《The LEVELER King》Book: 2 | CHAPTER 4
“And I say the selection shall come from us Shoki. Up to three of our females went ungreeted by our king. My Jaga, They waited for you, they waited too long. We’ve lost a third of our numbers. Not to mention the worry of my clutch,” One Leveler went on. The white markings of his red armor spoke of his skills has a warrior.
Idrus regretted this clutch’s folly. By politely waiting till the end to receive their king, they’d now suffer with small numbers for the hunts.
A redder Leveler brought his head low. “But we are next in line. We go with the cycles and the next king comes from our clutch.”
“Your clutch mated first!” the Shoki reminded him.
“We were denied a king once before. We will not be passed over twice!”
Shrieks broke through the quarrel from other Leveler clutches, each with valid arguments, and valid complaints.
“With the rains and our low numbers, we cannot feed for long. What of our young? They will perish with no food. Full-grown can wait, our infants cannot!”
Despite the chaos within that room, outside the open window on Idrus’s right, something calm commenced far below.
Idrus watched Nala from the window of the great hall. The Summoner caught a small insect and brought it to the yapping plants in the flowerbed.
Today, too, Idrus had awoken to find Nala gone from his bed of moss. This wasn’t where his focus should lay now, but each morning he feared the Summoner had left during the night. Nala was free to return to the farm at any time. Her injuries had healed months ago. Since then, days of sunshine were few. Now, though most of the suns’ rays still remained hidden by the thick clouds, the rains stopped at least. But they reminded him just how necessary the suns were.
The knowledge that Nala hadn’t left put Idrus at ease for another day. At least that would soothe him.
“And the Summoner! Seven sloths she has while Shoki suffer!”
Idrus sat up, those words dragging him from his comforting thoughts of Nala.
“The Summoner—!”
“Let us mate with the Summoners,” Idrus said without thinking. It was a strange assessment, and it shocked the room into dead silence. When they all quieted, Idrus repeated his words. “What if I mate with the Summoner Queen? She will bring her people. No doubt they have hardship with desperate animals looking to feed. The garden below in this very roost can keep us for a time. Summoners can care for plants above and plants below. They are good with sloths and sloth meat will fatten us if the time arrives.” When no objection came, Idrus asked the tattooed warrior. “Would this suit the Shoki?”
The Leveler leaned back, standing tall as he considered it. If the hunts were difficult, a large amount of Summoners farming in the roost would ensure they manage several cycles more.
“And Shoki can select the Summoner numbers?”
A Leveler spoke up. “The first selection should be ours.”
Idrus gave no answer as another called out and another still. All the better if they vied for first choice. That would make the prospect all that more appealing.
With pressure to send Nala away—most insisting that the weather would improve upon her departure—Idrus was thankful to keep all arguments from that vein again. He’d endured it now as much as he could stand.
For now, the only Summoner he wanted Levelers wondering about, was the Summoner Queen.
A week later found the sky equally as gray, and not only Idrus’s nest but the great hall empty. It would fill with quarreling Levelers soon enough, but for now he could at least enjoy the view of his Summoner far below, busy in the garden.
Nala didn’t always leave their nest before the suns rose. Idrus blamed his exoskeleton. His Summoner hadn’t complained but bruises along her arms might have meant Idrus had caused them in his own restless sleep.
Far below, two stage-one Levelers passing Nala gave her a bow and showed a large, black orb.
Idrus hoped Nala would play today at least. The rare instances when she could enjoy herself allowed Idrus an easy day. Nala couldn’t always do the sports well but she often tried.
Today she refused, gesturing instead to the garden.
The Levelers bowed low, but they wore a look of relief. They glanced back at Nala and chuckled before walking on.
As they descended the stone steps leading into yet another lower area, Idrus understood.
Perhaps they spied him watching Nala. Whatever the reason, they were being polite. The sheer force with which they rammed one another on the field told Idrus Nala would be no match for the game.
Nala must have known as much.
Idrus considered a gentler sport he could suggest at the next meeting. Short of puzzles and weak sports meant for the children, he couldn’t imagine what Nala was capable of in her stage-three body.
