《Wonderland: Origin Arc [Script]》1.5 - Hostage


[Sissel walks down a corridor, away from the doorway. He’s looking around, clearly worried, peering into doors along the corridor for other people. He groans, leaning against a wall.]

Sissel: What…?

[Sissel starts backing into the door to the next corridor, checking around so he isn’t followed.]

Sissel: [confused] What is going-

[As Sissel goes through the door, he’s grabbed from behind by a man. He covers the mouth as Sissel tries to scream. He wraps another arm around his throat, choking him out.]

Benny: [panicking] Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!

Evan: Will you shut up?!

[Sissel looks up at the people, unable to get a good view of them. After a few more seconds, Evan throws him away into a wall. Sissel hits the wall and falls onto the ground in pain. He rolls over to see Evan and Benny. They’re both wearing black and white striped jumpers, with red hats on. Evan is ginger with curly hair and a cut underneath his left eye, looking generally annoyed, while Benny is short haired blonde a little bit shorter than Evan and very panicked. Evan comes over and kicks him into the stomach, making Sissel cough and curl up in pain. Evan is twitching in his panic.]

Benny: [panicking] Oh…. no….

Evan: [angry] Great, we got the wrong guy. Perfect. Benny, mirror check!

[Benny quickly pulls a mirror up and looks around in it.]

Benny: [panicking] Nothing… there’s nothing, he’s not here!

[Evan groans, punching a wall repeatedly.]

Evan: [angry] Great, just… GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!

[Evan puts his hand through the wall on the last punch, sighing and dragging it out. The arm is bleeding badly, but he just pulls his sleeve further down over it.]

Benny: Evan-

Evan: Shut up, I’m fine.


[Sissel starts trying to get to stand up.]

Sissel: [confused] W… what i-

Evan: [angry] I said shut up!

[Evan moves over and kicks Sissel in the stomach again, making him fall onto the floor and yells in pain. It then cuts to the group as they’re doing the spray painting, Liv turning around towards the door. The graffiti image shows a design of a large cat head with a large smile, along with pink stripes and a top hat on the head.]

Liv: [confused] What was that?

[Leigh looks at Liv confused.]

Leigh: What’s what?

Liv: There was a… a scream, or something.

Gary: You’re hearing things, Liv, just ignore it.

[Vince drops the can on the ladder steps.]

Vince: Um… Sissel’s alone out there.

Chelsea: And?

Vince: And Liv just heard a scream.

[The group look between each other, each coming to a similar realization.]

Gary: [panicking] Oh shit.

[Gary jumps down from the ladder and starts running. The group then each quickly run after and follow them. It cuts back to Benny and Evan, looking at each other and panicking.]

Evan: [angry] Right… right… okay, we need a plan, right? So… so let’s just…

[Evan walks back over to Sissel and grabs him by the hair. He pulls Sissel up, pulling a gun out of his jumper and immediately pushing it into Sissel’s head.]

Evan: [deranged] Just take him… and make a trade, okay? Okay Benny?

[Benny breaths for a second, staring at Sissel.]

Evan: [shouting, deranged] Benny!

Benny: [terrified] O-okay then…

Evan: [deranged] Right… move then. Move Benny.

[Benny starts to look around the corridor, seeing an open window.]

Evan: [slowly, deranged] Benny, don’t make me point this at you.

[Benny starts to move to the window, climbing quickly through it. Evan pushes Sissel forward.]


Evan: [slowly, deranged] Now you too.

[Sissel quickly moves to the window, eventually climbing through it and moving after Benny. Evan follows after him and stops, smiling to himself. He points the gun at the window, with Sissel quickly ducking, then fires at it. He climbs over and cuts his hand on the window frame. He points the gun back at Sissel and he starts to move again. As Sissel moves to catch up with Benny, Evan frantically tries to grab a piece of shattered glass from the floor. He cuts his hand while getting one, but grips onto it. He looks through it with one hand, following along behind the others with the gun pointed at them.]

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