《Waifu Wars》21 - The Tournament Arc Invaders
Trash-chan burst into our pod and let out a large sigh. She walked over to the couch and slumped down on it. The others followed in after her.
“Good fight, everyone!” Osana-chan said.
We had some time before the next fight, so our group had all come back together into our pod.
“It was such a close victory!” Estouls said while taking a seat on the couch. He rubbed his chin as if he was thinking about something.
Everyone seemed to be exhausted from the last fight. I suppose I couldn’t blame them. I had not wanted to, but they quickly found out about the bet with my mother—mainly due to Trash-chan.
They, of course, had let it weigh in the back of their minds the whole time as the fight had gone on. I could try to tell them not to worry too much, but I know they wouldn’t listen to me. At least it was nice to know they supported me with this bet.
“What should we do now?” Shin-san asked while leaning back into the couch. Since we had several hours of free time between our last match and the next, there was plenty we could do.
“I think I’ll go out to the shopping area again! There are still lots of booths to look at!” Osana-chan said.
“I’ll go with you. I heard there is some booth selling waifu items,” Raphine added.
“Ooh, I wonder what interesting things they might have!” Trash-chan said while suddenly sitting up from the couch.
“You all can go on ahead; I’m going to watch some more matches,” Tanaka-san said as he stared out the window to the field. The officials were beginning to flatten it back to the original state after the battle we had just had.
“I’ll stay with Tanaka-kun; I want to watch some matches too,” Estouls said. He quit rubbing his chin and locked his hands together as he stared out of the field.
Shin-san looked around the room and shrugged.
“I think I’ll go spend some time with my family.”
“Oh, I’ll go vith you Shin-kun!”
Everyone divided up in that manner, and we went our separate ways. I decided to head down a random hallway and walk around.
We had won that last battle, but it had been close. Based on Estouls’ attitude, he must have struggled more than I had realized in that previous fight. Or perhaps he was just worried about the bet. It was hard to say without asking him.
After this whole ordeal, I need to do something to thank everyone. They were all parties to this bet whether they wanted to be or not, and I had not given them much of a chance to weigh in on it. I should not even participate in the first place, but here I was.
I sighed as I continued my walk. I had found myself down a random hallway somewhere in the arena. I think I had ended up going down several flights of stairs, and I had no way to know how deep under the arena I was. It was long and empty, probably something far enough away from the high traffic area’s that no one usually came this way.
“This seems like a nice place to relax for a while,” I said aloud as I stopped walking to lean back against a wall.
“I don’t know; it’s empty here.”
“That’s what is nice about it. I have time to gather my thoughts,” I replied before I realized someone else was already there.
I stumbled to the middle of the hallway and began to look in all directions. It was just as empty as it had been a moment ago. I slowly began to walk backward away from where I had thought the voice had come from.
Suddenly there was laughing behind me. I quickly spun around.
A form was slowly floating to me. It was shaped somewhat like a person with their hands behind held out in front of them.
“A curse on you,” the ghostly figure said through several chuckles.
The hair on my neck seemed to stand up as the figure continued to get close to me. I shook my head and turned around.
“Well, nice to meet you, but I really should get going.”
“Ah, wait!” In a flash, the specter was in front of me. She was suddenly more visible than only moments before and held her hands out as if to halt me. I stopped and crossed my arms.
“Okay, what do you want?”
The figure was a ghost waifu. She had long, white hair tied into a ponytail and a long brown dress. Around the waist of her dress, she had a black belt, and on her head, she had a small brown fedora that sat slightly off to the side. She wasn’t wearing any shoes as she floated all around me.
“Hmm, hmm,” the ghost muttered as she floated in a circle around me. She finally settled in front of my face. The specter leaned in close and stared at me with large, round purple eyes.
“What do you want?” I asked in a gruff voice as I tried to push her away. My hand only passed through harmlessly.
“Might you be Jupiter Juyo’s son?”
I stepped back slightly. The name was one I was very familiar with; it belonged to my deadbeat father.
“What if I am?” I answered cautiously.
“Oh good! I have been looking for you!” she tied to grab my hand for a handshake, but her hands only phased through.
“Should I presume you are the messenger Trash-chan told me about?”
“Oh, Trash-chan! How has she been? I haven’t seen her in so long.”
“She’s fine. She went shopping earlier.”
“That sounds so fun. Maybe she can find a real treasure in all those booths!”
We stood, or rather I stood, and she floated in silence for a moment.
“Don’t you have a message or something to deliver?”
“Oh right! I do!” she replied as if she was shocked. “Well, let’s see where should I begin?”
“Just tell me what is the most relevant information first.”
“Okay, let’s see. Well, I guess I should tell you about the danger you’re in right now!”
I stared blankly at her while she waited for me to react.
“Don’t just stop there. If it is so important, give some more details.”