The other council members still hadn’t gathered so Idrus stood and stomped his way toward the door and down the steps. They slowed him up so he jumped onto the wall and crawled along it the rest of the way. Others followed this method but he hoped they would be courteous enough to use the steps when Nala entered since she couldn’t climb as well.
This early, not many Levelers stirred. Times of peace meant some only rose from slumber to fulfill a bidding.
All who passed Idrus paused and gave him room. He paid them no mind as he continued on.
He came to a sharp stop at the garden and stood there for quite a while, waiting for Nala to pay him the proper courtesy reserved for the king.
Continuing her work digging up the soil and spacing the plants, Nala kept her eyes on the task at hand.
“What is it you want, my king?” Nala asked.
Idrus wanted the Summoner to meet his gaze. He wanted the Summoner to rise in the morning with him despite the armor, and he wanted to be called by a title of affection.
After careful consideration, Idrus crouched down and asked, “Did I sleep roughly again?”
Nala shook her head. “No.”
Idrus waited for more. Finally, he said, “It can be lonely here, I know. But that is only if you wish it to be. You have food and conveniences.”
“I miss my farm,” Nala said without looking at him. “But this flowerbed will do for now.” She glanced to an open area on her right and said. “I think I should like another.”
Nodding, Idrus said. “You shall have it.”
“And perhaps another sloth,” Nala muttered.
All worry faded from Idrus as he asked, “Anything else?”
Returning his gaze, finally, Nala looked smug as she said, “I will inform my king when I’ve become bored with these and wish to have more.”
The humor in her eyes told Idrus that the Summoner didn’t honestly want anything. Even teasing about the sloths was Nala’s way of saying it was all too much. Still, Idrus decided to give Nala yet another flowerbed and another sloth as soon as he could.
Catching hold of Nala’s white hair, Idrus tugged a strand to him.
Nala’s skin dampened.
That bashful response made Idrus smile.
“Is it necessary that your flowerbed is here? It distracts me to see you when I meet the others for council.”
Nala continued in her work, closing her eyes now and then when Idrus brought the strand of hair up and used it to stroke Nala’s cheek.
There was never any telling what would cause Nala’s body to secrete. Idrus enjoyed it even more when the Summoner denied the fact.
Still crouched, Idrus eased closer and asked. “What have I said to make your neck damp?”
Gray eyes still on the plants, Nala said, “My king thinks too highly of himself. What you see on my skin is dew from the morn.”
Eyes narrowed, Idrus glanced to the window from which he’d watch Nala earlier. The room still appeared empty.
He was gentle as he reached under Nala’s gunnysack robe to find her slit slick and wet. Pleased, Idrus took Nala by the arm and pulled her up. “Come with me, Summoner. I must speak to you in private.”
“The last time we spoke in the garden, my king, you hardly made a sound.”
Eyes on the window, Idrus led Nala under a pillar and then to the darkest corner he could find beneath an arch. He leaned out again to see if anyone might have noticed them.
They were alone, at least in this shaded area.
The clicking of his voice soft, Idrus asked, “Tell me again, Summoner, what have I done to make your body react so?”
Despite the darkness he could see Nala clearly when she smiled. “And I assure you, you are mistaken.”
A Leveler walked by but they remained still until the footsteps died away.
“And I assure you,” Idrus whispered. “Your body is dripping.”
He was slow as he undid the strings of Nala’s robe, anticipating a refusal should the Summoner speak the truth.
The oils slick breasts that greeted Idrus made him laugh.
“It’s far worse than I’d expected,” Idrus marveled.
Nala caught the ends of the robe and wrapped them around herself. “Your spikes have cut me everywhere else, Mana.”
That one word made Idrus’s hearts sing. “Say that again,” he demanded.
Idrus pulled Nala’s hands down while Nala in turn reached under the helmet to stroke his hair.
Her voice held longing when she said, “I had meant to keep you at bay with my rudeness.”
