《SWTOR: The Alpha Legacy - Alexandra 'Under the Black'》11 - Solemn Vow
- Hoth, ‘The Graveyard’….
Opening the chest in her quarters, Alexandra ran her fingers over the soft leatheris of her old Captain’s coat. She smiled weakly; it was something she never thought to wear again. Taking it out she shook it out gently and folded it over her arm looking toward the door. She could sense him coming even before the door chimed. Alex turned. The coat folded over her arm watching her husband come through the door. He smiled on approach, twiddling his fingers playfully even as the first explosions of the traps their pirates laid were going off in the distance. The first of the Republic troops falling prey to the dangers of the White Maw Stronghold.
Neither of them seemed in a rush, there was a lot of ground to cover before the Republic troops made it to the headquarters proper. Alex moved toward him and folded her arms with the coat into herself and allowed the hug to come. Drogan grasped her tightly wrapping his arms around her. It should never have come to this as far as Alex was concerned. It was never going to be easy, getting her girls back. Alexandra never thought the Republic or the Jedi would go this far. She looked up while he held her; a sorrowful look on her face to which he shook his head with a bright smile.
“I told you…I would die for you. I meant it. They are coming to OUR home, entering OUR lives. They are going to remember this day, I promise you.”
He pulled her back into his arms, her expression unchanged and riddled with guilt. This was never her intent and no words or oaths could ever change how very badly she felt for dragging them all into her life. Things she should have done as a Mother, as a Jedi. Things she regretted even at that moment. As Drogan spoke again, it made her smile weakly. Especially his words concerning the Force. A surprise from one who was an adamant non-believer.
“All is….as the Force Wills it…”, Backing out of his arms she gave him a smirk, the coat once in her arms, Drogan now held out for her to get into. “You ready baby? It’s time for them to see the REAL Dread Pirate Elle…”
ar---sustaining H-heavy losses General, Request permission to alter the phase line approach—“>
The field commander’s voice riddled with static suddenly cut out as General Stone tightened his grip on the handset transmitter.
“Commander!?!? Commander?!?!” He slapped it down and looked at Master Anna Craft, who looked serene in the midst of so much chaos. “Where are the Jedi??? You have a Strike Team…your assassins???”
Master Craft moved to the side of the command vehicle and touched the door pad, it chimed as it slid open, the cold arctic air of Hoth pouring in as she glared at the General. “Of course General, as I told you…this is not going to go as you planned. We are on the wrong side of the Force on this one…”
Republic units began to pour in from the North Ridge of the Starship Graveyard, the traps and ambushes having been tripped; pirates in that area already dead or overwhelmed. Alex drew her saber and activated one of the Azure blades. Her old crew and it’s new Captain already standing by for her. “We need to re-enforce that ridge!” She pointed her saber in a flourish. Already her forces began to move. Giving a glance back to Drogan she smiled at him, the bright smile from her husband accompanied by a wink. This was what he was born for. Alex still unable to shake the feeling of dread the Force was giving her.
Craft and her assassins moved through the lines, careful not to engage any of the mass of pirates massing on the ridges of the hulks of derelict ships within the yard. They had a target, one of two Master Craft had already spotted. As they passed the stealth detection systems, Drogan moved back and signaled too late for his pirates to move back with him. The mass of sabers activated simultaneously as the alarm systems on the ‘Star of Coruscant’; one of the derelicts in the yard, sounded loudly. All of the assassins derezzing out of their Force Cloaks among the very surprised Pirates. Drogan shot one, then another as he dropped down to the next level of the broken gangway within the busted ship. Arctic air poured in as he quickly began to type a self destruct on what was left of the grounded battleship. The screams of dying men his background as the beeps and whistles of the system began to activate.
The Master was in pursuit as the rest of her assassins engaged the remainder of Drogan’s guard. He flipped his holo-comm out and pressed the instant return to signal Alex. Craft dropped in front and slashed at him taking the holo-comm from his grasp, Drogan returning fire on the Master instantly. She forcefully extended her hand in a Disruption. The air around Drogan rippling and curling with power; sending him crashing into the far bulkhead. Craft looked down, whispering into her collar comm as Drogan hit hard and slid down.
