《Phantom Trooper》Arc 2-Chapter 9 (The call-part 2)
Ministry:"The next representative is the United Kingdom."
General Oliver stands up:"Thank you minister. For our representative we have chosen lieutenant Victoria Hamilton. Age 27, born and raised in Cambridge, graduated the royal military academy Sandhurst. Earned the title of lieutenant at the age of 26 and currently on active duty in Syria. She is a prodigy like no other. Well known for being versatile and adaptive to any situation. Her family has a long history in military and war. However, those aren't the reasons we picked her."
All the generals raise and eyebrow.
General Paul:"If you didn't pick her for her combat abilities, then what did you pick her for, if I may ask?"
General Reginald:"We picked her, for her personality and medical specialty."
The American generals start chuckling.
General Michael:"Is this some kind of joke?"
General Oliver:"We are not joking, general Douglas. We sent her to central Syria when she became a lieutenant. And when we did, we started seeing results. Not only is she able to patch up, heal and treat the wounded faster than any other combat medic, she able to boost morale and keep the soldiers fighting. This resulted in a number of victorious skirmishes with the terrorists. If I recall correctly, the US Marines and Rangers are also in that location, correct?"
General Mark Steele:"Yes, the 75th ranger regiment as well as the 23rd marine corps regiment is present in the area. I have to admit I have been surprised by our victories in the past year. I'm guessing this is the work of your lieutenant?"
General Oliver:"Yes. We are unsure of how she does it, but she manages to raise the moral and keep the army fighting."
General Popov:"I do not mean to sound impolite, but this isn't the medieval age. There are no more scenarios where the king shows up on a horse in front of his army and boost their morale by giving a speech."
General Suzuki:"While I do agree with you general I must prove you wrong to a certain degree. While it is true that the old days have past, morale plays a crucial part in every war, even today. A soldier that's unmotivated to fight is useless. Whether that soldier be a knight or a modern rifleman, if he doesn't have the will and motivation to fight, he won't fight. And you can not deny the result."
General Popov put his hand on his mouth:"Hmm..."
Minister:"Besides, you mentioned that lieutenant Hamilton is also a combat medic, correct?"
General Oliver:"Yes, the greatest we have encountered. This is most likely due to her focusing on medic training than on anything else. These are the reasons why we chose her."
Minister:"Very well. And what will be her callsign?"
General Oliver:"We have chosen, "Valkyrie"."
Minister:"And what are her current whereabouts?"
(Six days ago)
East of Al-Kawm, Syria
There was a town occupied by the terrorist forces. A lot of the civilians have been killed, along with children. Such is war. Fortunately most of the town's people have been evacuated to a temporary camp west of find town. The terrorists, numbering in 500, have attempted to rush to the west part of the town and take the camp. Unfortunately for them, the camp was defended by the Americans and the British. The US Army Rangers, Marins corps and the British Royal Marines, numbering 274 are holding the line.
They did not come with any heavy equipment or machinery, as their info stated that there won't be any have opposition.
They had 4 Strykers, 6 JLTVs, 3 boxer medical vehicles and 5 MXT-MVs. Since the beginning of the enemy surprise attack, they lost 2 Strykers, 3 JLTVs, 1 boxer and 3 MXT-MVs along with 56 men and more injured.
The battle is still going on. The terrorists are opening fire on the Americans in the southern section of the western part. The Rangers aren't pushovers, as they keep killing the enemy and driving them back.
Major White:"GIVE 'EM HELL MEN!"
The Rangers keep fighting until the enemy retreated.
White:"Jesus Christ, the sons of bitches just won't let up. I hope the Brits are doing better."
In the northern section the terrorist brought RPGs. They planned on getting close enough to the camp so they can destroy the rest of the medical vehicles. They were dead wrong. The Royal Marines aren't some half-assed riflemen. They are professionals who won't stop until the enemy is taken cared of. They placed M240 machine guns and organised a defensive line which the terrorists couldn't get through.
After about half an hour of shooting, the terrorists retreated. The Americans killed 73 terrorists and suffered 4 injured, while the British killed 85 and suffered 5 injured. The total terrorist numbers have fallen down to 226 since their surprise attack. The allies were stuck in the west part of the town for 18 hours. They called for backup but none have arrived yet.
The injured soldiers were carried to the main medical tent where Victoria treated them:"How bad?!"
Barnes:"We have nine injured in total. These bastards won't stop. Their numbers have fallen below ours but we can't risk in attacking them."
Victoria;"You're right. What about the Americans? Will air support arrive?"
White comes in:"We're not sure. Command says they will provide us with an AC-130 but they haven't given us and ETA. This fucking sucks."
Victoria:"Well all we have to do is hold on. This is a war of attrition and we have the numbers as well as the fire power. As long as we stay fortified we can do this."
Barnes:"Heh, always the optimistic one. I admire that."
Victoria smiles and runs of to treat a patient.
White:"It must be nice being so young. It's a pity someone like her had to get stuck in a hell hole like this."