Grinning, Idrus whispered, “Your rudeness makes me want to tame you.”
“Tame me?” Nala held her breath when another pair of footsteps rushed by. Sounding doubtful, she reached down to tug at the large scale covering Idrus’s groin and slipped her hand between the blades. “Tame me how?”
It wasn’t impossible to mate even in this form, but it was a painful endeavor, especially for Nala. She seemed willing if not eager to try despite the spikes along the base of Idrus’s penis.
Idrus leaned away and surveyed their area. It was early still, and not many could see them unless looking closely.
Nala’s coaxing lit his body up. A groan in the back of his throat, Idrus closed his eyes and allowed the first stroke, and then the second. By the third he gave in and forced the change.
“What is it you want, Mana? We are in the wide open.”
“Turn around and spread for me, Summoner.”
The second stage complete, he decided to allow the third.
Nala hesitated for a moment. She scanned the area beyond the shadow then complied.
They waited, Nala’s body dripping from the secretions once Indel was whole once more.
Brushing Nala’s severed tail aside with his finger, Indel pressed his body to the Summoner’s.
“So slippery and smooth. I think you desire me,” Indel said, using the Earther tongue Nala was far more familiar with. “I think you want what I have between my legs.”
Letting out a whine, Nala panted. “I think you overestimate your charm.”
“Do you mean you do not want my thing?” Indel asked as he pressed closer. “Don’t you want the throbbing part of me?”
Nala’s breaths came sharper. “I do,” she confessed. “I want it now.”
Indel slipped his digit in and out of her easily. He willed his own jutting member to shrink down until only the tip peeked out from below his belly.
Pulling Nala back, he rubbed his hips from side to side, the tip of his penis tickling Nala’s mark.
With just the top visible, Indel popped in.
Nala groaned.
Indel removed it again. “Shhh, Na’am. Someone will hear.”
When Nala’s body calmed and she didn’t make another sound, Indel brought their hips to meet yet again. Popping his member in caused a moan from Nala this time as well.
“Shhh,” Indel whispered. He didn’t dear leave the shadow for fear of being seen. Even the scales at his feet might alert someone to their presence. Regardless, he wanted to continue. “I’ll go slower. Can I allow it to swell?”
Nodding, Nala gasped. “Yes. Yes. Allow it now. Allow it now.”
Slower footsteps approached. “Well, have you seen him?”
“No, sir. The Summoner is gone as well,” someone answered.
Hand over Nala’s mouth, Indel gave a slow thrust.
By the time the voices grew distant, he’d found a steady rhythm.
“Mana, please. You cannot be so slow.”
“Patience, Summoner,” Indel whispered back. “We have until the suns’ light reaches us. So stop talking and present your yourself a little better instead.”
Nala leaned forward, bring her hips higher and Indel took a firm buck.
“Steady, Mana,” Nala warned, reaching back to hold Indel’s waist. “I am about to come undone.”
Indel waited for as long as he could stand it before he began moving yet again.
“Quiet,” Indel gasped. “Endure it till I am finished and I can ravage you twice.”
Voices came and went but Indel kept to his task.
“Mana, I cannot wait,” Nala said again.
Indel boxed Nala’s hands aside and fondled her breasts. With his right hand, he was careful to slip the claw into Nala’s slick entrance as the Summoner sometimes did when they coupled. No sooner had he slipped into Nala along with his penis, he himself nearly buckled at the knees instead.
His own body trembling, Indel shot his seed into Nala’s willing body again and again.
Even when there was no more to come, he slipped out and then into Nala’s opening once more.
There was no keeping Nala quiet after that. She groaned and crooned and made a sound that betrayed her need.
To stop his own seed from falling to the ground on the scales, Indel plugged Nala’s hole with a finger and got down on his knees.
Nala didn’t hesitate to turn and put her finger into her slit as Indel’s mouthed her.
Indel dragged himself from the water yet again, winded and exhausted.
“I will not be here to help you the next time you sneak in here to force the change when your body stops part way,” Sessel warned.