“Eagle acquired…still searching for the primary…”
The fighting was hard on the North Ridge as Alex stood to the front deflecting Republic blaster bolts. Next to her, her old crew was falling. The dead and wounded falling like weeds next to her. Alex struggled to get them to advance. Her Holo-comm signaled a harsh tone and quickly ceased; Alex’s head going straight up and looking toward the ‘Star of Coruscant’ deep in the graveyard. She flourished her saber, slicing a trooper who got close and extended her hand blasting the next few troopers coming up over the ridge away like leaves in the wind. Looking back at the few pirates who were left she screamed in their direction.
“Back to the strongpoint!!! Now!!! Move!!”
She was not headed there, her eyes already on the ‘Star’ in the distance. Alex dropped off the broken gangway as the Republic troopers began to pour in. Force speed behind her, Alex darted off toward Drogan’s last known location.
Master Anna Craft held the other end of her double-sided sky-blue saber toward Drogan approaching slowly, kicking his blaster pistol off the edge as she stalked toward him.
“It was not supposed to be this way, Master Drogan…if only she could have been reasoned with—“
Drogan wiped the blood from his lip huffing a laugh toward the Jedi Master, whose double-bladed saber still pointed toward his neck. “Reasoned??? Reasoned…that’s what you call it? Would a Mother reason over the safety of their child, would you?” That made Anna drop the saber slightly as she looked away, but only for an instant.
“Children are not in my destiny. Nor will they ever be—“
“Jedi platitudes. You took everything from that woman and now you try to justify your actions. For what?”
Anna raised the saber, her face getting tight.
“For something greater…”
Jumping up in the Force, Alexandra pressed hard into her power. Leaping a full four stories up to Drogan and Anna’s level. Before Master Craft struck down, Alex was already there; her saber stopping the death blow just before Anna’s double-bladed saber came down upon Drogan. It was surprising to Anna, she had not sensed Alex’s approach. Mired in the thought Drogan had placed within her. Even as Alex blocked Anna’s saber strike, her mind was still riddled with the question, ‘Would any mother reason…’
Alex jabbed forward as Anna spun away from the block; Alex allowing her second saber to drop from her belt into her other hand. Both sabers now a whirlwind as she attacked Anna with a fury that only a Mother defending her children would have. It was the Dark Side, a realm Anna dwelled in to do the dirty work the Jedi Order called her to do, but she could not fight back the fury unleashed by Alexandra De’nabre.
A block, another slash and a pinwheel of azure blades, Anna was on the defensive spinning and blocking with both ends of her saber. Alex backed her off and away from Drogan who was just getting to his feet. Backing into the bulkhead, Anna glanced up quickly and attempted to leap to the next shattered level of the grounded capital ship only to have Alex grab her in the Force while she was still in midair; slinging her back to the ground in a heap.
“Arrrgah!!!Get back here!!!” Alex lowered the saber hand in a flourish as the power unleashed ensconced and surrounded Anna; the shadow landing in a heap as her saber clattered away from her hands. She looked up to see Alex standing over her, the tip of an Azure blade at her throat.
Slowly, Anna raised a hand as a sign of surrender. Her face still tight in concentration.
“Alexandra, I am truly sorry…you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into here. I must obey the Order…”
Gritting her teeth, Alex raised the saber slightly, “I’m sorry too, Master. You have no idea what lengths I will go to in order to reclaim my life.”
The sound of a dozen blaster rifles powering up stopped Alex just before she jabbed her blade down into the Order’s Master of Assassins.
“Oh I have some idea…” General Stone stood among the troopers, blaster pistol raised as he gestured with his other hand for Anna to get up and join him. “You are truly remarkable Alexandra…” He glanced at Drogan who also had the blaster rifles of at least a dozen fully armored troopers on him. “…you both stumbled onto something here that must remain a secret.”
The battle was over. Below the surviving pirates were being corralled by the Republic Army in long lines as they were being marched out of the graveyard. Alex stood her ground, her saber following Anna as the Shadow slowly got up and stood to face Alex. The two women did not exchange words, but Anna didn’t move looking over at the General. She had some idea about what was going to take place. General Stone gave Anna the ‘look’, still the Shadow did not move. Anna finally shaking her head ‘no’ to General Stone.
“It has to be this way, Master Craft!!! They are both too dangerous to be left alive!!”
“No General, it doesn’t…the Jedi Order would not condone this action. Not after what’s taken place.”
“I would rather ask forgiveness than permission….”
