《Phantom Trooper》ARC 2-CHAPTER 3 (An unexpected visit)
December 1996
Mountains near Kyshik
It's been months since incident in the town. The hoodlums never attempted to retaliate. One, because they couldn't find them, and two, they couldn't of beat them if they wanted to. They made up lame excuses to tell their parents, like how they tripped on some stairs of how they were playing with knives. They didn't bother anyone for a long time.
As for the Maksimov brothers, life was normal. Well, normal for them. They continued their training and hunting.
Yuri was born on the 21st of August so he turned 15. Dimitri was born on the 12th of July so he's 13 and Igor was born on the 28th of May so he's 11. As they grew older their training got harder. They started doing long sprints through the woods as well as cold and heat tolerance training. However, Yuri and Dimitri were mostly focused on preparing Igor for his final test, as his time is coming. Ever since the incident their bond became stronger and they trusted each other more. Igor an Dimitri we're slowly but surely keeping up with Yuri. Still, Yuri was undefeated. This put a proud smile on Ivan's face. Finally, his boys were growing into fine men. Soon, they won't need him anymore.
Jovana turns on the radio to see what's on. After a few moments of looking through the frequencies she found the news. They were just in time for the weather. The newsmen started speaking:"...so you better watch the next time you cross into an alley. That's it for the local news, my name is Marko Ivanov and before we go, a quick word from my friend Isaac cause he's got some news about the weather. Go ahead Isaac."
Isaac:"Thank you Marko. A few months ago our satellites have picked up a large storm cloud in the north east parts of Siberia. This was overlooked since it didn't pose much of a threat until recently we found imagines suggesting that the storm is heading west and south west. In the next two or three days the entire central part of Russia could be covered by this storm. If it keeps going west it might even reach Eastern Europe. It's close to category 3 and let's pray to God that it will not reach the more urban areas. Still, citizens should be advised to stay in doors for the duration of the storm. If the storm builds up any further, the the winter of 1997 might be the coldest we've gotten in a long time."
Marko:"There you have in folks. Stay in doors and be watchful of the storm. If you are living in central Russia, prepare your storm shelters. This is Marko Ivanov and I wish you a fine day."
The news end and Jovana was in shock. The storm was gonna hit them and she was scared. Ivan wasn't worried to much. He knew something like this was gonna happen sooner or later so he prepared. He built a special storm shelter below the house. It could withstand anything nature throws at them. However, there was one problem, supplies. A storm never hit them and he was to busy focusing on his sons. The shelter wasn't equipped to handle a storm like that. His car was at the mechanic and the only place where they could get enough supplies is hours away. Ivan thought to himself:"God dammit! Why now? Our of all the times my bad luck had to catch up to me it chose today. I can't get to the market without the car in time. Dammit! What do I do?"
Jovana walks up to him and holds his hand:"Are you ok? Don't worry it will be alright."
Ivan:"No, it will not. Without the car we can't get to the market. And the town down the road is gonna be fresh out. They have to prepare too. Fuck!"
They stand there as Jovana tries to reassure him that everything will be fine. But Ivan's been in difficult situations before and he knows it will only get worse if he doesn't act properly. He looks over to Jovana:"I know what I have to do."
Jovana is confused:"What?"
Ivan:"I'll walk to the mechanic and get my car back. Then I'll go to the market and get everything we need. It'll take time but I might make it before the storm hits."
Jovana wasn't expecting this. She's shaking just thinking about him not making it in time:"Are you crazy?! You'll be gone for almost a day. No! I won't let you go. God knows when that storm will hit. Please."
Ivan holds here by the arms:"We don't have any other options! The shelter is empty. The pantry is empty. You know December is the moth when we stock up. We always do this. The car is gone but that doesn't change anything. I must do this."
Ivan had a point. They had a schedule and they always followed it. This time, it was ruined but he was determined to follow through anyway. Jovana couldn't handle it and she started crying.
Ivan wipes her tears:"I'm sorry Jovana. This is too important. You know I-"
He was interrupted:"Then I'll go to."
Ivan wasn't expecting this. She doesn't normally go with him. On occasion, yes, but that was rare:"What? I can't let you come with me? What if we both get caught in the storm."
Jovana:"You need help. You can't do this alone. I'll go with you and make sure you return."
Ivan wanted to protest but he saw a determined look on her face. He couldn't say no. Now he understands where his sons get that look from.
Ivan sighs:"Fine. But we have to let them know. They must prepare."
Jovana nodded and stepped outside:"Boys! Come inside!"
The brothers stopped talking and went inside.
Ivan briefed them on the situation. They were very concerned. Even Yuri wasn't sure about this. This was very risky. The storm is close and there's a chance they might get caught in it. Dimitri and Igor were against it saying how it's far too dangerous.
