《The Dungeon's Son》16. Reunite


Kaiser Remington

Before we head to interrupt the battle on the ground, I think I must first discuss my improved ability and skills that I got four years ago.

My mana level is around the blue level, Delphine told me that my learning ability is high that I only acquire the blue level in just four years. The mana levels are classified in colors, it comes from the order of white, orange, red, blue, and light blue.

My combat skills are also quite high because of my constant training with the application of my combat knowledge in my past life. The one I'm excited about demonstrating is my mana skills. All of the elements were given to me by Delphine and she restricted me in using my shadow magic until I defeated the shadow worshippers that are after Lucy and Aldea.

The level of my elemental skills is also high since the one that trained me was a goddess which molds my ability to the highest that I can.


Girl from the stadium

"Are you ready?" The guards asked as they watched me prepared myself with weapons and armor.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you really sure about this? If he's here he'll never let you do that crazy thing." My friend said.

"Yes, even if he's here, he'd probably do this crazy thing you mentioned."

"Please be safe."

My friend said as I walked near the entrance of the battlefield. As I was closing my distance between the field and me, the large gate slowly opened and my opponent's grin was greeting me.

"You sure are getting killed." The large man said.

He's wearing a large armor that fits his body and behind him was his claymore. Though everyone knows that he's at the red mana level, I'm only at the beginning of the white stage mana level. I clenched my teeth as I knew the result but trying is not bad, right?

"I'll be using bare hands on you, little girl." He said trying to intimidate me.

The referee walks in the center of the two of us, "The duel will be going for ten minutes, since this is a grand competition, killing is allowed as well. If one of you surrendered, we'll immediately stop the fight. However, surrendering is up to the fighter and not with their third parties. Now, if you don't have any questions you may start the fight!"

Everybody shouted to their lungs as the competition starts, I drew my bow and infused mana in it, and directed it at the defenseless head of the large man. Without even blinking or moving, the arrow just deflects through his face as if I threw a pebble on him.

"That all you got?" He said with his usual grinning face.

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue and ran quickly encircling him while launching arrows.

Even though I put all of my strategies, he's immovable. How can I ever beat him in this state?

Five minutes have been wasted with me running around trying to make my attacks effective. The people that we're watching are bored, they all grew silent and the large man's smile turned into an agitated face.

"This is quite boring, I guess I'll just have to kill you." As soon as the crowd here that, all of them cheered loudly for him.

In a matter of a second, he dashed quickly in front of me and attacked me with his hand. I tried to defend using my bow but he quickly took it and destroyed it using his knee. I jumped back and took out my knife.


"That's the spirit!"

He said as he increased his speed and dashed through me, he launched his hand at my stomach and I immediately flew meters away from him. I was coughing blood but I can't surrender yet. There must be a weakness from him.

"I gave you a chance but I guess you're a naughty kid."

He said as he disappeared and teleported in my back. Everything went slow motion as I tried to escape but his quickness got ahead of me. He threw me and followed up with a bunch of attacks that made my body weak. My mana also runs up and all that's waiting for me is death itself.

"How do you want me to kill her!" He shouted asking the rude people from the seats.

"Use your favorite attack!"

"Cut her head off!"

They all shouted as if opening the gates of death for me. I slowly stood up but my knees were trembling, I wish you were here.

"Well then!" He said as he walks drew his claymore and infused a great amount of rock magic in it. "Feel my wrath!" He shouted as he ran quickly while preparing his final attack. I closed my eyes and waits for the end of me.


Kaiser Remington

"Feel my wrath!" Frill said as he dashed to end the young girl's life.

I increased my speed as I went down and blocked his attack that everyone called his "greatest attack".

Smoke dust flew everywhere inside the stadium as it disrupts the vision of everyone in it.

"Can't you fight someone that's the same power level as you?" I asked him as the smoke of dust dissipates.

All of the people were shut as they've never expected a stranger interrupting the fight.

Well, my face is covered with a mask with only two holes for my eyes and my clothes have some sort of a large hooded cape which makes me completely anonymous.

"Oi! Oi! Another kid again?!"

"Kill him too!"

The spectators said with my hand still holding the blade of the frozen Frill, with his eyes analyzing me.

"Why is a young girl like you fighting this rude man?" I asked looking at her.

"…" She just looked down and stumbled on her knees.

"Can I switch with her?" I asked Frill as I let go of his sword.

"This looks fun!"

"Go get him!"

The crowd shouted with more excitement.

"N..No" The fallen young girl pleads.

I kneel down and asked her, "What is your long-standing wish?"

"Free my father from the aristocrat's hands." She replied while holding her face and started to cry.

"Wish granted." I replied as I healed her heavily bruised body.

I bit my lips in madness and look at Frill, "What do you say? Fight me with all you got. I'll fight you bare-handed."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" Frill laughed as he motioned the referee to stop interfering with the two of us.

"Then that means the same rules apply to you as well?"

"Rules, and that is?"

"Allowed to kill, of course, you can also try to kill me if you can."