As Stone pulled the trigger on the blaster, Drogan who could already see what was about to take place; years of measuring a man’s resolve of having stared down the business end of a blaster hundreds of times; jumped to the front of Alexandra. The blaster bolt tearing through his chest armor as he fell back against Alex. Shock was the only thing staying her blade as she dropped one of her sabers to catch her fallen husband. The troopers all raised arms ready to end it as the scream cut through the circle of armored men.
“NO!!!!” Anna raised her arms to the troops, “Stop this!!!”
“Get out of the way, Anna!!!” Stone lurched forward, his blaster now trained on the kneeling Alexandra who cradled Drogan in her arms. The sound of a dozen sabers activated behind the Republic troopers as Anna kept her arms up. Anna’s assassin’s arriving to her aid. Slowly the Republic troops lowered their rifles as Anna and the General exchanged a deathly glare. She extended her hand to the General.
“Give me the blaster, General.”
Stone knew he had lost. Lowering the pistol but not relinquishing it. “An Officer never relinquishes their sidearm.” Holstering it, he took another look at Anna and then at Alex and Drogan; Alex still not looking up at any of them; her hand combing through Drogan’s hair. “You will answer for this Master, this is your mess to clean up….” Stone curled a finger, gesturing to the line of the Republic Soldiers who followed their commander out as Anna nodded to her Shadows to do the same. The sound of sabers deactivated. Anna stood silently over Alex and Drogan.
As she moved her hand through his hair, she never got to hear a last word, never heard anything. Just saw him jump to her defense and take the bolt meant for her. Alex sat for a long time, just cradling him. Master Anna Craft did not move, her eyes closed as she contemplated the Force and the extreme sadness she felt emanating from Alex.
The General was right about one thing. It was her mess now. All of it was. Nodding to herself as she communed with the Force, Anna knew what she was going to do. It was the right thing to do, the only thing to do.
It was….The Will of the Force.
48 Hours after Karolin’s Decent into Madness; The Defeat of the 7th Fleet over Hoth…More than Ten Years after the White Maw's Defense of the 'Graveyard'....
Though the Jedi relocated to Tython after the ‘Sacking of Coruscant’; Master Anna Craft did not. Her relationship with the Republic vital to maintaining the Jedi’s affiliation with the ‘Project’. Her mission had many facets, none more than her continued observation of the ‘Twins’ and their progress. Mrysti, was gone. Having left the Republic with another of the members of the Alpha Pod to follow a call they assumed was from the Empire. Anna Craft still had loose ends. Karolin the only end that needed tying as far as the Jedi were concerned. Things had progressed well for Master Karolin Alpha, up until the holo-call forty-eight hours prior. Up till that point, Anna Craft was merely an advisor to her long time cohort; General Stone.
Entering the apartment, Anna let out an exasperating sigh. Karolin was sealed in maximum security surrounded by the Republic’s finest. It was clear that she had fallen to the Dark-side. And Anna’s mission now would be to determine if her genetic alterations or her connection to the ‘Project’ had anything to do with it. This was not Jedi work, nor was it the work of the Master of Assassin’s within the Jedi Order. Anna sealed her fate to the ‘Project’ the day she let Alexandra live and the day she assumed responsibility for anything related to Karolin and Mrysti. That was her solemn vow to Alexandra. That SHE would look after them.
Anna sensed the presence as soon as the door slid closed. But even the Master of Assassin’s knew it was no ambush. Anna learned a long time ago, if you do not die in the presence of an intruder in the first few seconds; they wanted something. They always wanted something. It was not fear that Anna projected, but curiosity. Curiosity as to why it took Alexandra so long to reach out to her.
“I wondered when you would show up at my door…” Anna went into the kitchen area as she spoke out loud, directing her speech to no one. Busying herself with the tea maker she poured in an ample amount of liquid and pressed the start button setting out two cups, “I am making myself some tea, would you like one?”
“I want to see her.”
Those words came from the far corner of the room, in the darkness. Exactly where Anna sensed Alexandra would be. The shadow of Alex did not move. The shadow sat with her legs crossed, a cloud of smoke from something tangy wafting above her head. Alex subbed it out on the table after speaking.
From the kitchen Anna could see the fiery red irises follow and burn into her. She continued with her preparation, taking the steaming hot cup and allowing the silence to permeate between them; walking casually back into the room. Anna stood and leaned on the wall of her apartment, stirring the cup. There was no reason to lie. Alex had been on Coruscant more times than Anna could count. She didn’t always know from intelligence, sometimes Anna just sensed Alex’s presence.
