《Those Feared By The Gods》Chapter 6


“I can already see the gate!” yelled a private of the Black Mithril squad. “By the way, Captain, what is that child?”

“Private, this child was brought to our arms, and thus we shall raise it. Fate has not abandoned us even after all these years. Remember that. “ replied Batner

“Aye Captain! This child is under Black Mithril protection now!” said the Private loudly while performing a salute.

The warriors from the Black Mithril squad, who would give anyone that didn’t know them shivers just by looking them in the eye, laughed loudly. But while laughing, each of them made a promise in their hearts; This child is now Black Mithril, I will guard him with my life.

When they reached the enormous gates guarding the entrance of the mountain entrance, the guards gave them a salute.

“Welcome home, Black Mithril, i see you have a good catch today.” said the guard captain.

“Indeed, this Gradnir is quite the big one. I bet the artisans and scientists will be fighting for this one” replied Batner with a smile on his face. “But in all seriousness, we need to see the Keeper” said Batner when pointing to the basket.

“Bless the Ancestor!” yelled the Guard Captain while putting his right arm across his chest with his fist on his chest. “Follow me, this is a matter of utmost importance!”

“Fenhal, you are in charge.” said batner. “Let us see the Keeper”.


Together with the Guard Captain, Batner made his way over to the Crimson Temple.

The Crimson Temple, located within the very center of the Dwarven Kingdom, was almost unreachable by foot. One had to overcome the Ordeals of Ascension, the very same ordeals the Ancestor had to overcome. No Dwarf, Creature of the Dark or even a Deity has ever made it past the second ordeal. Thus one has to access the temple by Kohantra. The Kohantra, meaning “Guardian Beast” in the Ancient Language, was a medium sized dragon-like beast, with hide as solid as rock, and a temperament as fierce as flame. The only ones able to tame these beasts were the Master and Vice Master of the Tamers guild, and even they needed to be extremely careful during the process.


“Light the signal.” commanded the Guard Captain.

Almost immediately, a green colored fire lit up from the two tallest watchtowers.

These watchtowers looked ancient, as if they could crumble at any moment, but on closer inspection one would notice that they were almost as sturdy as the Mountain itself. They, together with the Gate, were the first defense against the Wilds and have guarded the Kingdom for uncountable years.

“Vunhal, I need to tell you something, but you can not tell anyone.” suddenly said Batner. “Swear by the Ancestor and the blood of the Fallen”.

Vunhal was shocked. “Batner, this isn’t like you. What in the Ancestor’s name happened?”

“Do you swear, Vunhal.” replied Batner with his strong will resounding in his voice.

“Batner, Captain of the Black Mithril Warriors, I swear on the Ancestor and the blood of the Fallen that I will not tell anyone” recited Vunhal with his fist on his chest. “Now tell me what happened or I will feed you to the Dathoms!”

“I saw her, Vunhal.” Batner said in a solemn tone.

“Batner, what are you talking about? Do I need to bring you to the Apothecaries?” joked Vunhal

But then, Batner said seriously: “Vunhal, I know that you understand. We all felt her embrace, but there was something more. This child…. You know what i am implying”.

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