it's ok, no one's gonna hurt you anymore, look", I pulled out my Glock 21 and shot the screaming asshole,"see? It's over."
The woman calmed down. We both got up and she hugged me while still crying. She was taller than me so it felt weird:"Thank you. Thank you so much."
Carla:"Don't mention it. Now... I'm gonna go and find your friends ok?"
Woman:"My daughter... and my husband. Please, save them."
Carla:"I promise."
I took one of the dirt bikes and followed the road which the truck took. After about 20 minutes I stopped and saw a small square building in the distance. It looked like some kind of makeshift storage building. The two truck drivers and eight from the jeep were all standing around. I was about 190 meters away lying down on the ground. They couldn't see me but I sure as shit saw them. Shortly after, one more truck and jeep came. The jeep had three men and the truck had one, the driver. One of the men in the jeep had different clothes, guess he was the head honcho. I had them in my crosshairs and prepared to fire.
(3rd POV)
The men were talking about the people in the truck. The driver of the truck was smoking a cigar.
Suit man:"So. How many?"
Driver:"24. Well, 23. Two out of the ten idiots took one and wanted to get some early access."
Suit man:"What?!"
Driver:"Don't worry they paid in advance. Now, let's get them loaded up. My colleges are coming and we're going to Somalia after this."
Suit man groans:"Fine let's get it over with. Here's the-".
His then dropped dead as blood sprayed from his skull.
He gets shot in the head and dies.
(Carla's POV)
Boom boom mothafuckas.
Killed two, twelve left. Five of them start opening fire in my direction.
Five down, nine left. They hid behind the jeeps but their feet were visible. I shoot one and he falls down and yells in pain. I shoot again in the head. One peaks out to try and spot me, bad move.
Seven down, seven to go. I reload my rifle and get them back in my sites. Three tried to get in the jeep. I killed the driver, then the one in the back. The one in the passenger seat tried to hide behind the door. That ain't enough cover pal.
Ten down. Four to go. The rest run into the small building and hide. One was idiotic enough to peak, so you know what happened. I couldn't shoot the others, they were behind the wall. So I pull out a magazine with yellow tape on it. These were my armour piercing rounds. I shot one his body flopped in front of the door. One ran but I saw him through the window. Some math bullshit later and I figured out where he's running.
One guy survived and he stepped outside with his arms raised. He gets on his knees and starts yelling something. Maybe for me to spare him. Jesus Christ, what a pussy.
I got up on my bike and drove to him. He was still on his knees, not suspicious at all.
I point my pistol at him:"Keys to the truck."
Man:"H-He has em!" He points to the dead driver. I search his pockets and find the keys. When I was about to open the truck, that asshole grabbed me. I couldn't move my arms. He then started touching my breasts and chuckling:"Hehehe, you got a nice pair on ya Euro girl. Such a cutie but such a waste. How bout we-"
I hit the back of my head against his head. Then I stomp on his right foot. He loosens up and I start elbowing him in the side before hitting him with a left hook. He fell on the ground and started crawling towards a gun. I jump to my pistol, turn and shoot him four times. He falls dead on the ground.
I go to the truck and open up the back. The people inside were scared as they huddled as far away from the doors.
"Hey, hey, it's ok. They're dead. You can come out."
After a few seconds of hesitation, an eight year old girl slowly walks up to me:"Are the bad men gone?"
I smile:"Yes. Yes they're gone. They can't bother you anymore." I pick her up and lower her on the ground. "You can all come out. It's safe."
A few minutes later they were all out of the truck and trying to show me gratitude. A man in a blue shirt and some bruises came up to me:"Thank you, for killing those men and saving us, my daughter and I, as well as all these people, are grateful."
"Don't mention it. I promised your wife I would save you."
The man's eyes widened:"A-Adah is alive?"
"Yes, you will be reunited soon."
The man let out tears of joy. However, a woman then yelled out:"CAR! A CAR IS COMING!"
I ran over and saw a jeep coming. It was 600 meters away and closing in. I didn't panic. I turned towards the people:"Listen! I need you to go back into the truck and wait for me!"
Man:"What will you do?"
I smirk:"I'm gonna send those bastards to hell."
I reached open my pouch and pull out a magazine with grey tape on it. These were experimental explosive round. They were supposed to be out of production since WW2, but since these massive bursts of wars happened some military governments started producing and improving them. Germany was one of them. The purpose of the SHEPR (Special high-explosive penetration round) was to destroy vehicles. By aiming and timing the shot correctly the round can penetrate and destroy the engine thus destroying the vehicle. This was still in experimentation and many snipers preferred normal rounds for drivers or .50 caliber rounds for just stopping the vehicle. I'm not one of them.
"Ok, I hope this works. I usually just shoot motorcycles with this since they're easier to destroy. God I hope this won't backfire."
I get the bike placed and put my sniper on the seat for stability. The jeep was coming closer, 400 meters.
I chewed my gum faster.
200 meters
I started blowing the bubble.
100 meters
I calm my senses and focus.
60 meters
I pop the bubble.
The jeep blows and the assholes inside die.
The little girl walks up to me:"That was so cool! How'd you do that?"
I smile:"Years of practice kid."
Girl:"You think I'll ever be able to do that?"