“You realize, that’s quite impossible. In light of recent events, there is no way to—“
“I don’t give a kriff about recent events!!” Alex finally shifted in the shadows, snarling at Anna. There was no love lost between them. The unfortunate incident which claimed the life of Alex’s second husband the day Anna made Alex the promise to watch over her daughters. It was the only thing that stopped Alex from taking vengeance on the Republic, on General Stone, but most of all Anna Craft. Spare the ‘Project’. Spare both herself and General Stone and Anna would ensure that both Karolin and Mrysti were taken care of. It was the reason for the visit. In Alexandra’s eyes, Anna had not lived up to her part of the bargain.
Moving to the loveseat across from Alex, Anna sat down delicately setting the cup down first and then lowering herself to cross her legs and peer into the darkness. She did not bother turning on the lights, she didn’t need to. “Alex, I know what you must be thinking. But that is not the case. We did everything we could to ensure that Karolin was well trained to assume—“
The next words shocked Anna, it was not what she expected even though all she could feel was hate pouring off of Alex. “I don’t hold you responsible. How could you have known, how could any of you when you assumed control of my daughters.”
Anna crooked an eyebrow and picked up the cup to blow over the top, “That’s not the response I expected. Still, this is a Republic matter. She killed a lot of people Alex, they are going to make her pay for that.” Even as she said it, she felt the hate well up in Alex. Enough that Anna quickly set the cup back down. Moving out of the shadows finally, Alexandra De’nabre stood and walked to the far window. The endless and timeless traffic of the Coruscant skyline zipping by as she peered out. Slowly, Alex shook her head and dipped it low.
“This…is not Karolin’s fault.” She turned and gave a hateful glare to Anna, “Nor your ‘Project’…this has to do with me. This has to do with where me and my family are from, the curse we bear. The curse you and the Republic could not have possibly known about when you subjugated my daughters!”
Anna didn’t know what to say. It explained a great many things about the whole affair. Alex’s desperate attempt to get her daughters back was more than a Mother’s love, it was out of fear. Fear for them and fear for the Republic. Mrysti’s departure to the Empire. Karolin’s inherent darkness. All of the things that Project Alpha had determined were side-effects of the process were not what they seemed. In all actuality, had the Republic known about the darkness Alex spoke of; Mrysti and Karolin would never have been selected for the ‘Project’. Karolin’s latest ‘incident’ would never have happened. Anna thought about all of it in a flash as Alex continued to stare at her. But, it was too late. Anna had a duty. Not only to the Jedi, but to the Republic and finally Project Alpha.
“It doesn’t matter Alex. It’s out of my hands, General Stone has—“ The mention of his name sent a lightning bolt up Alex’s spine that was felt across the room. Anna reacted, closing her eyes and visibly shivered, “---the General has determined that this should fall into Military Jurisdiction. She was a Jedi on board a military craft at a time of War. A Commander, commissioned to protect and lead those men…she killed them.”
Practically charging forward, Alex turned and stalked toward Anna. The other woman did not move, it was out of anger and Anna still could feel no ill intent on the part of Alex. The Mirialan pointed at the Jedi’s Master of Assassins. “You MAKE it your problem, Master. You do it! After what I just told you, how could you not?!?!”
“Fine.” Anna set the cup down again and crossed her legs, “You will still not be allowed to see her.” Alex started to speak, but Anna raised a finger to her. This time the Master of Assassins returned Alex’s deathly glare with one of her own, “No, it’s my turn. You said what you needed to say; I appreciate the truth of it. You could have shared that with me a decade ago and we might have avoided some of this unpleasantness.” There was momentary silence as Alex visibly sagged.
“She needs me. She needs her Mother…”
“Needs you?!?” It was Anna’s turn to bring on the hate, this time she sat up defiantly. “Needs you? Alex she doesn’t even know you.” Alex stood still as Anna let the statement sink in, “You never wondered why, on all of those trips to Coruscant; even when you were yards away from them both…they never sensed your presence? Don’t look so surprised, of course I knew…the entire ‘Project’ knew. We felt as long as you didn’t interfere we would never have to take action. And you didn’t.” Anna pursed her lips, “You are not their Mother, you are a ghost. A phantom…you are the fleeting ‘what if’ that passes through a little girl’s mind. The thought that comes in moments of trouble, the person who was never there in their greatest triumphs or the shoulder to cry on during their unfortunate defeats.”