Jovana:"Boys, I know it's dangerous. But this is something we have to do. If there was another choice we would gladly take it but there isn't. Sometimes you just have take what you can get and make the most of it."
Igor:"But why? Please, you don't have to risk it."
Jovana:"Igor I-"
Dimitri:"No! Igor is right. You're taking to much of a risk. The roads are already filled with snow, it will take hours to get it the mechanic not to mention the market. You'll be gone for at least a day, maybe more."
Jovana:"Boys we-"
Igor:"And why don't you include us. We train every day. We go out into the forest. We keep preparing ourselves but you never give us a chance to prove any of it!"
Ivan was about to snap. He was gonna yell at them but before he could Yuri spoke:"Enough!"
His voice echoed through the cabin, silencing everyone. Even Ivan was struggling to keep composure. Yuri understood everything. The risk, the danger, the necessity, all of it. He knew there was no other choice in this scenario.
Yuri:"There really is no other choice."
Dimitri:"So you're just ok with them leaving?!"
Yuri:"I never said that. I'm just said there's nothing else we can do. And there's nothing we can do that will make them changer their minds. We have to let them go."
Igor starts yelling:"No! I'm not gonna let them go! This is just to-"
Before he could finish, Yuri looked at him with a menacing stare. He didn't want to hurt him, he just wanted him to be quiet.
Igor stoped and stood there quietly. Jovana hugs him:"Don't worry. We will be back, I promise."
They all hug. Jovana, Igor and Dimitri start crying. Yuri is trying to hold his tears in.
Before leaving, Ivan puts his hand on his shoulder and looks him directly in the eye:"You will be in charge. You must take care of them. I know it sounds like I'm repeating myself, but this time it's much more important. There's a good chance we might not come back. Should that happen, you will have to take care of your brother. If we die, someone will come here. He will try to take you somewhere else, somewhere far away from here. DO NOT go with him. He will tell you it's better if you do but you must not trust him. Understand?"
Yuri nods:"I understand."
Ivan nods and then hugs him. This is a first. It feels...nice. He wishes this could last longer but he knows it can't. Yuri hugs his father back and Ivan and Jovana leave. The brothers go inside. For the first time, Yuri tightly holds his cross and starts praying.
(The next day)
The weather was very cloudy and thunder could be heard from a distance. Suddenly rains starts falling. The brothers head inside. They hope their parents will return soon. The rain starts falling harder and harder. Yuri tells everyone to go into the storm shelter/basement. They close the door and wait. Thunder could be heard outside. This time even louder. Igor is scared. He sits close to Dimitri who's also shaking. Yuri puts a blanket over both of them and sits close. Nothing will hurt them. He'll make sure of that.
(30 hours later)
The rain finally stops. They go outside. The cabin is mostly ok. The insides aren't that wet and the roof doesn't have a lot of holes. Everything is fine but they can't help but feel worried. Their parents aren't back. Yuri feared for the worst but didn't want to worry his brothers. It was too late. The storm passed and they haven't returned like they promised. Yuri pulled them by the arms into the house. He then grabbed tools from below his father's bed and went to fix the roof.
He looked at his brothers;"Well? C'mon! You want them to return and find the roof has holes in it?"
They smiled a bit and went to help Yuri.
(3 hours later)
It was four in the afternoon and the brothers were still fixing the roof. The weather was cloudy but the good news is that the won't be any rain for a while. Dimitri and Igor were getting nervous. Their parents aren't home yet. Yuri was getting nervous too. Not just because of his parents, but also because of the man his father warned him about. He didn't know anything about him, only that he will come if father was gone. He prayed that wasn't the case, but Lady Luck wasn't on his side.
A black jeep drove in front of the cabin. Dimitri and Igor jumped down to see what was going on. Yuri ran over in front of them, tightly gripping his hammer and signalling Igor and Dimitri not to get close.
When the engine turned of, two men stepped out from the car. One was a young man, in his mid twenties with blonde hair. The other was a a shorter man with almost no hair. He was older, somewhere around 42 or 43. They both walked over to Yuri. Before they could get close Yuri yelled out:"Stop!"
The two men stoped 8 meters from Yuri. The younger one was shaken and he reached in his jacket, probably pulling out a gun but the bald man stoped him.
Yuri continued:"Who are and what is your business here?"
The blond man was careful. He could see this kid, even though young, means business.
The bald man spoke:"Hello. I am Colonel Zoran Markovich. This trigger-happy man beside me is my subordinate, Lieutenant Maksim Lebedev. We are here to speak to you about a very important manner."
Igor and Dimitri were confused. They never met these men and father never spoke about them. They knew their father was in the army but he never spoke about it. He said it wasn't important. He wanted to forget about that life and not drag his family into it. Yuri was suspicious. He assumed this was the man his father warned him about.