"You shouldn't want to. But, who knows?" I pick up the shell from the explosive round, "Maybe some day," I give it to her, "you might." I pat her on the head. Then I get up and address everyone:"Alright, everyone in the truck, I'm taking you to some place safe."
Everyone got in the truck and started driving. I stopped on the way to pick up Adah, the little girls mother. After about an hour of driving I come up to a fence gate. It was the entrance to a French-German outpost/barracks in Kenya.
The guards walked up to the truck:"Hold it! This is a restricted are!"
"Oh c'mon Louis I got people in the back that need food and rest."
Louise:"Excuse me?"
"Long story short, I killed some assholes and saved some people. Now lemme in."
Louise:"Lieutenant-Colonel Becker is NOT gonna be satisfied with this."
You let me worry about him.
The gates open and I drive through.
(3rd POV)
Carla drives, exists the truck and opens it. The people inside come out and the soldiers treat the injured, feed the hungry and provide them with new clothes.
In the mean time, Carla was inside lieutenant-colonel Becker's office. He was pissed.
Carla:"Pardon me sir?"
Becker:"Don't you *pardon me* me, gunnery Sargent! What were you thinking bringing those people here?!"
Carla:"I thought that was what we were here to do sir."
Becker:"Yes! But we have plans and schedules for this like this! You're NOT supposed to act out of you volition!"
Carla:"And because of our plans and rules those people are dying every day and we're too late to stop it!"
Becker:"Watch your tone!"
Carla:"What was I supposed to do? Just leave em there?!"
Becker:"You weren't event supposed to engage! Your mission was reconnaissance! But like always, you choose to belay these orders!"
Carla:"YOU THINK I DO THIS FOR FUN!..... every day I see innocent people die because of our rules and systems! Because I wasn't ORDERED to help them like a trained dog! If I see an opportunity to help people I take it no matter the consequences! THAT is what we are meant to do here!"
She lowers her head in shame and sadness.
Carla:"I... sir I-"
Becker:"I understand. You wish you had more freedom. You're not the type of person to sit in the sidelines and observe. You choose to follow your moral compass rather than rules and systems. It's something I admire, truly... However, I can't let you go with a slap on the wrist. You are suspended for a month. That will be all."
She salutes him and leaves. She makes it to her her dorm but before she could enter a soldier stops her:"So... how'd it go?"
Carla:"Hey Fritz" *sigh* "I got suspended for a month."
Fritz:"Damn, Becker does not joke around. What will you do?"
Carla:"Guess I'll help these people out."
Fritz:"Hope it was worth it."
Carla looks over to a medical tent and sees Adah with her husband and daughter. They're hugging each other and crying. The girl shows her mom the bullet shel and tells her about what Carla did.
Carla smiles:"Yes. It was." She enters the dorm. She gets dressed into some casual clothes and as she opens her drawer she finds a satellite phone with a label *123*. She dials the phone.
After a few moments s voice said:"About time Sargent."
Carla:"It gunnery Sargent and who dis?"
Voice:"This is general Hans Weber."
Carla's eyes widened:"S-Sir, this is unexpected. What can I-"
Hans:"Drop the act Carla. How's it going?"
Carla smiles and lies down on her bed:"Not that great general, lieutenant-colonel Becker suspended me for helping some civilians who were gonna be soled to slavery."
Hans chuckles:"Well can't say I'm surprised."
Carla:"How's little Thomas doing?"
Hans:"He's not little anymore you know. He turned 15 last week."
Carla:"Damn, sorry I missed the birthday party."
Hans:"No worries. You'll be happy to know that he's keeping up with his marksmen training. He's doing great, his score is now 170 out of 200."
Carla:"See. And you wanted him to be some computer geek."
Hans:"Well he's quiet the Jack of all trades. Now, to the business at hand. I called you over to ask you about something."
Carla:"What is it?"
Hans:"The French have devised some sort of plan to fight the UATF's enemies. They call it project Nemesis. Germany has been selected as one of the five countries to choose their own representative as a team member, along side the US, UK, Russia and Japan."
Carla:"Well... I'm honoured. Just one question. How are we operating."
Hans:"You will engage in specific missions, however, you get complete freedom to go however you want about it. Also-"
Carla:"I'm in."
Carla:"Sign me up general. Just point me into the enemies direction, and I'll take care of everything else."
Hans chuckles:"Glad to hear it. Welcome to the team gunnery Sargent Carla Franberg, of should I say... Longshot."
Carla:"Sounds good."
The hang up and Carla lyes on the bed with her hands crossed behind her head looking at the ceiling:"Things are finally getting interesting."
(Present day)
General Hans:"Right now she's in München, waiting further orders... and probably annoying some people."
Minister:"Alright. The next representative is-"
Picture references and basic info
Name: Carla Franberg
Date of birth: 18th of December 1984
Place of birth: Marburg, Germany
Current occupation: German army (gunnery Sargent)
Height: 169cm
Fighting styles: MMA
Primary weapon of choice: Zastava M93 black arrow
Secondary weapon of choice: Mp 7
Sidearm of choice: Glock 21
Equipment: smoke grenades, frag grenades
To be continued...
End of chapter 10
Thank you for reading
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