Barnes:"I agree. But it's like she said, we just have to-"
A marine runs into the tent:"MAJOR!"
White:"Alan? Calm down, what's wrong?!"
Alan takes his radio:"Recon 2 this is Stryker actual, do you copy, over?"
Marine in radio:"Stryker actual this is Recon 2, I copy, over."
White takes the radio:"Recon 2 this is Major John White, give me a sitrep, over."
Marine:"Sir we're in trouble. I'm spotting about ten carrier trucks and five armed trucks headed our way. ETA is 45 minutes. Estimated number tango count between 170 and 220."
White:"Jesus Christ. Where are you now?"
Marine:"We are in the east part of the town along with Recons 1,3 and 4."
White:"Pull back! I repeat, pull back to the camp in the west!"
Marine:"Roger that sir."
White becomes frustrated. This is bad. They have reinforcements and air support hasn't arrived yet. What to do?
Barnes:"What now major White?"
White:"Do I look like I know!?" They paused for a few seconds,"Alright, I want you to order your men to gather everything they can. We are pulling out."
Barnes:"What? But the civilians-"
White:"We can afford the losses! We have to retreat and devise a new plan."
Victoria steps in:"ARE YOU MAD!?"
White:"Excuse me?"
White:"We don't have a choice lieutenant!"
Victoria:"Yes we do! We fight!"
She takes the radio:"Recon 2 this is lieutenant Victoria Hamilton of the British Royal Marines, do you copy, over?"
Marine:"Lieutenant Hamilton this is Recon 2, we copy, over."
Victoria:"I need you to give me the current location and situation of the terrorists, over."
Marine:"Stand by.... the remaining terrorists have gathered at the Far East entrance to the town. Most of them are outside the gates, waiting for reinforcements."
Victoria:"Ade there any guards patrolling the rest of the town? Are the terrorists on the outside of the entrance paying attention to the inside."
Marine:No. There are no patrols and there's minimum resistance on the inside."
Victoria:"Thanks. Over and out." She puts down the radio."There."
White:"There what?"
Victoria:"This is our chance. If we can muster up every last bit of fire power we have, we can break through and kill all the remaining terrorists. Then we can organise a defence/ambush against their reinforcements."
White:"Are you insane!?"
Barnes:"This... this could work."
White:"I can't believe you're even considering this!"
Barnes:"Listen John, this can work."
White:"I'm not putting the lives of my men at risk!"
Her voice echoed through the entire camp. Everyone heard what she said. They were all given a reminder of what they are, soldiers, fighters. And if they can't do what they're trained to do, then what's the point? All the soldiers took their weapons. The engineers prepared the vehicles, the gunners loaded their guns, even the wounded helped the others get ready. They were individually preparing attack plans and strategies.
White:"Hey! Hold it! I didn't give the order to mobilise! Stop-"
Barnes grabs him by the shoulder:"Forget it John, they're not listening to you anymore. They're listening to her."
Marine Sargent:"We're set m'am!"
Ranger lieutenant:"As are we."
Royal marine Sargent:"Locked and loaded. Let's blow these godless bastards to hell!"
The vehicles were all set into formation along with the infantry. Victoria stood on top of an MXT-MV and looked at everyone:"You might be scared! So am I! The enemy will soon outnumber us and we have no support! But we have something they don't! We have a purpose to fight! We have people that are counting on us to protect them! We have countries that depend on us winning this war! WE HAVE FAMILIES THAT ARE PATIENTLY WAITING FOR US TO RETURN! WE FIGHT NOT JUST BECAUSE IT IS OUR DUTY AS SOLDIERS, BUT BECAUSE IT IS OUR DUTY AS PROTECTORS! WE DO NOT FIGHT BECAUSE WE HATE WHAT IS IN FRONT OF US, WE FIGHT BECAUSE WE LOVE WHAT IS BEHIND US! WE FIGHT FOR OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WHETHER THEY STAND NEXT TO US OR ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS WORLD! WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT, BUT WE STAND TOGETHER TO FIGHT THE GREATER EVIL! WE ARE SOLDIERS AND WE WILL NOT FALL!"
Royal Marines:"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!"
Rangers and marines:"HOORAH!"
They all charged, as one, together.
(15 minutes later)
Most of the terrorist have gathered outside of town waiting for their reinforcements. Only a couple of dozen men are on the inside, but they're not too worried. They were all in belief that they already won.
Terrorist 1:"So? You think those westerners are going to do anything?"
Terrorist:"I doubt it. They have a weak heart and they care too much about the people. They will just sit there and once help gets here, they'll all be dead. Hehehe."
Then they started hearing a strange noise coming from the Main Street. They saw the vehicles and soldiers charging in, aiming for the gate.
Terrorist 1:"AMERICA-"
He was shot in the head by a Mk14.
Marine:"Gotcha motherfucker."
The Rangers and marines fired they're M4A1s, Mk14s, M249s, while the Brits fired L85s, L7A2s and combat shotguns. The enemies didn't have time to react as they were fired upon.