Yuri spoke:"Not interested. Leave."
Zoran chuckled:"You know, I expected that answer but I didn't expect you to say it with such a serious and fierce voice. You're growing up into a quite a man Yuri."
Yuri's eyes widened. This man knew his name. How?
Yuri asked again:"Who are you?!"
Zoran signalled Maksim to calm down:"I told you. I am Colonel Zoran Markovich. But to be more specific, I'm a friend of your father's.
Yuri wasn't surprised. He knew it was something related to his father's old life. Dimitri and Igor on the other hand were shocked. Father never mentioned him or anyone from his past life. Plus, how did he find them?
Yuri:"He never spoke of you."
Zoran:"Of course not. He told he wanted to forget and move on. But I couldn't. He saved my life you know. On several occasions. Of course I was only a major then and not as bright as I am now but he was a FINE lieutenant. He could of gotten up higher in the ranks if he stayed but he didn't. It was too much for him. All those battles and all that death. It was impressive he stayed for as long as he did. I truly have to commend him."
Hearing this Yuri was surprised. He assumed his father did great things but he had no idea. Of what this man is saying is true, then why should Yuri stay away from him! He seems like a good man.
Zoran:"You're probably wondering how we found you. Well we actually-"
Yuri interrupted him:"Satellites."
Maksim was shocked. This kid actually found out. Zoran just raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised.
Yuri continued:"You used a satellite to track him and triangulate the location of this cabin. It was hard seeing how we're in a rural area, but not impossible."
Zoran couldn't help but laugh a little bit:"Impressive. Very impressive. Smart, cunning, cool headed, quick witted... truly a remarkable soldier. I know some people who can learn a thing or two from you." He looks at Maksim who just scuffs and looks away." Your father taught you well."
Yuri:"So I'll bite. Why are you here?"
Zoran lowers his head:"It's about your parents."
Yuri's eyes widened, so did Igor's and Dimitri's. Something happened. Something bad.
Dimitri uttered:"A-Are... are they...?"
Zoran sighed:"There was an accident on the road. Their car spun out of control, probably because of the storm and they-"
Yuri stood there with his head lowered. He dropped the hammer he was holding.
Yuri:"Is it really true? Are they dead?"
Igor started crying. Dimitri was holding him back.
Yuri:"Well? Answer me!"
Zoran looked over to Maksim and then to Yuri:"Yes. They are. I'm truly sorry."
Yuri lowered his head and gripped his fists. Igor fell to his knees and started crying uncontrollably:"W-Why? N-N-No they can't b-be. Mom... mom promised. She... she promised she'd come back. Mom."
Dimitri hugs him and also starts crying. He then looks at Yuri who just stood there:"Tch. Not surprised you're not crying. A cold stone hearted killer like you. Why should you-". A tear drops in the snow from Yuri's eyes. Then another and another. Yuri struggled to keep composure and stand in front of the two men. His hands, his legs, his whole body was shaking. He didn't know what to do. Then he feels a hand on his shoulder. It was Zoran. Yuri raised his head and opened his fists. This man knew their father and he felt sorry for his death.
Zoran:" If I could, I would trade my life for Ivan's and I would do it gladly. But I can't."
There's a pause as the wind blows over. It puts a chill down everyone's spine.
Zoran:"I can take you to see them. And you can attend the funeral in Volgograd."
Yuri knew this was what Zoran wanted. His father told him not to trust him, but for once, he's going to fail at his assignment.:"Yes. We would like to go."
Zoran smiled and patted him on his shoulder;"All right. Get yourselves ready. We will leave as soon as you say."
Zoran:"What? Don't you-"
Yuri:"We will leave now."
They got inside the jeep and drove of.
(Several hours later)
Outskirts of Volgograd, Russia
Memorial cemetery
As they exit the jeep the brothers look around. They see a lot of different graves. They find a group of soldier in special uniforms gathered below an oak tree. There were two holes with two coffins and two grave stones:*Ivan Maksimov and Jovana Maksimov*. This confirmed everything. They couldn't of doubted it any longer. Their parents are gone. Igor and Dimitri couldn't help but cry. Yuri tried to keep composure and stop himself from crying. They were about to lower the coffins, the soldiers that were there saluted, but Zoran stopped everything:"Hold! I wish to say a few words." The soldiers put their hands down. Zoran walked closer to the coffin, putting his hand on it and lowering his head. He then raised his head and spoke:"Most of you, if not all of you, know who I am. I am a soldier, dedicated to my country. I am also a man of God. I believe in the higher power and that there's a plan for every one of us. Ivan... he was so much more. He was more dedicated, more determined, more... everything than me. He was a great man who I considered a brother. He saved my life several times and if I could I would gladly trade my life for his. But I can't. He deserved better than what was given to him. So did his family. This... is truly unfortunate. I can only hope that he is in a better place. And his wife, his love, Jovana. She gave him something no one has managed to give him. Happiness. I only met her once, but I knew she was the best thing that ever happened to him. I will pray for them, and so should you." He then crossed himself and so did everyone else there, including the brothers.
