《Phantom Trooper》ARC 2-CHAPTER 2 (First impression)
June 1996
Mountains near Kyshik
Since the three brothers grew up in the mountains they were isolated from the rest of the world. They were never allowed to go anywhere else because their father forbade it. One day Igor brought it up.
Igor:"Hey dad? Why can't we go down the mountain?"
Ivan sighed. He was siting in his chair reading:"Because it's dangerous and you'll get hurt."
Igor:"No, I won't. I'll have Yuri and Dimitri with me. The three of us can-"
Ivan stands up:"Out of the question!", he said with an angry voice.
Yuri and Dimitri overheard everything. They were disappointed since they were interested in going. Well, mostly Dimitri. Their mother walks in from the kitchen.
Jovana:"Ivan, how do you expect them to survive in this world if they know nothing about it?"
Ivan:"They're not ready. It will be too dangerous."
Jovana:"Oh please. Yuri and Dimitri went hunting and survived out in the forest for a month. Not to mention Yuri managed to kill a bear which surprised even you.", she says with an annoyed voice.
Ivan sighs and rubs his eyes:"Animals are different. They don't think. People are more dangerous than any beast. History is filled with bloodshed because of individuals. If they go over there, they might not come back the same."
There's a short pause after he says that. Everyone understood what he meant.
Jovana:"You're overthinking this. If they never go into the world they will never understand how it works. They need experience Ivan. You know that better than anyone."
The conversation ends and they don't speak about it for the rest of the day.
The next day. Yuri, Dimitri and Igor are dressed up and ready to go.
They're mother hugs them and whispers into their ear"Be careful."
Their father then tells her to go inside and speaks to them alone:"Listen to me very carefully. Do not separate, do not go where danger is. Do not trust anyone, do not talk to anyone. Just go into the town to the west, walks around for a few hours, observe and leave.", he tells them in a military tone, like he's done this before.
He looks directly into Yuri,"You're in charge. Take care of your brothers. If it becomes dangerous, leave. Understand?" Yuri pauses for a second. This is different than before. Before, all he needed to do is take care of himself. Even when he was hunting with Dimitri he wasn't instructed to help him so it didn't matter. But this time, he has someone to protect, someone whose life he needs to place before his own. He knows he can't fail. He mustn't fail.
He then nods,"I understand.", he said with a determined voice. They left down a narrow path with leads to the base of the mountain and followed the road west.
(1 hour 30 minutes later)
The brothers arrive in a small town. It's one of those towns you don't really stay in for long. There are a few restaurants, convenient stores, a motel, a small police station and a couple of apartment buildings. One thing that stood out was a large bar with a sign that said "Minors not allowed". They were pretty bummed about that.
While they were walking they were looking around.
Igor:"Wow, look at all these buildings! This place is great. Check it out, a restaurant."
Dimitri:"Yeah, this is one of those small towns people drive by. Some people do live in them but it's mostly for work. The people that go by these are mostly motorcyclists and travellers."
Igor:"Wow, you know a lot about this stuff."
Dimitri:"I read a lot. It's still great to be here. Right Yuri?...Yuri?"
Yuri is looking around for trouble. This is foreign terrain, nothing like a forest. There are more people around than he's used to. "Hm? Yeah it's fine.
Yuri didn't trust any of this. At first glance everything was normal, but his instincts were telling him otherwise. Something bad is here, he just doesn't know what. But whatever it is, he will protect his brothers.
After walking around for a while they stop at a small cafe. They sat down and a waiter came by shortly afterwards:"Hello boys, what would you like?"
The brothers sat there thinking but Yuri was the first to speak:"Just a few sodas, nothing more."
Waiter:"Ok, coming right up."
The waiter left and Igor asked:"Do we even have money?"
Yuri:"Yes. Father gave me some just in case."
Dimitri:"Ok good. I thought we were gonna leave without paying. That would just be disrespectful."
Igor and Dimitri start laughing but Yuri just looks around.
Dimitri:"What is it?"
Yuri:"We're being watched."
Igor and Dimitri start looking around nervously. They know that Yuri's instincts don't lie and they were scarred. Yuri waved his hand, telling them to calm down. "Act natural. I don't know where they are. If you do anything rash they will suspect something is wrong and they'll be more careful. Don't panic."
Upon hearing this, Igor and Dimitri relaxed. They trust Yuri to make the rational decisions. Besides, what he just said was common sense. If an enemy is following you, don't let it know you know it's following you. Instead wait until it presents it self or lure it into a trap. He was thinking like a true soldier.
