《LandFall's legacy》Prologue


Life is unfair

Or so i was thinking ....

My name is Iris, i'm an 18 years old girl who is also the heir of TEKMA CORP, the largest financial group in south asia.

My life has been decided before my birth, my decisions obliterated, my concerns ignored,

A path dictated by others....

The only escape was the time i spent learning martial art of defense, i was amused because i dedicated all my soul into learning different martial arts...

In the end i've mastered them all at the age of 16, and i even created a new form!

However, my life got bored again, so i chose to start learning from other fields.

Unlike Martial Arts, it only took me 2 years to master cooking, medical knowledge, strategism, i'm proud to say that i'm a genius at learning!

Even with all this accomplishments, my family didn't even bother listening to my requests, they regarded them as "worthless" in our time.

They even chose a " suitable fiancé " for me...

And so one day, while i was visiting a new lab of TEKMA CORP with my father, i entered the experimental zone where different devices were stored.

The room was filled with countless weird items that God knows what it does.

While i was leisurely walking trough the big storage room, i found my self attracted to a "black box", that upon entering my sight, i couldn't ignore it.

And so when i reached it, there was a label attached to it .

-Object Name :


-Object Description:

Meteorite's core, crashed in the Antarctica year : 1995.

-Danger: Unknown

"what the..." as i muttered upon reading the label, i was literrally dumbfounded.

It's not that meteorites crashs were a rare events, it's just that carrying a foreign object in the inside was somewhat impossible, after all a meteorite is a natural solid body of a planetary system that passes through the atmosphere of another body and that has not lost all its mass and reaches the surface of the Earth.


And what's more, the dangerousity level is classified as "unknown".

Blinded by my curiosity, i oppened the box.

They was a spheric blue pearl on the inside, it was emanating a weird divine aura, calming my soul .

While i was stretching my hand to touch the pearl, a lab supervisor entered the storage room.

Upon seeing me, he started running towards me while shouting.


And that was the last thing i remembered.

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