"Deal. If I win, grant the wish of the young girl."

"Deal! You hear what he says right?!" He shouted asking the referee.

"Yes, loud and clear."


After reassuring the referee about our deal, Frill powered up by buffing his muscles and enveloping himself with a red concentrated aura. "What are you looking at? Aren't you going to prepare? I'll permit you to use your sword if you wanted to. AHAHAHAHHA"

I threw my long hooded cape to the side revealing my body figure and a tied black hair was displayed along with my black mask on my face. I didn't activate my God's Vision as he intentionally showed his thick aura to intimidate me.

He then drew his claymore and infused it with rock magic. I guess he's an earth magic specialist.

"Come." I said to him.

He ran at full speed destroying his foothold in every step that he's taking. As he reached me, he swung his sword from above and I teleported on an instant behind him and kicked his back without magic in it.

The crowd suddenly stopped then as they realized what happened, everybody cheered on my side.

"Are you mocking me?!" Frill said as he looked at me with more killing intention.

"It is what it is." I replied effortlessly to him.

"Tsk." He gestured his hand and clenched it mid-air then a rock suddenly caged both of my legs. "Caught you!" He said as he appeared in front of me and slashed me horizontally with his magic-infused sword.

As expected to a red mana level, they sure have a good grasp of knowledge in their magic spells. I was thrown by the impact of his slash and I could see the young girl on the side widened her eyes as blood on my chest continued to drip down.

I healed myself and I could see Frill shocked by my short amount of healing process. "My turn." I said to him as I teleported behind him and slashed the back of his knee caps with father's knife.

I jumped back to see his reaction as he stumbled down and looked at me with madness. "If that's all you got then I shall end you unless you surrender."

"GAHHH!!!" He shouted as he used all of his magic to clad himself with rock and turned into a rock golem. His claymore was also upgraded and the field started to shake as he's still finishing his transformation technique.

I drew the sword that Delphine gave me and infused it with ice magic. Guess I'll be going full ice today. Cold wind gushed through me as I boosted my physical strength with mana.

"Time to end this."

I quickly dashed to his left side and slashed his left abdomen but it was deflected.

"Haha. Futile attacks won't work kid. Accept your fate." He said as he grabbed me with only one of his hands because of his golem transformation and pummelled me down to the ground. After that, he pulled me upwards with my arms and punched me on the stomach. I endured the pain and pulled back but it's already too late, he stabs his claymore to the ground and a giant rock sword quickly emerged from the ground slashing me upwards slicing through my legs up to the abdomen. I fell down from the quick successions of attacks that he landed on me and I stood up smiling under my mask. "This is great."

"Ha! Still breathing? I want you to stop dreaming by yourself, kid!" He said as he dashed and threw me on an upward slab of rock he cast earlier. "I did give you a chance to surrender but you didn't accept it! Now die!"

I grinned under my mask as I intentionally allowed him to do this to me but as the moment of truth unveils and he's approaching me, Flora, the young girl that I saved from earlier sacrifice herself as a human shield just for me extending her hands horizontally.

"No!" I shouted as I pulled her clothes and blocks his attack with my sword and pulled him back using wind magic. "This is for trying to not stop attacking the young girl with me." I said as I concentrated my thick killing intent making him froze out there. Some of the spectators watching from the seats were knocked out and some became drowsy.

"Who… are..you?!" He asked as he desperately used rock magic to trap me but it's futile as I just sweep it with my hands.

"Someone who just wants to take revenge." I said to him.


I quickly teleported in front of him and used his chest as a foothold and stabbed his neck downwards. Flora didn't see that as I quickly knocked her unconscious before doing this to Frill. Blood started gushing out on his rock golem as I jumped down and slashed him with a charged sword. As the rock from his body started to dismantle, his giant body was revealed in front of me. I sliced him continuously as I remembered how they separated our family, the crowds no longer cheered as I presented them the demise of the great Frill. I magically charged my sword and released my final attack. The slash drew more of his blood as it started to freeze mid-air along with his body caged in giant ice that I created.

"Farewell, Frill."

Some of the crowd that was awake started cheering for me after I defeated Frill.

"Tell me your name!" A young girl said as she kneeled down to check on Flora.

"I have nothing to tell. Until then, goodbye." I said to Aldea as I walked near the silent referee with his knees trembling like a young newborn goat. "Grant her wish or else I'll be coming back." I said to him with a calm approach and ran quickly to hide on the top of the tall church that's located near the stadium.

"It seems that Aldea's father really followed the deal made back then. One down, if all of the shadow worshippers are on this same power level, then I can eliminate them easily." I thought as I continue to heal the wound that I closed when Frill slashed me earlier.

If I didn't evade earlier then it could put me in grave danger. I'll try to be more alert in the future.

I sat upon the top and fell asleep after exhausting myself.

I woke up as the sky turned orange. Guess I'll be meeting them by now. I stood up, cut my long hair, and restored my destroyed clothes with magic.

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