《EX: Emblem》Chapter 1 - Aqua Academy


Today, throughout the continent, the schools that held the most power and stood out the most were known as the Triple A’s: Ark, Argonaut, and Aqua. The school Lynn enrolled to, was one of them, Aqua Academy. It was not his own abilities that got him there, but rather the lineage of his family. In fact, he had no choice but to enroll there.

Before Lynn had left his home, he gave a farewell to his home. Though he knew no one would reply, he felt a need of importance to do so.

“I’m leaving...” Lynn was sure it was for his sake to speak his departure. Though it was his home, he did not feel like it was his home.

It was a new day, the start of a new day, and the start of a new beginning. “This is where my life really begins.” Many peoples felt like this, but Lynn did not. His life had already started. He had no choice but to; this was how he felt. Lynn, a 15 years old am the weakest. If he did not sharpen his fangs as the weakest, he wouldn’t be able to survive in this world.

At the academy gates, many students were crammed together trying to make pass. Many of the students were wearing our school uniform, while some were in costumes. The women uniforms were sailor uniforms except that it was in dyed in black and had a red bow. Us males wore a white t-shirt and a black coat on top. Alongside with a red tie. Many clubs were still trying to recruit all the freshmen passing through. Some were passing out flyers, some others were keeping their lines in check, and some were trying to talk freshmen into joining their club. Though it was just moments before the start of class, it was surprising to still see many students around.In fact, Lynn had decided on this time so it would hopefully be easier to go through the gate.

Obviously, going through the front gate was not an option for him. It would in fact cause a great commotion if he’d passed anyone who recognized him. Finding a side entrance or going through the back gate was a better choice. It was what he wanted, but before he realized, he was suddenly grabbed by the arm. It was obviously not an accident or some sort. Soon after his arm was grabbed, it was pulled closer to the person. With the side of his arm resting right next to her, her body heat soon also transferred over.


“You!” She yelled, ‘You should join the Student Council?” She demanded of me.

Caught by surprise, he had made eye contact with her. If he had turned his eyes away for just a moment, he felt it would surely be the end of his life. Her eyes itself was like a beast praying on a prey. Every second passing by felt like an eternity. All he could do was stare into her eyes that reflected his own face. He had seen that strands of her hair had yet been broken off from the momentum she carried here. Her hair floated in the air, as if gravity did not exist. Her long purple hair had also flowed past her shoulders. Her sailor uniform suited her as if it was a frame over a portrait. She was tall for a girl, about the same height as me. Her pinkish thin lips reinforced what a true noble would look like. Her purple iris shone more than what it really was. Her pupils was rather large at the moment. Rather than determined, she seemed delicate.

Coming back to Lynn’s senses, he knew he had to leave immediately or he would be eaten alive. If he allowed himself to gaze at her any longer, surely enough he won’t be able to escape. Due to her sudden uproar also, she pulled everyone’s nearby attention towards them. Whether it was intentionally or not, it had a huge impact. It also spoke that she was not a normal student. The silent glares felt like it had the intent of killing someone. If he were to make a wrong move, he would be chewed on. Joining of course was not the correct option. Refusing also, was of course also wrong. The only option he had was to quickly escape. It would do more bad than good if he did join. He was certain that it would. Not like refusing would be any better anyways. It did however, was more favorable to him.

“I’m not interested,” he replied. Pulling his arm away from her, he turned around as fast as he could. As he got further away, he soon felt fewer glares at him and felt relief. Soon after however, he was grabbed by the arm once more


“H-How dare you run from me!” He heard the same women suddenly roared. This time, he also knew that he could not use the same method to escape. As soon as he was grabbed, he spotted her emblem mark on her left hand. It showed in a bright pink light. The light itself symbolized the use of her emblem, her unique ability to be exact. The color also, was an affiliation of her ability. Having the light colored in pink certified that it was most likely an ability to enhance her vision. Whether they see the flow of mana or have enhanced eyesight, they all differ. In the middle of the crowd, many glares were now directed at Lynn. At this point, he had no choice but to face her appropriately, or at least try to.

Exhaling a huge amount of air from his body, Lynn spoke once again. This time, he also avoided to make the same mistake as before, making eye contact.

“I apologize, but you’re mistaking. I’m not fit to be a part of the Student Council.”

“That’s not true! I could see that you’re fit to be part of us.’

“Now’s that's not true. There's nothing redeeming about me,” Lynn tried to speak in the most polite manner.

“It’s true! Your mana!” She exclaimed, “my ability Perception allows me to see it. Not only it flows well in your body, its capacity is twice the size of normal peoples. With such great mana flow and size, you’re a perfec-”

“Ah! You!” One of the bystanders yelled.

“You’re the markless trash that got in here through your family. Miss Ray, I do also think you are mistaking him as a candidate.” It was also then that the spectators started to make a commotion.

“A-are you say-?” Before she could fend off herself, a man behind her spoke. It was the same man that had been next to her during the first encounter Lynn had noticed.

“Lucy, that's enough. This is why I told you not to use your emblem.”

“Ehhhh… B-but we need mo-”

“No buts! We can find others. Sorry for the trouble,” he bowed his head towards Lynn as a sign of apology. Slightly glancing over, the man had red short hair, green eyes and wore glasses. He was slightly taller than Lucy who was about the same height as him. While being taller, his body also seems sturdier than most people's. Sturdy enough to scare peoples off just by being seeing him.

As the grip on Lynn’s arm loosens, Lynn was able to pull himself off. Trying to stealthily escape, Lynn had once more walked into the crowd. Just as he was out of reach, Lucy had reacted without realizing. She had moved her body forward on her own accord. Her hand was stretched out and grabbed onto Lynn’s hand. Being pulled backward, Lynn had twisted his head back. Lynn this time, had accidentally made eye contact. Rather than delicate, she was more determined and willful unlike any others Lynn had came to realize. Lynn had his eyes locked onto hers, he was sure he saw everything she had wanted to say. Despite only staring for a few seconds, it had felt like an eternity once again. Lynn had wanted to break off the silent exchange, but could not; Lynn was not able to find the words he wanted to say and neither could she. Surely, even if he did find the words, no sound would come out his mouth.

It was just then, when a bell had rugged, stealing everyone’s attention. It was the sign of the start of class. While the bell was ringing, many of them looked for the source. Lynn, however, did not. When the bell finally finished, Lucy Ray then realized as she was about to apologize that Lynn was no longer here.

“I- She suddenly stopped speaking. Without being able to finish her words, the start of the first day had started.

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