《Tale of a worm(Rewrite)》Life of nightmare


(Sorry the beginning of this novel will be very very chaotic so please pardon me)

Cringe chapter

(I'm using a more comedic style, just tell me if it's ok or I should just write the normal way and think of another way to make it more funny

All suggestions are welcome.)

I tried to move, doing all I can. All of it in vain

I keep on struggling, but invincible tentacles keep me in place

I shouted in fear


The tentacles keep moving, shoving something in my mouth

I can't taste it, but just the pure texture of it make me want to vomit

I tried to shout only to hear a muffled scream that sent jolts around my shapeless body

It's so disgusting. I tried to move to no avail. but I can't move a single bit

Just a moment ago I seen a screen. Is it just me or..........

All kind of thoughts go through my minds because of fear

Just as I'm about to freak out if not already or worse, something appeared in front of me as The tentacles throw me to the side

Name:Nameless Race:Worm Health:10 Mana:5 Level:1 Stage:Newborn Strength:10 Agi:10 Defense:10 Int:10 Stat points:10 Skills Vibration sensing Level:1/10 Type:active/passive Racial skill Observe Level:1/10 Type:active Racial skill Stink Level:1/10 Type:active/passive Racial skill Titles none

I look at the chart as thousands of questions popped up in my head

After that another chart popped up

Mutation chart Mutation points:10 sort:by price Normal mutations Eyes 10 points Mandibles 10 points Tentacles 20 points Blade tipped tongue 30 points Claw 30 points Basic bone structures 60 points More options coming ................ Medium mutations not available:please meet the basic qualifications first Advance mutations not available:Please meet the basic qualifications first

/////////////////After a long eternity of calming down he finally calmed down//////////

So summing it up, I got reincarnated as worm for some unknown reason and now I'm stuck here forever


Not really the best reincarnation ever, but at least I'm alive. But now what will I do????

I contemplate on the corner, until I heard cracking noises. Well it seems like more are hatching, it won't be simple.

I Hurriedly check my status, but I can't open it

"How do you open this!?!" I asked myself when suddenly a ringing resounded inside my head

Requirements meet

Establishing the system

Adding personality

Choosing preferred gender

Adding self conscious


System done

"What the fuck!?!?!?"I shouted, but all I can hear is my shrill painful voice

Greeting host

/Granting permanent skill 'calmness' to the host to prevent future accidents and wrong decisions/

"cough, cough. So are you something like an A.I ??? Am I right or you're wrong???" I asked as all my fears and anxiety mysteriously disappeared and I can't feel them no matter how I want too

I didn't even questioned what the frick is happening

System can't answer host's question.

"What are your name by the way" I asked

Host have some common sense, I obviously don't have a name for fucks sake.

The system said in a feminine tone

"Is that an insult or something???" I asked, pretty rude, but I'm not angry

It's pretty obvious, it's an insult.

"Ok you're name is lemon. Looks tasty, but actually sour. Have any question????" I asked

No question, but can I call you a dick???

"Nope, now explain to me what on hell is happening" I said

You reincarnated...........the end

The system said

I was just planning to have a bit more entertaining chat, but something bit my butt

"Does my ass really look that tasty?!?!?"I shouted as I fight back my unknown attacker, but he won't just let go of my tasty ass!!!

Someone bit your tasty butt

1.5 damage

"Ahhhhh!!!"I shouted in pain(actually no, but I don't care)

I slam by butt all around and finally remove my unknown attacker, amazing right???

"Actually no" said an unknown attacker as my butt got bitten again


"How the hell can you speak!!!"I asked as I slammed my butt

"It's for the plot you idiot!!!"Said the unknown attacker

''''''''''''''''''''''''''technical difficulties, we'll be right back'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

(back to normal)

Something bit me back and he got pain extra big this time

"WTF!!!"I shouted as I bite back and I can taste a gory taste in my mouth

I got tooth, am I right or you're wrong??? I chose neither of them, both works anyway

I continue on biting the butt eater and I don't even know if it deals any damage as long as I can attack I will attack.

It's like eating a hamburger, other than the fact that the hamburger is also trying to eat you

Ding you got revenge for your butt

you leveled up

"Finally"I though as I look at my health bar which got 7 remaining health

What did I just witnessed??

"It's a live asmr mukbang, did you enjoy it???"I said

Actually I'm talking about where the hell the comedy came from

"never mind, back to my question. What is happening??" I asked

I can't say anything

All I want to say is


"I don't even know how to open them" I said


Lemon said before showing me a screen

Name:Nameless Race:Worm Health:10 Mana:5 Level:2 Stage:Newborn Strength:10 Agi:10 Defense:10 Int:10 Stat points:20 Skills Vibration sensing Level:1/10 Type:active/passive Racial skill Observe Level:1/10 Type:active Racial skill Stink Level:1/10 Type:active/passive Racial skill Titles none

"Ok so how do I appoint a point??" I asked

Just think of it

"Good, by the way how do I think of it???" I jokingly asked

Fuck off

She replied

Wait, a "SHE"???

Ok never mind

I appointed all my points to strength and guess what?? I don't feel strong at all

"Ehh what about the mutation??" I asked

Here you go, do the same as before

"wait, can I obtain abs in mutation???" I asked

Ahhhhhh I don't know, but you may gain a brain at least

"Ok never mind" I said

Mutation chart Mutation points:20 sort:by price Normal mutations Eyes 10 points Mandibles 10 points Tentacles 20 points Blade tipped tongue 30 points Claw 30 points Basic bone structures 60 points More options coming ................ Medium mutations not available:please meet the basic qualifications first Advance mutations not available:Please meet the basic qualifications first

Hmmm I think I will go for the eyes. The mandibles is tempting, but it's useless without the eyes

And so I invested on eyes

"Ohh by the way, do you sell eye glasses cause My eyesight just become worst" I said(forget the fact that I can't see in the first place)

Nope, Actually hurry up . Your siblings are already killing each other and your just chilling there like some stone

"Ok" I replied

I looked around the area with my new eyes, minus the gasses

I'm on a very dump and dark place, there are a lot of tunnels and these place got lots of eggs. Both broken and fine eggs

the center is where the most eggs converse with few at the edge of the room and I can say that I'm pretty lucky cause I'm one of those on the edge

the worms conversed at the center, biting and killing each others

Did something change???, cause it's still dark

You're underground, it's pretty obvious

"Ok, btw the place looks nice" Actually no, minus the worms killing each others, it's pretty convenient to be in the corner

I don't know what will happen to me if I got thrown in the center with those worm

Actually thinking of it I still oft 10 pare mutation points. I want to spend that on mandibles


Lemon said as she picked it for me.

'Now time for some grinding'I said to myself.

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