But Indel hadn’t come because of that. The change he’d forced this morning had taken, but a burning came after his lay with Nala. His attempt at changing to his first stage again yielded no gain whatsoever. It was too soon.
“I’ve never had trouble before,” Indel muttered.
“Changing at will grows more difficult each time it is forced.” Sessel looked down at him. “Be quick, force the first stage.”
“I cannot.” Indel lay flat atop the moss. “I require more time.”
“We do not have it.”
“I’m sorry to have missed the meeting. What was the final decision?” Indel asked.
Sessel remained quiet until their eyes met. The worry Indel found there stole his resolve.
“I am fine, Sessel. And I am giving you what you’ve requested. A new king will calm everyone. It will bring joy.”
Brushing her hair back, Sessel let out a sigh. “The Summoner Queen is eager for peace. She’s already started to march here. Other Leveler clutches are excited. With the Summoner’s help once more, we can survive any hardship, even a time with less hunts. The rain lets up only for part of the day. Hunting will become laborious. A Summoner alliance would serve us all well. The council sees it as good fortune that the Queen has agreed. But....”
Indel held his breath. “But...?”
“But your Summoner...they say she’s brought the rain and it would be best if she returned home before your selection of a king. Keeping her will bring misfortune. The rain is an omen.”
Sitting up, Indel scoffed. “Such nonsense. It is because of her why I thought to engage the Summoner Queen. And with this union, we will all benefit, as you’ve said. And Nala has nothing to do with the weather.”
“Do not forget what happens to a king who no longer serves his function, Daga. We are on a dangerous course. Should our people lose faith in you, it’s the difference between them following you blindly or literally consuming you in an act of revenge.”
That went without saying.
Sessel helped him to stand. “What will you do now? Walking around in this stage will put everyone on edge.” She considered it but came to a grim conclusion. “It would be painful...difficult to change to the warrior stage yet again, but how can you greet the Queen in such a state?”
With this much fatigue, Indel didn’t dare try it. Until he emptied his loins completely, it would be a challenge to force the first stage so soon.
“I will remain this way for a time.”
Though displeased, Sessel nodded. “I will tell them it’s in preparation for the Queen but you must take on the lower stage before she arrives.”
Indel’s body ached but the thought of seeing Nala again overwhelmed that pain. Remaining this way was unintentional but at least Nala would be pleased. First Indel had to meet with the others and dispute this ridiculous claim about the rain. Then he would seek out his miserable Summoner and spend some time in her company.
He snatched an awaiting robe and traveled the long tunnel until he saw the mercy moths, their transparent wings fluttering as his only form of light.
Hand extended, he waited for one to land on his second finger. These were rather ugly creatures. Turning it this way and that provided a better view.
The Earthers had tried to rename everything. Levelers were having a hard time naming them back. He concluded he would change the term ‘moth’ to something else. It was an Earther term and those monsters were long gone. That was the only reason the Summoner Queen dared venture out.
One of Indel’s fathers was the last Leveler King to breed with a Summoner Queen. This was a momentous occasion.
And the Queen was an old friend. Even now, he still remembered their parting terms. Too small to even win a fight, Indel’d lost to her as a child and was sent crying like a yapping welp. He smiled.
Nala didn’t come for second-meal. She was probably in the nest. Tomorrow Indel would have to deal with the Queen but tonight, he longed for his temperamental Summoner’s company.
It was rude for Nala to not come; Sessel even went out of her way to make Nala’s favorite.
No doubt Nala was lying in their moth bed.
Indel considered the best choice of words. Nala was gentle usually, but she did have a temper. She didn’t strike any more, not since the first time, but she would become...quiet. Excruciatingly quiet. Sometimes she’d wait until they were joined hip to hip before she simply stopped moving. Those times were miserable and awful. Indel dreaded them.
It was important to test Nala’s mood.
Tomorrow he’d tell Nala the good news. He’d risk another transformation to greet Citel, the Summoner Queen in his second stage. The third stage was undone.
Tying the robe tight, he hurried down the hall lest someone see him running after a lowly Summoner.
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