《Wonderland: Origin Arc [Script]》1.10 - The Plan


[It shows the group leaving the building, in slow motion, while the characters voices are played overhead.]

Gary: First of all, we all need to leave and spread out, get something that we could use to fend for ourselves.

[Cuts to shots of members getting weapons. Leigh goes home and grabs a hammer out of a cupboard. Chelsea picks up a walking stick from a living room, then leaves. A shot with Liv shows her getting a wrench out of her garage, the cat still following her around. A shot of Gary in his room shows him picking up a katana, slowly unsheathing it. Vince has a shot of him looking around a kitchen, thinking. He looks over at the kettle and stares for a moment, grabbing it and running.]

Sissel: I’ll just grab mine when we get to College. I lost something that I need to get during the storm anyway.

[There’s a quick shot of Sissel looking around underneath cars in the parking lot outside the College.]

Gary: Whatever suits you. Speaking of, I’ve already got our disguises sorted.

Leigh: What are they?

[A shot of Leigh opening the bag up to reveal the cat masks is shown.]

Gary: What else would they be?

Liv: He has a point.

[Another shot of the group walking towards the college is prepared.]

Sissel: Actually! Um… one of those two, I think his name was Benny, he needed to check through a mirror. So…

[Specific shot of Vince walking, pulling out his phone and spinning in a circle to look at the reflection.]

Sissel: Couldn’t hurt to keep something reflection-wise.

Liv: We’re gonna spin around in circles looking through mirrors?

Sissel: If you want to.

Liv: [hesitantly] Fair enough then.

[Cuts to a shot of Vince, Gary and Leigh meeting just before reaching the College.]


Gary: Once we’re all together, I’m thinking two teams. Me, Vince and Leigh are gonna need to go and find this Benny guy if we can, see if we can get him on our side.

Leigh: We should ask him about these powers, see if he knows anything.

Gary: Good idea.

[Cuts to show Liv and Chelsea meeting in the street, heading towards College.]

Sissel: I’m gonna need to bring Chelsea with me for my plan.

Liv: I’ll go with you.

Sissel: [hesitant] Um… you don’t have to-

Liv: It’s fine. Teams of three, keep it safe.

Chelsea: Three and a cat.

[The shot pans down to show Cheshire walking with the two. The cut finally moves to show Sissel still looking underneath a car and trying to grab something.]

Sissel: I’ll explain everything when we get there. Anything else?

Gary: Shouldn’t be. Meet there towards the end of College, attract less attention.

Chelsea: Yeah, I doubt we’re gonna get too much attention anyway.

[The shot shows Sissel finally pull out from underneath the car the gun from before. He quickly sits up, covering it from people looking by. He slowly starts to try disassembling the gun, succeeding and putting the pieces into his pockets. He looks behind him once it’s done and gets up, seeing the two teams coming together. Outside the front of college is reasonably crowded, people leaving. He runs over and immediately starts to pet Cheshire again, who purrs.]

Sissel: Hey buddy…

[Chelsea and Liv stare at Gary and Vince.]

Gary: [confused] What?

[Chelsea points at him.]

Chelsea: [confused] Is that a sword?

Gary: Oh, no, it’s just… well, it’s a fake sword. “Recreational”.

Liv: Can we try not to get people killed? Please?

[Vince groaned.]

Vince: I think I’ve got that sorted with the kettle.


Leigh: You can do a lot with a kettle.

Vince: [sarcastic] Sure I can.

[Leigh looks between them all.]

Leigh: So… we’re gonna find Benny and try not to die… You do Sissel’s plan and don’t die. Okay?

[The group all nod at each other and break into two groups. Sissel leads Liv, Chelsea and Cheshire away while Leigh takes Vince and Gary off into the College again. Gary ends up looking around the many people and repeating about how he’s carrying a fake sword while Vince catches up with Leigh.]

Vince: So… how you holding up?

Leigh: [thinking, slowly] I have superpowers apparently Vincent, it’s very new information.

Vince: Yeah, but… y’know, what do you think of it? I mean this is like stuff out of a comic book, I don’t even know what mine is yet! Surprised your girlfriend didn’t-

[Leigh looks to Vince confused.]

Leigh: [confused] Sorry, what did you say?

Vince: Chelsea! I’m surprised she didn’t say.

Leigh: [confused] Right, um… yeah, she’s not my girlfriend.

Vince: Oh… okay then.

[The two continue walking in silence for a couple of seconds.]

Vince: Why not?

Leigh: [groaning] Okay… let me guess, you’ve got relationship advice for me?

Vince: Hell no, I just… y’know… curious…

Leigh: I tried to ask her out yesterday but then your cousin became a hostage and I nearly got shot and we were struck by lightning-

Vince: I feel like you aren’t going to let that go.

Leigh: That is going to stay with me until the day that I die.

Vince: [slowly] Fair enough.

[Cuts to outside with Sissel leading the other two away. They both look very confused.]

Liv: Um… where actually are we going?

Sissel: Where do you think?

[Liv and Chelsea look between each other.]

Liv: [silently] Do you


Chelsea: [silently] Sure…

[Chelsea hops forward very quickly next to Sissel.]

Chelsea: This is about Tracey, isn’t it?

Sissel: Yes.

Chelsea: You want us to go back in time to save her.

Sissel: While I have a chance to, yes I do.

[Chelsea nods, understandingly.]

Chelsea: Um… now I don’t mean to… be mean, but… wouldn’t that kinda change a lot of history if we do that?

Sissel: What, you’re telling me we shouldn’t?

Chelsea: [worried] Hell no, I loved Tracey but… I don’t know if we know what we’re doing.

Sissel: [firm] I know what I’m doing, I’m saving her. I need you for this.

Chelsea: [worried] And if we bring her back then what if she ends up in that Storm? Okay, what’ll happen to her then?

[Sissel stays silent for a moment.]

Sissel: [shaking] I just… she doesn’t deserve this. I need to do something to at least try…

[Chelsea moves Sissel a bit further away so Liv can’t hear.]

Chelsea: [quietly] Look… look, I’ll help you get back then but that’s it. Whatever you’re going to do, it is your choice. Okay?

Sissel: [shaking] Okay.

Chelsea: [quietly] If you want, I can tell Liv to go.

[Sissel sighs, seeming immediately annoyed.]

Sissel: Sod it, bring her with us.

Chelsea: Are you sure?

Sissel: She already killed her once. Now she can save her.

[Sissel starts to walk slightly faster, moving ahead of the group. Chelsea sighs as Liv catches up with Chelsea.]

Liv: How is he?

Chelsea: He still hates you.

Liv: [upset] Oh… okay then.

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