《Where Giants Roam》The Eastern Mountains


Twulai walked through the mountains with Achala behind him and Asil at the back. Achala was chatty, wanting to know more about where Asil and Twulai were from, and what it was like there. Twulai kept his head down, watching for danger but for a long time, the world was still around them. A day and a half into their journey Twulai saw two figures walking towards them from the west. As they grew closer it became clear that they were two Giants walking steadily and unafraid. Despite their scars and healing wounds Twulai quickly recognized them.

“Ilioc! Torbjørn!” He shouted out, running towards them.

“Ilioc! Torbjørn!” Asil also shouted out and ran to them.

“What happened to you?” Twulai asked.

“We were put in an arena,” Ilioc began. “We were forced to fight but the old gatekeeper gave us some poison that allowed us to escape. What about you?” He asked.

“We exploded the very chains which were holding us prisoner,” Asil replied.

“What do you mean?” Torbjørn asked, “You were in chains the whole time?”

“We were chained to a wagon, transporting goods throughout the North,” Twulai explained. “We also picked up a friend on the way,” Twulai said, turning to Achala.

“Hi, I’m Achala. It’s lovely to meet you Ilioc and Torbjørn,” Achala greeted them, smiling and shaking their hands.

“What a fine friend you’ve found,” Torbjørn replied cheerfully. “Shall we continue and talk on the way? Let us start getting closer to home,” Torbjørn said and the other Giants nodded in agreement. Twulai and Asil thought briefly of Pacha but with no hope of finding her, and unsure if she was even alive they quickly moved her on from their minds. The Giants travelled south for another two days, sharing stories of their captivity and their escapes. They learned about Achala’s background and her lack of freedom.


Elizabeth was on watch, her mood was solemn yet peaceful when in the distance she saw shapes moving. Five large creatures were coming towards her. Elizabeth quickly became fearful and she woke Pacha.

“What’s the problem?” Pacha asked.

“There are large creatures, coming right for us,” Elizabeth replied fearfully but Pacha’s eyes lit up at this.

Could it be? She thought to herself. Pacha crawled to the top of the cave, careful not to reveal herself.

“Pacha! Pacha!” Elizabeth whispered with urgency.

“Shhh,” Pacha replied quickly. She stuck her head out of the cave to see the four Giants she recognized and a new one. Instantly she came out of the cave shouting and waving her arms in the air, “Asil! Twulai! Ilioc! Torbjørn!”

“Pacha?” Asil said as she heard her shouting. Asil’s eyes pin-pointed to Pacha by the caves entrance half-way up the mountainside. “Pacha!” Asil exclaimed as she reached her and did her best to hug Pacha, although it was a little difficult. “It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe that you’re out here!” Asil said with joy.

“Come here Pacha,” Twulai said as he also came to her and hugged her. From within the cave, Elizabeth heard Pacha and the Giants conversing and she slowly came to the entrance of the cave. She stood watching the relationship between Pacha and the Giants. Ilioc spotted Elizabeth,

“Hey,” He called in a friendly tone and Elizabeth vanished out of sight. Pacha heard this and turned to see Ilioc leaning into the cave where Elizabeth was hidden within.

“Elizabeth!” Pacha called. “It’s alright, they’re friends,” Pacha called into the cave and after a moment a reluctant Elizabeth appeared. She walked timidly towards Pacha, wary of the Giants.


“Hi,” Asil greeted Elizabeth. “I’m Asil, it’s nice to meet you,” Asil said putting out her hand. Elizabeth paused and took in the scene around her before she took Asil’s hand.

“Elizabeth. It’s an experience to meet you,” She replied. Twulai laughed at her comment as she shook hands with Asil.

“I’m Twulai,” He announced shaking Elizabeth’s hand next.



“And I’m Achala,” The final Giants announced in sequence, each shaking Elizabeth’s hand. Overwhelmed Elizabeth still couldn't take in what was in front of her.

Five Giants, all with manners better than my own. She thought to herself.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Achala said and Asil took Pacha and Elizabeth onto her shoulder.

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