Just them the waiter showed up carrying three bottles of cola. "Here you are. That will be-"
Yuri interrupts him by giving him some money. He clearly wants change and no bullshit.
Waiter:"Ok, here's your change. Enjoy."
Igor smiled:"Thank you."
The brothers then drank the colas. They were intrigued by the taste.
Igor:"Wow it's so good."
Dimitri:"Yeah. It's like that bubble water mom likes to drink but with a different flavour."
Yuri:"Yeah, it's pretty good." He smiled a little bit. Being able to relax like this is really nice. No animals attacking you, no worries about food and water, just relaxing with his brothers.
In an alley way across the street from the cafe, two teenagers, about seventeen years old, were standing and observing the three brothers. One of them was tall and blond, the other was shorter but with wider shoulders and black hair. He was smoking a cigarette.
Blond guy:"Shit! Did you see how they panicked? I think they know we're watching them."
The guy with the black hair slaps him in the back of the head and pulled out his cigarette:"Shut up you idiot! They don't but if you keep screaming like a bitch they're gonna. Let's go back to Sergei. He'll know what to do."
Blond guy:"Man do we really have to do this. I mean it's fine if they were are age but c'mon they're kids."
Black haired guy:"Those two shorter ones aren't the problem. If it was only them we wouldn't of bothered with this. But that tall one. He's trouble. I can smell it from here." He lets out a cloud of smoke.
Blond guy:"Man, the only thing I can smell is your cigars. Put em out."
Black haired guy:"Shut the fuck up and go to Sergei. I'll wait here."
The blond guy scuffs and heads out.
Away from the alley, below a small apartment building, was a garage. The garage belonged to Sergei's father. Sergei uses it as for bat and knife practice. He has all these bags stuffed with sand and dolls. He was eighteen. He wasn't too tall, he was round and not really muscular, unlike the last two who were in really good shape.
The blond guy's name was Nikolai but everyone called him Nikki since he wasn't much of a fighter.
The smoker was Alexander, the heavy hitter. He actively body builds and likes to wrestle. A pretty dangerous dude.
Lastly, the round one was Sergei, the leader. The three thought of themselves as local mobsters, often selling cigarettes and lighters to stranger that come by. They managed to make some money on the side. However, they had one problem. Competition. They were the local tough guys and hated whenever someone tries to disrupt their business. In response they assemble together, surround the enemy and beat the ever loving shit out of him. This time was no different.
Sergei was in the basement preparing cigarettes.
Nikolai walks in:"Hey boss you got a sec?"
Sergei:"What is it Nikki? I'm busy preparing the merchandise."
Nikolai:"Yes I see but Alexander says we might have a problem."
Sergei stoped making cigars:"What? More wannabe tough guys?"
Nikolai:"Well not exactly. There's three of them but they're pretty young. One is 14, one 12 and the other 10."
Sergei:"Well label them as bystanders and let them go. What's the problem?"
Nikolai:"Alexander says that the two younger ones aren't really a problem but the oldest one might be. He's pretty tall for a 14-year old and intimidating looking. Alexander says we should take care of them. What do you think?"
This was strange indeed. They never had to beat up guys younger then 16. Still, whenever Alexander has a hunch he's usually not wrong. Being the muscle of the group he generally has a good idea of judging strength.
Sergei grunts:"Fine. Go meet up with him and watch them. If they leave follow them. I'll be there in half an hour. We're not gonna break them, just rough them up so they know not to come back. Go!"
Nikolai:"Sure boss." He leaves and goes back to Alexander.
(30 minutes later)
Sergei meets up with Nikolai and Alexander. The Maksimov brothers just finished drinking and talking at the cafe and left.
Alexander:"So what do you think boss?"
Sergei:"Can't say you were wrong. That kid is pretty intimidating. Still, it's three against one, those two shouldn't put up much of a fight." He points to Igor and Dimitri. "Alright. You two go around. Alexander, I want you to wait in the next alley that comes up. Nikki, you walk towards them. I'll follow behind them. We'll force them into the alley and grab the two smaller ones. Then Alexander will attack the tall one and, well, you know what to do."
Alexander chuckles:"Hell yeah boss"
Sergei:"All right, let's go."
They collectively nodded an went in three directions.
The three brothers were walking down the street enjoying the day. Even Yuri was somewhat happy. He got to spend the day in peace along side his brothers. Maybe dad was exaggerating. Maybe the world isn't so cruel.