When the ceremony was over, the coffins were lowered and buried. Yuri helped. When the last grains were shovelled, people started leaving. Eventually, the only ones who stayed were Yuri, Dimitri, Igor, Maksim and Zoran. The brothers stood there and stared into the graves and the photos of their parents. Zoran walked up to them:"Boys." The looked at him.
Zoran:"I know this is difficult. I lost people and family members, but you... I can't even imagine. So young and-"
Yuri interrupts him:"Get to the point!" He knew that something was gonna happen and he wanted to bullshit.
Zoran:"Fine. I'll cut to the chase. Come with me."
Dimitri and Igor looked at each other while Yuri was looking straight and Zoran.
Zoran:"Your parents are dead and you have no home. If you come with me I can promise you a home, an education. A future."
This was something to be expected. Zoran wanted to help these kids in order to make amends for their father. But his intentions were questionable. Why now? He knew where they were. So he kept his identity a secret from them for 15 years only to come out and show himself now. Why?
Zoran was shocked:"No? What do you mean no?"
Yuri;"I mean no. There's nothing you can give us that we don't already have. A home, an education. A future."
Maksim was angry:"Do you even hear yourself kid! A home? That old shack up in the woods? An education? A future? To live out the rest of your lives alone in a mountain, eating whatever critter you manage to find? Are you an idiot?"
Yuri:"You're the idiot here if you think we're gonna go with you. Our father built that cabin and I'll be dammed if I'm gonna let it rot. THAT is our home. The things our parents taught us? THAT is our education. And a life in the forest. Living together, in peace and quiet. THAT is our future. It's the life my father wanted and it's the one I want."
Maksim:"You little-"
Zoran grabs him by the shoulder:"That's enough! They made their decision."
Maksim:"Sir, you can't be serious."
Zoran:"I'm as serious as I can be. If these boys chose to live their life in peace then who are we to force them otherwise?"
Maksim:"But sir-"
Zoran:"No buts Maksim! Go back to the car, wait for them to come and drive them back. That's an order lieutenant!"
Maksim:"Yes sir." He goes back to the jeep.
Zoran looks back to Yuri:"If this is your final decision I will not protest. You may go."
Yuri nodded. The brothers went back into the jeep and Maksim drove them back to their cabin. Zoran watched as they left. When they were gone he looked over to Ivan's grave:"Your son Is quite exceptional. You trained him well. He will be a great soldier. Better than you or I could ever be. You were right. Something bad is coming. And HE... will be then one to fight through it."
End of chapter 3
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Blurb:Layla lives in a multi-planar universe where gods and superhuman immortals roam. Immortality is possible but only to those with money, power, and connections. Layla isn't worried about that, though. She's just trying to pay the rent. Robinhood style, of course. Atom is the self-proclaimed Mantle of Procrastination and good times. He Ascended from Earth a thousand years ago. A millennial NEET shut-in at heart, he enjoys video games and holo tube while spending time with his female companion, who does all his deific duties for him. Join the crazy adventures of a lazy God and his unwilling follower's rise to power. The first few Arc's of the story is an Academy arc. I think you will know if you like the story by chapter 6 as the first chapter may be confusing (or sucks, idk I like it so whatever)._________ The story is a slow burn. If you are expecting quick progression, I suggest looking at some of the other great stories on RR. I personally enjoy and Patreon several, but that's not what I'm writing. That might hurt my chances of trending anytime soon (or ever lol), but that is fine with me. I'm sure some of you will appreciate the story as much as I do in writing it. FAQ: The story has elements of xianxia and wuxia along with some GameLit (at some point). The story takes place in an age where tech has advanced to a complete integration with magic. Imagine everything running on mana or qi instead of electricity, and you will get the idea. There will be crafting but not until later in the story. It's actually a core plot elemenet for Layla. I'm writing this story for my own enjoyment and as a way of relieving stress in my life. I'm not a pro author or a naturally gifted wordsmith. I don't have beta readers and every chapter posted is a first draft. I'm still learning and will strive to improve as I continue the story. If you don't speak up I can't work on improving as an author. I welcome any criticism and encouragement that would help me become a better writer. I can't believe you read this far down! ;) Enjoy the story. --Cover Credit-- Cover art (emblem) by: Oxana Che Cover Design by: Miblart
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