“Ugh, you really are your father’s son, she mumbled.
I could comment on that comparison, but I decided to let it go.
“Elaborate on the danger if there is any. I already have enough trouble with my mother.”
She didn’t get a chance to reply, however. The sounds of someone’s footsteps were echoing down the hall.
“Ah, I shouldn’t be seen! I’ll stay close by; just call for me when it’s safe next,” she said as she began to fade away.
“Wait, you can’t just make a vague statement about danger and leave so soon. What is the danger?” I snapped back.
“There is a team of waifus looking to cause trouble. Watch out for them; they should have a vampire and angel on their team.” The ghost girl said as she finally faded out of view. About that moment, the source of the footsteps finally came close.
“I told you we should have taken a left turn!” one voice said.
“You’ve said that over and over. Let’s just put energy into getting back.”
Two waifus were now in my view. A bunny girl with white fur covered in black and brown spots and a familiar purple waifu that had been with Amplifier only the day prior. They stopped talking and walking when they noticed me. We awkwardly stared at each other for a moment.
“Hey, Antidoton, isn’t that the guy who…” the bunny girl asked.
“Yes, Button, it is,” the purple waifu replied.
“Wow! It is nice to meet you!” The bunny girl, Button, suddenly took my hand and began to shake it. “I couldn’t believe it when I heard someone made a bet like that!”
“Button, don’t praise him,” Antidoton said while shaking her head disappointedly.
“Ah, don’t be like that, Antidoton. Hey, if you win and we have to leave Mr. S, can I be your waifu too!”
“No,” I quickly replied.
“You know Amplifier would never let you do that,” the purple waifu added while shaking her head.
Button was unfazed by both of our replies.
“Well, I know you would be lucky to have an amazing waifu like me, but you need to win the bet, you know.”
I leaned to my side so that I could see the purple waifu behind Button. She just shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Juyo-san, she has good hearing but never listens.”
“I see.”
“Come on, Button. We need to find our way back.” Antidoton grabbed the bunny waifu by her shirt’s collar and started to pull her away from me.
“Wait! Maybe he can help us find our way!”
“Juyo-san, do you know the way back?” Antidoton asked me without slowing down.
“Not at all,” I replied. They continued to walk away.
Now that I thought about it, I really did not know how to find my way back to the main venues. I suppose I should find my way back before our next fight. I sighed and started to walk along with them.
“Yay, are you going to join us?” Button asked.
“We just happen to be going the same way,” I replied.
As it would turn out, we were very far from getting back to the crowds. The waifu arena had apparently been built like a maze with a series of chambers and halls littered throughout it. Had I been paying attention earlier, I don’t think I would have wandered as far down as where I currently was. It still struck me as odd that the two waifu’s I ran into had gotten so lost.
We walked through a doorway into a room that split into three other directions.
“Left,” Button said.
“Right,” Antidoton said.
“Straight,” I said.
We all looked at each other. This was the fifth time we had come across a split and had this debate.
“Should we do the usual?” I asked.
“That was my plan,” Antidoton confirmed.
“We should go left!” Button tried to yell.
Antidoton reached into her pocket and pulled out a 3-sided die. She tossed it on the floor. The die bounced a couple of times before coming up reading ‘Juyo’ on one of the sides.
“Straight it is,” she confirmed.
We continued like this until we finally found ourselves going up a long staircase. At the top of the stairs was a large, metal door. It took all three of us, but we managed to push it open and exited out into the shopping area outside the arena.
The door suddenly slammed behind us, and the stone outside of the arena appeared to grow to cover it.
“We made it!” Button yelled as she embraced Antidoton with a hug.
“Button, Antidoton! Where have you been?” a voice yelled out. Unfortunately, it was one I was familiar with.
“Seems I have bad luck today,” I muttered as a man walked over to us. He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie and had his hair slicked back. The hair on his face was shaved into a goatee that looked like an upside-down ‘T’ with two swirls on the side. When he took notice of me, he made a sneer.
“Sorry, sir!” Antidoton said, “We got a little lost.”
“Never mind that, I see you brought an interesting fellow with you.”
I didn’t say anything and just began to walk away.
“You have been giving your mother a lot of trouble, young Juyo,” he said. I didn’t bother to reply. I imagine he was glaring at me now. I could practically feel the daggers in my back.
The man was known by many names, but the one he introduced himself to my family with was Mr. Stage. He was an infamous character among those that knew him.
He would go around and advertise himself as a Waifu War Coordinator. He would find waifus with the potential to grow in the Wars and introduce himself to the people that had partnered with them. He claimed that he would get a waifu to grow at least one tier or give money back.
He certainly helped a waifu grow, but it was with fixed fights and making deals that would benefit him the most. If he saw potential in a waifu, he would make offers for that waifu to partner with him. He would make sweet offers about living in a mansion and living like royalty. In some cases, he would even offer for a waifu and partner pair to join him together. Although, he never took in men or husbandos. Apparently, he wanted to build his harem or something.