Igor was smiling:"This was fun. I like this place."
Dimitri chuckled:"Yeah. It was much better than I expected. Dad was wrong. You know, maybe we should bring him here next time. Maybe he'll change his mind about the world."
Yuri:"Highly unlikely. Still, it would be nice for all of us to get together as a family."
Igor:"Yeah, that too. I think mom would love this place."
Yuri:"Yeah, next time I'll try and convi-". He stopped talking but continued to walk. He saw Nikolai walking towards him with a strange look on his face.
Dimitri was confused:"What is it?"
Yuri looked behind and saw Sergei walking quickly towards them with the same look Nikolai had. "Just keep walking. Turn left here." They walk into a an alley and Alexander was standing there waiting.
Dimitri and Igor yell out:"Yuri!"
Yuri turns around and sees Sergei holding Dimitri and Nikolai holding Igor. "Let them go!" He yells with a menacing tone, clearly stating he doesn't want to be fucked with.
Alexander chuckles:"No I don't think we will. This is our territory and our rules. You came here looking for trouble. Now, you will pay."
Yuri is baffled by this:"We didn't provoke you nor attack. We don't even know you, just let us go."
Alexander:"That's what they all say but in truth that doesn't matter. If we don't protect our territory and our operation, we will look weak. This is how we uphold our law. You are a threat, and threats need to be eliminated."
Yuri has no idea what Alexander is talking about, nor does he care. They have his brothers and that's all that matters. He will tear them limb from limb if it insured their safety.
Alexander walks over to Yuri. He tries to hit him with a strong left hook, hoping to end his quickly, but Yuri blocks and barely moves. Alexander was shocked. No one ever blocked his blow. Before he could react, Yuri swiftly hit him in the nose with his left hand. After taking a step back Alexander tries to rush Yuri, but Yuri grabs his arm as spins him into a wall, using his strength and speed against him. He then pulls him back and punches him several times in the stomach before kneeing him in the face and kicking him in the chest, knocking him down. As Alexander grunts in pain on the ground, Nikolai and Sergei took a step back, still holding Dimitri and Igor. They were scared, terrified. This kid actually took out Alexander, with ease.
Sergei yells out:"Get back man! GET BACK!"
Yuri instead walks closer, staring down on Sergei. He steps on something. It was Alexander's pocket knife. He picked it up and examined it, scaring Sergei, before throwing it at his foot. Sergei screams in pain. Dimitri then elbows him in the stomach, punches him in the face, kicks him in the balls and knocks him out with a left hook.
The only one left was Nikolai. He was petrified, sweating. He thought to himself:"What's he gonna do? He's gonna kill me that's what! Why? Why is this happening to me? I never to be a part of this. I only sell cigars. Alexander and Sergei are the ones who do this gonna stuff."
Yuri slowly walks towards him. Staring him down with a cold, menacing look. Nikolai let's go of Igor:"H-Here. Take your brother. Please, just let me go. You'll never see me again, I promise."
Yuri grabs him:"No, I won't." He head-buts him, knocking him out.
Igor gets up:"What did you do?"
Yuri:"I eliminated a threat."
The brothers then walk out of the alley and go home. Yuri could only think to himself:"Father was right. You can never trust anyone. Only your instincts and family."
Across the street from the alley was a barber shop. A little girl was standing at the window. Her mother was standing behind her. They were looking at the alley.
The girl yelled out:"Wow mom did you see that? They beat up those bullies. They were smaller but stronger. They were so cool!"
The mom was worried but still happy someone finally taught those hoodlums a lesson:"Yes they were honey. Why don't you go set the table up, your dad's gonna be home soon."
The girl smiles:"Ok."
The mother watched as the Maksimov brothers walked away without looking back, as if nothing even happened. She tells to herself quietly:"That boy. I'm not sure what the future holds for him. But whatever it is, I pray it will be good."
The girl calls out to her:"MOM, I CAN'T FIND THE PAPER TOWELS!"
The mother:"COMING!"
(2 hours later)
The brothers return home. Their mother hugs them. They tell her they had fun and saw a lot of new things. As they were heading inside, Ivan stops Yuri and they stand next to each other, not making eye contact. The rest of the family didn't notice.
Ivan:"So. Anything new or interesting?"
Yuri:"No. Just the usual." He walks into the house. They never spoke about this again.
End of chapter 2
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