Anna stood and paced back toward the entrance, “But we were. We have been there through it all. We are their parents…they are property, subjects…weaponized versions of a life that could have been.” Gesturing toward Alex, Anna’s voice rose as she finished. Clearing her throat she realized her emotional level was getting slightly out of control as it always did concerning the ‘Project’ or Karolin. Anna frowned slightly as Alex passed headed for the door. Anna politely opened it for her with the touch of the pad.
Before leaving Alex stopped, she didn’t look at Anna. There were things she’d seen, things she already knew would come to pass. Anna would die as would General Stone. The time would come when Karolin and Mrysti would need their Mother. She knew what none of them did about Mrysti. Even though everyone had written off Mrysti as dead, Alex knew differently because the Force had already shown her.
“There will come a time…when this deal no longer holds any meaning for me. When there is no longer a Republic to hold sway over my daughters. When there is no longer a side or a Jedi Order for YOU to sit on….when this Project and all that it encompasses are gone.” Alex looked over at Anna stepping over the threshold.
“…it is then that I will return.”
Six Months after the Fall of the White Maw Stronghold on Hoth…Coruscant, Galactic City....
“I wonder if Jedi can fly???” Karolin peered over the side of the skyway, Mrysti pulling her back quickly as Karolin giggled at her sister.
“Wanna find out?? Get back over here…”
“It’s not a crazy question, Mryst. I mean they can do all kinds of things. Do you think we are going to learn to fly? I mean, I wonder if anyone has ever tried it?” Karolin smiled brightly as she looked up at her overly tall sister.
“Jedi, do not fly Karolin. Levitate, maybe…I have seen them do that. WE have done that.” Mrysti turned her attention back to the road and the stop they were waiting at. Glancing at her chrono, she realized the transport was late. Karolin was in no hurry to return to the Temple, having been sent on an errand. The two of them stood waiting and watching for the public transport so that both of them could return to study. The errand, a cleverly cloaked disguise to get both of them to a nearby Alpha facility for a test and measurement. Neither Karolin or Mrysti were the wiser.
Extending her arms, Karolin twirled around. Her brown cloak flapping in the wind as she smiled and looked up into the skylane and traffic of the artificial sky. The Padawan’s braid wove into her rich dark raven hair twirled with her movement. Mrysti watched her with a smirk and finally laid both hands on her to stop the spinning. “Look, I’m flying!”
“Yes, like a crazy person. No wonder all of the citizens think Jedi are crazy. Remember who we are and what we represent.” Mrysti’s scolding already had passers-by looking at the both of them. More from Karolin’s spinning than Mrysti’s words.
As the large transport finally hovered at the stop and ceased movement the doors opened so both girls could get inside. Mrysti stopped a moment and looked back behind her, a sense of something as if someone was watching. The driver already late tapped on the console harshly.
“Let’s go, let’s go!!!”
Moving through the people, Mrysti flopped down on the seat next to her sister, but her eyes were on the far bridge trestle. Something familiar was there, but she saw nothing. Something Mrysti thought was watching them both. Karolin crooked an eyebrow at her sister as the speeder started off, her eyes following Mrysti’s to the window as she looked back and forth finally settling on her sister.
“What’s wrong, ya see somethin’??”
“No…it was nothing. Just a feeling I had…”
Ducking back behind the trestle, Alexandra pulled the hood up and over her features. It was the first time she had seen them, she had to make sure it wouldn’t be the last. Mrysti looked back at her almost catching her watching them both. Alex sobbed suddenly and stifled it as she dropped down off the trestle to the street below.
She looked so much like him. Mrysti had so much of Bernard in her. Alexandra could see it in her eyes, that same wonder, that same tenacity. How beautiful they both were, it was everything she could do to stop from calling out to them both.
But, a deal was a deal. Alex was content that the Force would lead them back to her someday, that the Force would call her and her daughters to be together again.
Pulling the hood up a little tighter, Alex dipped her head to the passers-by and cloaked her aura in the Force. They were seers, all of the De’nabre women. And Alex had seen, she knew what her purpose was and what had to be done. There would be much pain in both Karolin and Mrysti’s lives before any of that happened. But Alex would never be far away. She and both of her daughters had a destiny.
It was the Will of the Force.
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