Unfortunately for us, we would find out everything about Mr. Stage after my mother had left. To be honest, I don’t know how my dad was able to find out that much information.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Antidoton.
“Sorry, Juyo-san, he would like a word with you.” She seemed apologetic enough. I shook off her hand and continued walking away.
Then, I was suddenly face down on the ground with my arm being twisted behind my back and a hand pushing my head down.
“Mr. S would like to speak with you,” a calm metallic voice said to me. I didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. A waifu named Hally 9K. She was a robot that always accompanied Mr. Stage wherever he went.
“Let go, Hally,” I said firmly.
“I’m sorry, Juyo-kun. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
Mr. Stage walked over and crouched down in front of me. If Hally didn’t have her hand on my head, I might have looked up at him, but all I could see was a freshly polished shoe.
“You are such a difficult person to deal with; has anyone ever told you that,” he said in a mocking tone.
“Coming from you, I’d consider that a compliment,” I said with a chuckle.
He stood up and pulled back his foot for a kick. It was bound to hit my head at this rate, but there was no way out of this.
“Wait, Sir!” Button yelled. He didn’t listen but instead chuckled as he began his kick.
“Hey!” A new voice rang out.
Mr. Stage’s foot was suddenly stopped. Perhaps that is an understatement. It was suddenly encased in a large block of ice. He let out a cry as he awkwardly fell on his back from the loss of balance.
“Mr. S!” Hally said in a voice that expressed as much concern as her mechanical voice could allow. She finally let go of me and rushed to the aid of her fallen partner. The mechanical waifu kneeled and put her hands over the block of ice. The palms began to glow red, and the ice slowly started to melt.
I pushed myself off the ground and looked over. Raphine was standing with another arrow ready to fire, Trash-chan had a Trash-whip pulled taut in her hands, and Osana-chan was smacking her palm with her fist.
“Are you okay, Main-kun?”
“Don’t worry; I’ve been through worse,” I answered as I walked over to them.
Hally had finished melting the ice off Mr. Stage. Her hand rapidly began to let off steam as she reached it out to him. Once he was pulled up, he began to brush himself off.
“Now, who went out of their way… way… what beauties!” Mr. Stage’s whole demeanor changed as he looked our way. He suddenly scurried close to us. “Yes, yes, a raccoon girl that does archery, very lovely. And a green-haired girl with… is that a trash motif? Very nice. And lastly, we have another beautiful lady with-” he was interrupted as Osana-chan tried to punch him. She failed as Hally’s hand suddenly appeared in front of them to block the blow.
“Ow, ow, that hurt.” Osana-chan winced from the pain of punching a metal hand.
Mr. Stage coughed a little as he tried to regain his previous attitude.
“Well, I guess we will talk later, young Juyo. I’m sure I will see you again when we come to pick up your sister.”
With that, he and his waifu’s walked away. It looked like Antidoton may have looked back and mouthed ‘sorry’ as they walked away, but it was hard to tell.
“What was going on there?” Osana-chan asked me.
“It seems I have rotten luck with who I run into today.”
“Well, what’s done is done. Let’s go shopping Main-kun! We already found this nice shield at one of the shops and-”
“Sorry, I think I’ll head back to the pod now.”
The others didn’t argue. Instead, they forced a sizeable golden shield into my hands.
“Well, if you’re going back, you should take this with you!” Trash-chan happily said.
“We were all tired of taking turns carrying it,” Raphine added.
“Sorry, Tai-kun, I thought it would be a good gift for Estouls. Do you mind?”
I looked at the shield. It was a round, golden plated shield with decorative trimming around the edge and a gem in the center. The back had a strap so that it could be held or worn on the back. It was about the size of a maintenance hole cover and probably weighed as much as one.
“Sure,” I said while trying not to show I was struggling to hold the heavy shield. I managed to get it on my back, at least.
I left the shopping trio and began my walk back to the pod. Now that I had made it outside, I needed to walk to the arena’s entrance and back to the pod, which was up a couple of flights of stairs. Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem, but the heavy shield made it more difficult.
At least the walk back inside was uneventful. I managed to get into the arena and started up a flight of stairs.
“Couldn’t put it in Trash-chan’s recycling bin; they had to give it to me,” I grumbled as I climbed the stairs.
“You sure like to talk to yourself a lot. Does that just run in the family?” The ghost waifu had suddenly appeared next to me. It looked like she was lying on her back with her arms folded behind her head as she floated by my side.
“Why don’t you help me carry this?”
“Can’t. I am unable to touch anything or get touched by anything. Haven’t you read the story I’m from?”
“No, but I’m sure I know someone who has.”
