《The Dungeon's Son》5. Empty Shell


Kaiser Remington

If he's going to die, then it must be related to the power that he gave me. His statement made silence grew more as I looked down, trembling, and, speechless.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I thought I'd perish without passing this gift of mine."

"Waiting for what? Please tell me more!" I said losing my composure.

"My mana body is fading for a very long time Kaiser, it's a good thing that I've kept that power for more years. Now that I've released the power, I can die without worries." Said Kaiser.

"What worries?" I asked.

"If I died here, the power that I gave you will just spawn like a ball of power, and if it gets to the wrong hands, it can destroy everything. That's why I'm telling you to not underestimate that power because it's the greatest power that dominates all gods."

After that, I put my hand to my chin to ponder about everything he said. If the statement he claimed is true, then, I could assume that he senses my maturity or he knows my true identity.

"What if you died now and I get out of this mana domain? People will think that I've killed you." I said brushing of my thoughts.

"Haha. I'm really not wrong in choosing you, Kaiser. You understood the situation in a very short amount of time." Said Kaiser.

"…" I noticed that he addressed me in my name as if he thinks highly of a child.

"I'll be reversing back the time to where you're at earlier. You're going back to the past where you're sneaking towards the carrier. Don't worry because this memory that we both share is only stored in our minds. After that, the Orb will deactivate and they will never know the cause." Said Kaiser.

"How should I use this gift? I know that you've explained it earlier but can you teach me the basics in using this efficiently?" I asked. To me, it looks like he already planned the time travel for the person that he's choosing.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." Replied Kaiser.


"Receiving that power provides perks of seeing elemental level and affinity in your surroundings including yourself. Its other power is unique to the user depending on their mana manifestation." He instantly replied.

"I see. So the power depends on my capability. Then, what do we do now?"

"Well, after traveling in the past I want you to use that power to train yourself. The unique power it has depends on how you train and use it. After your mana manifestation, the unique power you had will manifest in you and you have to train that as well." Kaiser said while pausing for a moment.

"Will I meet you again?" I asked with a soft voice.

"I'm afraid not." He replied.

His words rung to my ear as I bit my lower lips causing it to bleed.

"Thanks for the gift. I appreciate it." I replied with a composed and cold voice.

"Do you have questions before I channeled my last spell?" He asked.


"Why do dungeons exist? And what resides in the highest level of it?"

"Kaiser, there are things that I can't tell you. You're still young, I'm sure that you'll understand this in the future." Replied Kaiser.

"If you can turn back time, why didn't you use it on yourself?"

"Good question. Even though I'm a god, I only have one life, and my life as a statue is all of my remaining mana along with my will."

As our conversation comes to an end he started to chant spells that were still unfamiliar to my ears. For a moment, light shed over my body and I looked at him with teary eyes knowing that I'll never see him again. "Tsk, entrusting this power to a kid." I said back at Kaiser.

"Oh shut up, my instincts don't lie. Kaiser, it looks like I've spent too much time so I'll teleport you back on your way here when you're hiding in the carrier. If I delay this magic for too long, I may not be able to make your way back because my mana is running out."

I clicked my tongue and tears started to form at the side of my eyes. "Thank you very much, Kaiser!"

"Farewell Kaiser, train well and dominate just like I did before." Kaiser said with a strong father-like tone.

The light shined over me and I was instantly teleported back at the carrier.


Shit. I thought while wiping away my tears. By the look of the terrain, it looks like we're still 5 minutes away from the cave. My heart still aches but I have to accept this fate in order to fulfill Kaiser's wish.

I revealed myself at father and told a lie that I want to come with him while hugging him. Good thing the tears are still fresh and he embraced me as he noticed it. The driver showed no emotion and continued focusing on the road.

We arrived at the cave and the scene that I experience earlier happened again. I saw the man telling us to line up and after lining up, we're at the back of the King with Dem, his daughter, and royal guards.

It's time for the people to go inside the cave so the guard called out the first person to go inside and he listened. After the first person went inside the cave, it called out the guards in panic and the guards were shocked as well.

'Looks like Kaiser's really gone.'

Because of the commotion, a man that looks like a guard with a higher rank walks toward the cave where the man and the guards are standing. This man looks robust and he carries claymore in his back.

'Ah! The vision!' I thought to myself. I activated God's Vision and I was shocked at what I'm seeing, the man that's walking has a red aura clad in his body. I can't see his elemental magic but I can say that his aura is calm. I stopped looking at him as I felt sluggish, my body is already receiving its backslash from using the power and I needed to rest. Father saw me and carried me in his arms telling me to sleep for a moment.


