《Those Feared By The Gods》Chapter 7


“My old friend, I know that you cared deeply for her, but she betrayed us. She might not have shed blood, but t was a stab in the back nevertheless. This matter is way over our jurisdiction.” Vunhal said to Batner. “This can’t wait a moment longer”.

“Towers, Light the purple fire!” yelled Vunhal towards a guard squad. “I shall accept any punishment, just do it!”

After hearing this second sentence, the soldiers knew that their Captain was serious. They immediately dropped all their tasks, splitting up and running towards other squads to give the command. The peaceful gate guarding the dwarven kingdom looked chaotic, but on closer inspection was even more ordered than before. Within 13 seconds purple flames lit up not just within the towers, but all around the Gate. Vunhal walked towards a brazier in the middle of it all and made a small cut on his thumb. When a drip of his blood fell into the purple flame, the area lit up as purple light radiated from two of the three gigantic statues overlooking the gate.

A huge horn resounded, and within the dwarven kingdom, many others could be heard.

“It took longer than that they were trained too. Well, it has been 300 years since the last time this happened. I need to drill it into them once more!” laughed Vunhal together with Batner

The camp turned slightly peaceful, but seriousness could be seen on the faces of every single soldier, together with a fierce look in their eyes, as if they were to go to battle any time.

A few minutes passed like this, but then…

A group of 10 Kohantra flew towards the Gate, blocking the light that came from the special minerals within the mountain.

Very quickly, they landed within the courtyard. Their riders dismounted immediately and ran towards the Captain.

“What is the situation!” yelled the leader of the riders.

Without saying a word, Vunhal pointed at the basket within Batner’s hand. At first, the rider was confused, but when he saw what that basket contained, and the seriousness on the faces of both Vunhal and his old friend Batner, he knew.

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