“Well, now that we are alone again, I’d thought I’d reappear in front of you. A curse on you!”
“Thanks,” I said sarcastically. I looked around, and sure enough, the stairs and hallways were empty. Shouts could be heard in the distance; another match had started.
“If you want, I can tell you all about that shield! Trash-chan sure found something good!”
“I don’t care; I just want to get it back to the pod.” I finished my ascent up the stairs and stopped to catch my breath. I still had to walk down the hallway and climb another set of stairs after this.
“Man, I didn’t expect you to be this serious. You know, your dad knows how to have some fun.” The ghost girl said as she crossed her arms.
I ignored her and kept walking. Maybe I would be faster after taking this heavy thing off like it was some sort of training. It was a silly thought. I shrugged it off and kept pushing forward.
“Do you have something important to tell me about my father or not?” I asked as I began to approach a corner in the hallway.
“Of course, he left you some written notes, and I need to help you get to them.”
“Written notes? Tell me, why can’t he meet in person?”
She didn’t answer, but it made sense. As I was coming around the corner, two waifus happened to be standing there.
“Are you sure, once it starts, we won’t be able to go back?” One waifu was saying to the other.
For once, I recognized the two waifu’s that stood before me. The waifu that was speaking was Kaeru Gunner, the waifu that had been on the mug in Tanaka-san’s apartment. She had some electric powers, from what I could tell before. The second waifu was Vicky Singer, a tall and vicious vampire. Coincidentally, her show is the one we binged while at Tanaka-san’s house. I think I had a self-satisfied smile as I finally recognized two waifus on seeing them the first time.
It was only after a moment before I realized they had someone else standing in front of them—Marigold, who had her arms crossed.
“I already heard you two talking. Please explain what you meant.” The two waifus ignored her and continued talking.
“It’s too late now; we just have to take out any pests that get in our way,” Vicky said to Kaeru.
“Surely we could just play this off as the agent miss hearing.”
“Even if we could, she’s still standing right there listening to all this. And don’t call me Shirley.”
“Excuse me, you two!” Marigold chimed back in.
They did not answer her. Instead, Vicky bent down and looked at Marigold in the eyes. In a matter of seconds, she fell over, and Kaeru caught her.
“We will lock her up somewhere in the labyrinth for a while,” Vicky said. Then, she turned my way. Her eyes flashed a crimson red as she saw me. “There is another one.”
Kaeru turned back to me and sighed.
“We are just so busy today,” Kaeru groaned.
“Don’t just stand there twiddling your thumbs. Run!” The ghost waifu suddenly yelled from wherever she was hiding. She didn’t have to tell me twice. I turned around and broke out into a sprint. At least, that is what I tried to do. The heavy shield made it clear I could not run at full speed.
Even if I could, I don’t think it would have mattered. Vicky quickly closed the distance. The ghost waifu yelled out for me to duck, but there was no use in trying. The vampire gave off such an overwhelming presence; I could practically feel like walls were closing in on me as she got closer. I felt her hand grab my shield and shoulder. Somehow I slipped out of the grip and continued running.
A cry came from behind me.
“What’s wrong?” Kaeru shouted.
“Shield has divine energy. Damn thing burned me!”
That was great to hear. It made carrying around this heavy thing somewhat worth it. I continued to make my escape.
Kaeru had no plans to let that happen, though. A bolt of lightning suddenly zipped in front of me and turned to block my way. Out of the bolt, Kaeru’s form appeared. She pointed a finger gun at me. The handshape was a dead giveaway. I started to pivot my body into a turn as she simply said:
A jolt of electricity hit the shield that I was sure of. The whole thing shook on my back from the force of the impact. Amazingly though, the metal disk absorbed the electricity, and no shock came my way. I had gotten lucky, but my luck quickly ran out.
Due to my sudden spin with the heavy object, I was thrown off balance. The shield may have blocked the attack, but I was helpless as I fell to the ground.
As I tried to push myself up, the shield was ripped off my back. I turned to see Kaeru effortlessly throw it down the hallway. It made a loud crash as it hit the floor.
“That bolt was only enough to stun you. It’s not my fault if you hurt yourself trying to block it.”
“Thanks for your concern.”
I felt myself get lifted off the ground. Vicky had recovered, and now she glared at me with a twisted expression.
“Tai-kun?” A voice rang down the hallway. We all turned to look at who was standing there.
Estouls, who had two large bags in each of his hands, gave us a confused look.
“Tch, more trouble.” Kaeru began to walk in Estouls’ direction. He gently set down the bags he held and stepped forward. As Kaeru continued her approach, Estouls stopped to look down at the shield that had been thrown down the hall. He picked up the shield and strapped it to his left arm, and then his lance appeared in his other hand.
“Don’t worry Tai-kun, on my pride as a butler, and as a soldier, I will take them down.”
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