《Wonderland: Origin Arc [Script]》1.4 - Watcher


[The group ran down a corridor, going through a doorway. Sissel was about to pass through, when Vince turns and stops him. He puts a hand on Sissel’s chest.]

Vince: You stay out here, we’ll get to work. If you see or hear anything, come through and tell us.

[Sissel nods.]

Vince: Seriously… good to have you back again.

Sissel: Thanks.

[Vince goes through the door, closing it behind him. Sissel leans against the wall, sighing and looking around for people. It cuts to the group, Vince running up to them. He has a smile that quickly fades away as he groans behind the group.]

Vince: [annoyed] God, I’m such an arsehole!

Liv: [sighing] Your words, not mine.

[Gary turns around, walking backwards. He points at Liv.]

Gary: Shut. Vince, what’s wrong?

Vince: I just… come on, we’re being all nice and supportive when it’s now like “Hey, by the way, we’re kicking you out of that club your girlfriend made!”

[They make it to the end of the corridor, Chelsea stepping in the way.]

Chelsea: Okay, let’s just make this clear, one! We are NOT just kicking him out! If wants to, he can stay, we just all agree bar Olivia that it’d be better for him not to stay around. Two! As her best friend, I know that Tracey would ask for us to look after him! Right?

[The group are all silent, looking between each other.]

Chelsea: Oh come on, you guys were agreeing with me earlier.

Leigh: No, I still do.

Gary: Same.

Liv: [annoyed] I don’t. It still feels wrong.

Leigh: [antagonistic] Well no one asked you, did they?

Chelsea: [quietly] Leigh-

[Gary quickly moves between them, Vince putting a hand on Liv’s shoulder to keep her back.]


Gary: Okay, can we- can we not… do this? Please? Not while we’re, y’know, commiting a crime?

Vince: Yeah, save the infighting for later.

[Leigh looks to Chelsea, who nods to him. He sighs.]

Leigh: Yeah, let’s… let’s just get this over with.

[Leigh turns and leaves with Chelsea, following them as Gary and Vince tries to calm down Liv. They make it in front of the painting, putting the masks on and leaning next to it. Their voices are slightly muffled by the masks, but still clear enough to be understood.]

Leigh: I’m being too hard, aren’t I?

Chelsea: No… you’re like the rest of us. We’re… we’re coping, y’know? Differently? Hell, if it wasn’t for Sissel then Olivia would be taking it hardest.

Leigh: I thought she was just being a bitch.

Chelsea: Hey! Still our friend.

Leigh: Come on, you really think we’re all just “happy wittle fweinds” now she’s dead?

[Leigh sighs.]

Leigh: She glued us together, that was pretty obvious. It’s a matter of time before we’re all dropping off the face of the earth.

Chelsea: Fucking hell, you had a bad day?

[Leigh glances over.]

Leigh: I’m just… looking at this realistically.

Chelsea: You like me, right?

Leigh: Wha- yes! Obviously, what kind of question is that?

Chelsea: Just checking.

[Chelsea looked over at Leigh.]

Chelsea: You’ll have me. Even if we all start turning on each other, you’ll always have me.

[Leigh chuckles, looking down.]

Leigh: That is… very sweet of you, thank you.

[Chelsea starts shaking her can of spray paint. Leigh looks down.]

Leigh: [embarrassed] Um… hey, I… I was wondering if y-

[Gary, Vince and Liv enter the room, Liv still putting her mask on. Gary is now carrying a ladder with him.]


Gary: Right, are we ready?

Leigh: [embarrassed] Um…

Chelsea: Yeah, we’re ready!

Gary: Great!

[Leigh moves back as Gary places the ladder down in that place, starting to climb up and getting to the top.]

Gary: Chelsea, spray me.

[Chelsea sprays some purple onto his leg. He slaps her hand and snatches the can.]

Gary: [agitated] You knew what I meant!

[Gary shook it again, chuckling.]

Gary: Ladies and gentlemen… show time!

[He starts spraying, covering the view. It then cuts back to Sissel waiting outside the room, scratching his wrist. He looks down the corridor through the window, not seeing anything. He looks back forward, sighing and looking around. There’s a loud thud outside that catches his attention.]

Sissel: [quietly, worried] Oh shit, oh no…

[Sissel looked back at the door, moving away towards where the noise came from down another corridor. As he moves away, the door he was guarding very slowly open by itself. The scene follows along the corridor and turns into the doorway, peering through at the group as they work at a half finished image of pink and purple. Through the reflection of the window can be seen a closer look at the White Rabbit mask with an eye peering through it.]

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