I looked at the man and he ordered them to arrest him immediately. Even without using the gift, I saw the big guard used a large amount of mana, a red aura suddenly covered his body and he redirected all of them to his eyes. He scanned the man and seeing that the man didn't steal the power that I assume to be God's Vision, he snapped out and knocked him out.

"What's the meaning of this? Explain." The King asked.

The man heard this and walked towards the King. He bowed his head in respect and explained to him that the power of the Orb was gone, saying that the man he knocked stole the power.

I remembered the words that Kaiser told me, telling about the outcome about the power being in the wrong hands. I needed information about this team of guards standing in front of the King, I think their job is not related to the King and it looks like they serve for another organization. But why would the King entrust the cave to an unknown organization? There must have a reason but I need to avoid using this power while I'm near these guards.

I assume that this organization or group is using their position to acquire the power of Kaiser, but for what? I turned my head again to my father's chest and pretended to sleep to hear more.

After talking with the guard, the King turns back at everyone and announced that the Orb's power was stolen and the suspect will be interviewed by the group of men that guards the cave. While the King's announcing, I looked at the guard and saw him slightly smirk.

'Looks like my hunch is correct. If I didn't train well, I can never defend my family if the power I had is discovered.'

I could hear the people in the back ranting their disappointment. Some were pissed off and left the line but the majority listened. Father, looking so down walked down until he reached the carrier. From what I can remember, I saw father earlier so excited as he exits the cave but I forgot that I was teleported back to the past.

'Sorry father.' I thought to myself.

We were transported back at home by Jard and father sat down in the chair looking a bit depressed. Flora came out and embraced me tightly. "You're back brother! Please eat the food we made!" She excitedly said with shining eyes.

"You helped mom cook the food? You're so amazing Flora." I complimented her. She looks so happy and took my hand and brought me to the table. Mother did the same to dad as well.

We all ate and finished our lunch. Father walks up to me to invite me in taking a bath, "Let's take a bath Kaiser. I know you're tired from the trip we had." I nodded in affirmation and heads down the bathroom.

He came inside undressed and poured water into my head.

After several minutes of being in the bathroom, I completely mustered my courage to ask him. "Father?"

"What is it, son?" he replied.

"What questions or wishes do you have to ask the Orb?" I said.

He sighed for a bit then looked at me with his sad eyes. He then pats my head and said, "Kaiser, having a family is hard. I want to ask Orb ways to improve our lives to the middle class. However, the power of the Orb was taken and I'm afraid I can't talk to it again. How about you? What wishes do you have son?" He asked.

"T-Toys." I replied without looking at him.

"Hahaha. You sure are the small version of me." He said laughing for the first time.

We enjoyed the rest of the bath with father telling me his stories of his adventure in the dungeon. 'I'm glad he's back to normal again.'

The day went by quickly and we took our dinner in the evening. I prepared myself in sleeping when Flora jumped at my stomach.

"Hey, stopped that! I'm full." I said to Flora.

"A-are you mad?" Flora replied with teary eyes.

"N-No! Don't cry flora." I said and mother walks inside the room and comforts Flora.

Flora calmed down and told mother to wash up quickly so she can read us bedtime stories.

Mother came inside the room with the book and my sister was excited. My sister is so sweet and attached to me. She embraced me while my mother is reading the stories that she had. After several minutes, Flora's sleeping and mother went to switch off the lamp and went outside the room to go speak to father.

I was depleted and tired for a day because of these quick happenings in my life. I closed my eyes and prepared my mind and body for my first training tomorrow.

"Good night Flora." I softly said to her, it doesn't matter if she's sleeping or not but what I said is genuine.

I swear that I'll be the idol in this family. I'll bring them happiness for giving me a place in this family.

I closed my eyes and slept for the night.

Morning came and it's also father's rest day. I guess he can give me a handful of advice in fighting but how could I apply them to this body? I tried to brainstorm for a moment and I've made my final decision. I'll be trying to advance my mana control to increase my mana's maturity rate. After that, I'll be able to use magic and infuse it into my body.

From what I remember in Kaiser's statement, maturing your mana body comes with your age and if you matured your mana, you'll be able to access the element that you had. If I'm a shadow elemental, I'll have to work over interacting in other elements to copy them as well.

If this strategy of mine will work, I'll be able to mature my mana body to be able to manifest my first elemental magic.

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