《The Dungeon's Son》4. The Long Wait is Over


Kaiser Remington

It's 4 AM in the morning, father's departure is 5 AM so I think I wake up too early. I looked around the darkroom and my parents are still sleeping. Now, how can I remove myself from Flora's embrace.

Every attempt that I did was ineffective to Flora, if she wakes up, my plan will be ruined. My last attempt was successful as I slowly moved back, raised her arm, and switch my position to a pillow. I covered the decoy with my blanket and hid under our bed.

After roughly waiting for thirty minutes, I could hear my mother shaking my father as she wakes him up. "Wake up dear. I" She softly said to avoid waking us up. The plan is to go through the backdoor and hide in the small container covered by a blanket near the driver's seat. If the driver is different, my plans would go to waste.

After taking his breakfast, I could hear him go to the other room to dress. Minutes have passed and I noticed that there's some commotion outside and I assume that it's the transporter.

'Maybe the transporter is here.' I thought while slowly walking to the opened door. I saw mother walks outside to talk to the transporter. "It's time." I muttered under my breath as I stealthily walk with the right speed to reach the other door.

I opened it and used the darkness of the dawn to sprint without them hearing me. As I was getting inside the carrier through the driver's seat. A man's hand grabbed my neck and looked at me.

"Does your father know this?" Jard said as he closed his face distance to mine. I think he must've noticed me back there.

I nodded saying that they didn't know this so I took advantage of my cute baby form and plead with teary eyes.

He sighed then placed me in his storage box which fits perfectly for my size.

"You're just like your father." Said Jard.

"What did you say? Who're you talking to?" Said Caedric as he walks inside the carrier.

"I'm talking to the ghost, bastard." Jard grunty said.

We traveled for two hours and I'm so sleepy. Good thing I can see with this slight opening from the blanket. We're now in a forest surrounded by thick trees and grasses.

I could also hear many carriers to our back which means that we're near the cave where the Orb resides.

Jard motioned his horse to stop and it looks like we're here. As Caedric is about to go down, Jard spoke up.

"Hey Caedric!" said Jard.

"What?" father replied.

"I don't want to babysit your kid for a day." Jard said as he reached down the box and brings me up facing father.

Father's face was shocked and I smiled at him waving my hands.

"Why did my precious son come?" said father as he took me out of Jard's grasp.

"Sorry father." I replied looking down.

"It's okay, I know you're interested but please don't you ever do that again, okay?" said father while placing my foot on the ground.

"Yes, father! Promise!" I replied.

An old guy came out of the cave and commands everyone to line up, in our line, we're in the back of the King himself, along with his two children, Dem and a young girl that looks like my age, and their royal guards.


Dem looks disciplined as he glares at us and brushed it off after the King saw his actions.

As the line progressed, I could see people exit the cave with disappointment and the others with a brightly lit face. They said that if your question bores the Orb, it would shoo you away and will call the other in line. It was now the King's turn along with his family. I realized that if you want to talk to the Orb, your social class is ignored and you need to line up properly. It's a good thing that we've arrived early because the line is so long that I think it would take hours, no, it would take days to be done.

It was 7 minutes and I was shocked that the King, along with his family, exits the cave looking so furious, he looks back again at the cave and cursed it. It seems that the Orb was uninterested in their questions. I gulped as I imagined that the Orb would never want to talk to a child.

It's our turn and father told me that they could only let one person inside his domain aura which means that the conversation that you'll have with the Orb will be never heard by anyone, a good strategy for privacy.

We entered the cave and in the middle of it, I was motioned to wait for him to come back as he walks near a statue with the Orb curved inside its chest.

I waited for ten minutes when father turned back at me with a face that would possibly explode. Good thing he got what he wanted. "I'll wait outside, son!" he said as he walks while jumping looking like a kid.

"You sure you wanna do this, brat?" the guard asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"I'm telling you, a kid your age didn't last for a minute after she went inside the Orb's power." The guard said, by saying that it's a she, I could assume that this girl is the daughter of the King.

I coldly looked at him and he clicked his tongue as he lets me walks toward the Orb.

"Thank you." I said.

As I was closing the distance between me and the Orb, I could clearly identify the statue. I thought it's just an ornament that's placed on a slab but I was mistaken. It's engraved in a statue that looks like a human, but with horns. He has a young face with lean body composition.

While closely observing him, a thick dark red aura engulfed my surroundings. I jumped back and took a stance as I felt heavy pressure under this aura.

"Interesting." The voice said.

It seems to speak through telepathy. I lowered my guard and speak at him for the first time.

"Let me entertain you for a bit." I said as I slightly bowed my head to show my respect.

"I guess I can't refer to you as a kid but rather, a mature adult." The statue said along with an exciting tone leaking from his voice.

