《Wonderland: Origin Arc [Script]》1.11 - Screen


[Leigh, Vince and Gary very quietly try to move through the College towards a lift, managing to make it in without being seen. As they get in, Gary sighs and hops in place a bit.]

Gary: Okay, I’ll be honest, I am regretting the fake sword now.

Leigh: That’s your own fault, it wouldn’t even do anything.

Gary: Better than a kettle, isn’t it?

[Vince turns, chuckling at Gary and pointing the kettle at him.]

Vince: [faux-threatening] Don’t make me use this on you.

[Gary puts his hands up in joking fear.]

Leigh: Seriously, if it’s that bad then just leave the sword here.

Gary: [surprised] Are you sure?

Leigh: Yeah, I’m sure. It’s not real.

[Gary shrugs, putting the fake sword down in the corner of the lift. The doors open onto the top floor, having lined up with windows and a dark blue carpet.]

Vince: [determined] Right, let’s move.

[Vince exits, Leigh and Gary then following after them. They look around, seeing no one in the corridors.]

Leigh: [quietly] Where do we go then?

Gary: [quietly] I’m thinking find Goldberg’s office. See what he’s got, maybe has a clue.

[Vince looks around and sees a doorway, heading towards it.]

Vince: [quietly] That way. Anything specific?

Leigh: [quietly] Maybe just a clue to where Benny is.

Gary: [quietly] Y’know, if Benny was being chased by a killer then it’s probably best that we don’t go getting in the way of that.

[Vince opens the door and sees nobody, heading deeper in with the group two following. There are a few doorways number from 1-10, then 11-20, then 20+.]

Leigh: [quietly] I just wanna make sure he’s okay, I believe I’ve brought up the gun thing quite a lot already.

Vince: [quietly] Too much, honestly.

Leigh: [quietly] Noted, but still!

Vince: [quietly] Hey, nothing wrong with it, just saying that it wouldn’t help you to stop every now and then.


Leigh: [quietly] Okay, noted!

[They go up to the door labeled “20+” and go through quietly. There’s a longer corridor again that they quietly walk down. They quickly make it to door “23” with the name Richard Goldberg written on a plaque on it. Gary knocks on the door and the other two look at him, bewildered.]

Gary: [confused] What?

Leigh: [quietly, yelling] What are you doing?

Gary: [defensive] I’m checking if he’s in there!

Vince: [quietly, yelling] You wanna blow our cover immediately?!

Gary: [defensive, quietly, yelling] I was just checking if he’s in there! He clearly isn’t, he would of opened the door by now! Okay?

[Gary slowly opens the door and pushes it open.]

Gary: [quietly] There you go!

[Vince goes first, looking around. Leigh gestures for Gary to go first.]

Gary: Cheers chicken.

[Gary enters, Leigh entering behind and looking at him confused.]

Leigh: [confused] What?

Gary: [agitated] Oh, don’t start!

[The office has a single desk with a laptop on it. The room is brown, with a single window behind it. There is a bookcase at the side involving guides on writing and film design. The desk is wooden and old fashioned, with a seat across from it for a student to sit and a spinning chair for him to sit. Gary is about to close the door, but then hesitates while he does. He turns to the group.]

Gary: Someone should stay outside. Keep an eye out in case Goldberg comes up.

Vince: Oh, I will.

[Vince hops over to the door, closing it behind him as she leaves.]

Gary: Right… since we got kettle-boy out the room, what should we do?

Leigh: Um… hmm…

[Leigh looks around the room, then points at the laptop and chair.]

Leigh: I’ll check the laptop, you look through the books and see if he’s hiding anything.


[Leigh goes over to the laptop and starts looking, Gary looking back at him in annoyance.]

Gary: Why do I have to look at the books?

Leigh: Because I’m already on the laptop.

[Gary sighs and starts to look through the books, grumbling to himself. Leigh turns on the laptop and waits for a few seconds. It eventually loads up onto the screen saver, with an image of himself next to Benny and Evan standing in a group outside of Big Ben, also visible in the picture. There are three other men there, one of them is wearing a purple suit with a cat mask in his hand, along with his eyes noticeably with a green and brown colour to them. The other is wearing a green blazer with a white letter in the breast pocket, they also have on a black top hat with a green bow around it. The third is wearing a brown long coat with a bow tie around his neck. Goldberg is wearing a blue coat trench coat that covers up most of his body and is smoking in the image. There is a blonde woman in the background who is barely noticeable, only seeing a ponytail and freckles as defining traits. All the new men have short brown hair and no facial hair. Leigh stares at this screen, humming. Gary notices.]

Gary: Found something?

[Leigh pulls out his phone, going to the camera.]

Leigh: Yeah, I think so… Look at this.

[Leigh takes a picture of the screen as Gary comes over. Gary looks at it and frowns in confusion.]

Gary: Well… that’s a neat picture… I guess-

Leigh: Gary, it’s a team!

[Leigh points at Evan and Benny.]

Leigh: These two were here yesterday, maybe they were being chased by someone in this picture…

Gary: Okay… hey, who’s that?

Leigh: [annoyed] Gary, there are a lot of people in this picture.

Gary: That one! In the back!

[Gary points at the blonde in the back, before a very quick knocking on the door is heard. It cuts outside to see Vince knocking on the door as Goldberg is walking down the corridor. He sees Vince and perks up.]

Goldberg: Vincent! What are you doing here, it’s after hours?

Vince: [hesitant] Um… I… wanted help… with Sissel and...

[He very slowly raises the kettle.]

Vince: [hesitant] Coffee?

[Goldberg chuckles awkwardly.]

Goldberg: [confused] Um… I can help you get some coffee if you want. I just need to grab something from my office.

[Vince inhales slowly then nods.]

Goldberg: [confused] Okay… are you okay?

[Vince nods.]

Goldberg: [confused, concerned] Okay then… just wait here, give me the kettle, I’ll deal with the coffee.

[Vince hands Goldberg the coffee and very slowly moves out the way of the door. Goldberg enters the room and finds it empty, the laptop closed. A shot shows him move over and grab his laptop, with Gary and Leigh hiding underneath the leg space to the desk. Goldberg leaves the room and closes the door, the two falling onto the ground and panicking quietly. Outside, Goldberg looks to Vince.]

Goldberg: I’ll be back in a bit, you just wait here, okay?

Vince: [slowly] Yep, completely fine, don’t worry about it. I’ll be here.

[Goldberg slowly nods, then leaves with the kettle. After he’s gone, Leigh and Gary exit from the office.]

Leigh: [quietly] Okay, may not be worth it, let’s just go and get moving!

Gary: [quietly] We got stuff anyway.

Vince: [quietly] What about my kettle?

[Leigh starts walking off, Gary pushing forward Vince.]

Gary: [quietly] Fuck the kettle, just get moving!

[Gary moves next to Vince, grabs his hand, then moves in front while pulling him along.]

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