The JLTVs and MXT-MVs, armed with heavy M2 Browning machine guns, mowed down the terrorists and cleared dozens of them in seconds.
Karma's a bitch ain't it?
They killed everyone inside the town and moved outside. The terrorists tried to defend by covering behind their trucks, but that didn't prove to be a good plan, as a 40mm GMG destroyed everything. The terrorists that tried to run towards the houses were met with close range specialists while the ones who tried to run or fight from a distance were picked off by American and British marksmen. In less than 20 minutes, everything was cleared. All the enemies were dead. But they suffered about 32 casualties. This was a great loss, but they died as proud soldiers who chose to fight. There was no time for celebration of grief, as the enemy reinforcements were spotted arriving. They had about 5-10 minutes before they arrive, so they set up their defences and hunkered down. They were not about let any of these assholes get through.
Victoria:"STAND FAST MEN!"
Barnes:"What do you think John?"
White:"I think this was an idiotic plan. But then again, I haven't had this much fun in years. If we do make it out, I would like to personally thank that lieutenant."
Barnes:"I'll make sure of that."
The enemies were about 800m away and closing. All they could do... is fight.
But Lady Luck was in their side.
Pilot on radio:"Sorry for the waif major! Jeff forgot to refuel the plane!"
They looked up in the sky and saw an AC-130.
Pilot:"Get some rest, we'll take care of it from here."
The AC-130 then opened fire with its 40mm Bofors cannon and 105mm Howitzer. In a few seconds, the trucks were destroyed and all the enemies were dead.
Pilot:"Sit right, reinforcements are on their way. ETA one hour."
White:"Thank you pilot. You really saved our asses."
All the soldiers started screaming in happiness and victory. It was over and they enjoyed every last bit of it. All but one. Victoria walked over to the dead soldiers and kneeled down to close their eyes.
Barnes walks up behind her and puts his hand on her shoulder:"You can't blame yourself. They chose this."
Victoria:"That doesn't make it right. Their blood is on my hands."
White walks up:"Stop speaking nonsense! They willingly came here and fought side by side to defeat their enemy. By saying that you are responsible for their deaths is out right insulting. No one is responsible for a man's life but the man himself."
Victoria brushes her tears and smiles:"Thank you major. You're right."
White and Barnes salute her. White comes over and shakes her hand:"And I thank you, lieutenant Victoria Hamilton."
(Four hours later)
After the reinforcements arrived they loaded up the wounded and went back to base. Victoria was in her quarters lying in bed in her underwear and a tank top. She covered her eyes with her arm and wanted to rest. She then heard a knock on the door and frowned.
She walked up to the door and opened it with a tiring look. A young soldier was standing with a phone in his hand. He was caught of guard by how Victoria looked like. She was quite attractive:"I-I-I... um s-s-sorry to um... well... I um... *shit* uhhh..."
She closed the door but he stopped her:"Wait! Wait. *inhale* Major Barnes wanted me to give you this." He hands her the satellite phone,"Um... I'm sorry about intrudi-"
She closed the door and laid back in bed and looked at the phone. It had a label that said *Dial 123*. She dialled the number and after a few seconds a man answered:"Well, took you long enough, lieutenant Victoria Hamilton."
Victoria:"Who is this?"
Man:"This is general Oliver Abbot."
She jumped out of bed:"SIR?!"
General:"Calm down lieutenant. Sit."
She sat down:"Sir, with all due respect, why are you calling me? You can just contact major Barnes and-"
General:"This is something I must discus with you personally."
General:"Do you anything about Project Nemesis?"
General:"Of course you don't. Only a few people do. It's a plan devised by the French military in order to combat against the UATF's enemies. A special team will be assembled and sent out on specific missions. And you, Victoria, have been chosen to represent the United Kingdom."
Her heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe something like this. A secret team to fight a global terrorist threat. It's like something out of a movie.
Victoria:"But sir, why me? Why me specifically? Surely there are other, more capable soldiers."
General:"You posses something that no one else possesses. We have monitored you since your graduation from the academy. You think a prodigy like yourself would go under the radar?"
Victoria:"Sir I... I don't know what to say."
General:"Just make a decision. This is not an order, this is a choice. You don't have to do this if you do not wish to."
Victoria sat silent for a moment but her mind and heart all spoke the same word:"Yes. I accept."
General:"Good. We will schedule a plane for London tomorrow. Good luck, Valkyrie."
He hung up and Victoria sat there in silence. She then smiled:"Valkyrie huh. Not a bad name."
(Present day)
General Abbot:"She is currently in London. She will be ready by the time we execute this."
Minister:"Good. The next representative is-"
Picture references and basic info
Name: Victoria Hamilton
Date of birth: 28th of November 1984
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Current occupation: Royal Marines (lieutenant)
Height: 175 cm
Fighting techniques: karate, boxing
Primary weapon of choice: L85
Secondary weapon of choice: MP5k
Sidearm of choice: USP
Equipment: Flash grenades and medical kits
End of chapter 9
Thank you for reading
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