《Those Feared By The Gods》Chapter 1: Prologue


Hammering of anvils resounds in our mountain home~

Size of a hobbit, strength of a manticore~

Deep in the darkness, striking until we break our bones~

We fight, feast and drink our Mead, oh bless the mountain king!~


Walking in a mountain range, a group of small postured humanoids are on a mission to scout.

“Hey, Kandar, how is the wife?” Asks one of them to the other.

“She's the same old grumpy woman I married 11 years ago” replies the humanoid called Kandar.


Loud laughter comes from the group.

“Boss, when are you going to marry? If you wait too long, you'll be too old for anyone to want you.” Asks Kandar

“You know I hate being called Boss. Just call me Batner like everyone else. And I just haven't found the girl of my dreams yet.” Replies the “Boss” Batner

The cheerful squad continues talking and laughing while continuing their mission


“Wheeeeh~” “wheeeeh~”

Somewhere deep in the mountain range, the crying of a child is heard.

“Wheeeeh~” “wheeeeh~”

“Shhhh, quiet! I hear something!” Whispers Batner while holding his hand up

The loud squad instantly quiets down, as if they were professionals

-Absolute Silence-

For a moment, nothing but the wind and some small animals are heard. Even the breathing of the squad is completely masked. But a moment later…


A loud cry of a beast is heard!

“Split up, Dahtom formation[1]” whispers Batner

The squad nods, silently yet swiftly splitting into 3 groups

The squad looks at Batner, and when he gives a nod, all rush forwards.

Two groups each swiftly sneak over the left and right flank, while the third rushes not quietly at all straight to the objective.

After a small while, they arrive at a clearing of the mountain forest, where a beast is circling something

“Mhph, a Gradfir[2], just as I thought” says Batner

“Chargeeeeeeeeee!” The warcry of the fierce mountain warriors resounds!

[1]a formation where two “arms” “dig” into the enemy from the sides while the “blind head” rushes in

[2]A bestiary is being made while the story goes on. I will post a link with the bestiary once more beasts become known in the story

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