"Oh, come on. I'm three." I jokingly said.

"Judging from your presence, I assume that you want me to mature your mana." Said he.

"Mature my mana? I'm here to ask you questions regarding mana and magic as well." I asked.


"Oh? Ignorant I see." He mockingly said as if teasing me.

"Sorry about my ignorance, sir." I said.

"Kaiser" he said in a monotonous tone.

"What? How did you know my–" Without even finishing my sentence he cuts me off telling me that it's his name.

"It's my name, Kaiser, the god of war and destruction." He said with the same tone he has earlier.

My eyes widened as I realized that I'm standing before a god himself.

"Earlier, you asked me about mana. It looks like you're different among the humans." He said with a curious voice.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He sighed and tells me the age of beings where they're capable to see mana.

"Look kid, if you're a human, you should be able to see the mana of the living beings that you've met. For elves and werewolves, they should be able to see mana after they're born." Said he.

"So does that mean, I'm not capable to use magic because of not being able to access mana?" I asked with a soft, sad voice.


"Except?" I asked.

"It's either you have an unknown magical element residing in you or you're a god, just like me." Said Kaiser.

"So I'm special?" I asked smiling for a bit.

"Hmm, well you could say that. It's my second time seeing a person just like you." Kaiser said with a relaxed tone.

"And the other one is?"

"It's my son." Kaiser replied.

"Then where is he?" I asked.

"There's a boundary on what lower beings should know." Kaiser said.

"Sorry." I apologized lowering my head fearing that he might kick me out.

"But, I will only tell it to you since you're no ordinary person."

I raised my head and looks back at him with a calm face.

"He's the reason why I've come to this state. During the war between the humans and gods, Krono sided with the humans and violated the universal law. We almost lost at because of his aid in the humans."

"But, how could you lose to him? You're a god right?" I asked.

"This is where mana and elemental magic came from. He blessed the humans with mana manifestation and they gained the momentum that we once had."

"Since I'm his father, there's only one thing to do, and it's to end his life." Kaiser said.

"To make the story short, I killed a god that's my son. However, the result of killing another god will turn you into a statue. As I was turning, I took my son's favorite orb that while wife bestowed upon him and hugged it tightly. After that, I wake up every ten years for a day."

"Sorry…"I said.

"Now, regarding the elements, there are five elements that Krono has bestowed upon the humans. Those are fire, lightning, water, ice, and earth. These are the only elements that only lower beings can access." Kaiser said.

"But, where is my element if they're not bestowed by Krono?" I asked with a nervous tone.

"Calm down kid. Listen, I still don't know your element but looking at your state, you can't even see an aura despite your age is three. What I can give you are advice and gift." Kaiser said.

"Gift?" I muttered under my breath.

"There are only two things that are the main reasons for your problem. First, you're a shadow elemental. A shadow elemental can copy every element that they've interacted. However, you can copy the element if you practice and hone it in you, everything starts in yourself kid.

Second, this is impossible but in your case, it can be possible. Listen, you may be a god like me and you possess a power that is different from mine but do not lean on that possibility because this is only a possibility." He said emphasizing 'possibility'.

"…" I was speechless.

"Regarding the gift, I want you to come and stand in front of me." Kaiser said with a commanding, yet calmed voice.

I did what he asked and walks towards him. After closing our distance, he muttered something that I don't understand, and light beams out of his body's edge. He then chanted something again that I can't comprehend and the light disappears as it entered my body and went directly into my eyes.

For a moment, my eyes were blinded by the light and it slowly fades away as my vision returned back normal.

"What happened?" I confusingly asked shaking my head.

"I gave you a gift that only gods possess. It's called, God's Vision."

"So you only named it today huh?" I jokingly said.

Kaiser laughs and then talked to me again.

"Even though the name is bad, you should never underestimate its powers. With God's vision, you can see everyone's elemental affinity, level, and your own mana body as well."

So everyone has some kind of level huh? Guess I should test this later.

"You can use that power in your will but activating it for a long time will put a strain on your mana and body as well. You should use that responsibly. That gift could also help you to mature your mana body and gain your first elemental affinity. Every lower being mature their mana body at the age of ten but with your gift, you can instantly check your mana body and use it to stabilize your mana flow which will help you to mature."

"This is too much." I said looking down, beaming with joy and excitement.

"No, you deserved it. It's been so many years after talking with somebody like this. With all of my knowledge transferred into you, I can rest peacefully." Kaiser said with a lonely tone.

From what he just said, it seems that he's going to die right away. My heart is pumping so hard that it wants to explode on my ribcage. This can't be true, I want him to live for more years and learn more about him. I can't let him die like this, maybe there's a way to save him from his inevitable death.

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