《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 1: The Massacre


I’m going to die.

As the high stone towers rain blood, I see that the once-gorgeous guild hall, built with tall white pillars, is burning on brightly. Red flames rise and crackle toward the skies. Dark clouds of smoke consume the courtyard. Bloodied corpses are lumped by the iron gates, swinging open.

Still, I run as my long, black hair flutters back with the wind. My right arm is numb from the knife wound. Yet, I need to at least try! I race up the spiraling stone steps that constrict around the soaring tower. I pant and pant, hoping for a miracle.


However, once I arrive at the top, my heart plummets like a rock. Shit!

The enormous brass bell’s rope has been cut. There’s no way that I can lift the heavy object, given that it is as big as me.

“It’s hopeless, healer.” says a cool voice from behind me.

I whip around with my tinkling, silver staff. At the top of it, red ribbons twirl around the hoop of tiny bells. The red sunlight brings a gleam over the gem that sits at the hoop’s center.

The sight of my silver-adorned attire causes my pursuer to freeze. His dark brows raise. He even gapes for a bit, studying my face.

“You are…Qin Yang.” The handsome young man states, narrowing his eyes. “But since joining the Moon Flower guild, you now go by ‘Ellen’.”

His knowledge of my obscure background surprises me. Even the correct pronunciation of my true name, Chin-Yung. Spelled as ‘Qin Yang.’ What a respectful but frightening person.

Yet, I begin, “And you are Nikolas, one of Obsidian’s greatest dark mercenaries. It seems that we’ve heard of each other.”

“Then, tell me.” Raising his sword, Nikolas sneers. The glinting blade tip points toward me. “Qin Yang—girl from the faraway Shan Qing sect—why do you go so far for that bastard, Alastair Skye?”

Enmity burns in his gaze.


“Because Alastair saved me.” I answer, lifting my chin. “He freed me from the traders who kidnapped and transported me far away from home.”

A home that I can never go back to.

The mention of my story seizes Nikolas up. He clenches his jaw. Black hatred further shrouds the handsome person’s face, and he starts to tremble all over.

“Is...that so?” He whispered.

So, it’s true.

Nikolas Redfield and all of Obsidian’s guild members really do hate Alastair Skye, the kingdom’s hero. Since Obsidian’s a crime organization, I’m unfazed by this piece of knowledge.

Now’s my chance!

“Radiance!” I shout.

Quickly, I raise my staff toward the skies. Channeling my spiritual energy, otherwise known as ‘mana’ in the Nobilis Apricus kingdom, a blinding light blossoms from the staff’s gem. It rises to the clouds and explodes in an ear-deafening cry.

Alastair, see my help signal!

Moon Flower needs you!

“Damn you, Qin Yang!”

Just as Nikolas snaps, I turn my head.

Shining metal met my eye.

Coldness blooms across my stomach, and rust fills my nose. A flower of redness spreads over my hand as I touch the numbing wound.

Did he…stab me with that sword?

I catch Nikolas’ dark, dilated irises. He appears to be shouting but my eardrums brim over with someone’s pounding heartbeats. My own heartbeats.

The blade retreats from me.

In a whirl, scarlet dawn skies reels over me, and I fall back from the highest point of the tower.

“The Scarlet Dawn Massacre is completed!” a voice shouts out, along with distant cheers. “A victory for Obsidian!”


Swords continue to clang in the distance. Screams echo.

I feel so sleepy.

I’m sorry, everyone...

Gradually, the entire world grows silent. Just like my dead friends and comrades.

Then, there comes someone yelling a name—”ELLEN! ELLEN!”

Who…is ‘Ellen’? My name is...

Slowly, the blackness of my world starts to fade away. My consciousness rapidly pulls through. I am able to feel again.


It was a great descent from the emergency tower, so I must’ve broken plenty of bones.

My eyes snap open to blue skies and brilliant sunlight.

Except…there is no pain.

I sit up abruptly, with my racing heart. My hand roams across my stomach. Dry. No blood.

Quickly, I grab my staff. When I stare at the weapon in hand, my jaw drops. Since when did I own a wooden stick?! What the f*ck?! Where’s my Celestial Silver Summoning Staff—

“Thank the Goddess!” A pair of arms wrap around me, following with white tresses that tickle my face. A fragrance of apples drifts into my nose. “Ellen, you scared me!”

Wait… This soft voice…

I raise my eyes. My heart braces itself and nearly stops. Flashes of her tranquil, blue face jolt my entire body stiff. Instinctively, I almost push the person away.


However, Isleen tightens her embrace. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

My lungs feel as though they are flooded with ice-water. My heart paces faster and faster. I shiver.

At long last, I stammer out, “Am I dead?”

I begin to wonder if the Scarlet Dawn Massacre…is merely a nightmare.

Or maybe that fall just now caused me some brain damage?

No, no… I’m pretty sure that I died, alright.

“Well, you’re being melodramatic for a new adventurer!” Withdrawing herself, the entirety of Isleen’s face reveals a pair of bright blue eyes and a curtain of white hair. “It was a long fall from the emergency tower, but, luckily…”

Wait! What’s with the childish edges to Isleen’s face? She’s also a lot smaller than I last remember. And those hands of hers? They’re tiny!

“Ellen! Isleen!” shout a small voice.

Averting my attention, there, in the distance, is a blond-haired boy, being trailed by a young woman and an elderly man. The child’s green eyes sparkle with light as the distance between him and us closes. He soon drops to his knees and scrambled over to me and Isleen, pushing through the soft green grass.

“Are you two alright?” The boy asks, frantically.

Isn’t that…? I tilt my head.

“We’re okay, Alastair!” Isleen beamed. “Sorry to worry you!”

“What about me? It was I who casted the wind magic to cushion Ellen’s fall when she tried to put that bird’s nest back where it was!” Joining little Alastair’s side, the elderly man sighs. “I won’t be able to forgive myself if anything happens to the girls.”

“Oh, Greg, I saw the girls! I should’ve said something!” The young woman says, wiping her hazel-gray eyes. There is a sniffle. “I’m at fault here!”

“No need to blame yourself, Camelia!”

Immediately, everything makes sense to me. I become still.

Perhaps, I have somehow traveled back in time. But how? Is this…reincarnation?

“Ellen!” It is Isleen, calling me back to the present. She seems concerned and grabs my hand into hers. “You’re acting strange…”

“Ah…” I try to speak but hesitate. Alastair and the others turn to me, joining Isleen. Everyone holds their breath, only to hear me say, “...How…old am I?”


“OH MY GODDESS!” Greg screams, pulling at his silver hair. “DID I DROP YOU THAT HARD?!”

“WAS YOUR BRAIN RATTLED, MISS?!” Camelia cries out.

“WE NEED THE GUILDMASTER!” Both Alastair and Isleen exclaim at each other.

“How old am I?!” I ask again, feeling the panic rippling through my heart. It’s beating so rapidly, I think I’m going to have a heart attack! “H-HEY!”

Just then, I look down at my small arms. My hands too are tiny!

A-Am I…a kid too?!

That’s when I see that my dress is a cute red gingham-pattern dress, completed with a red hooded-cape. It looks like what Red Riding Hood would wear. Apparently, I also have black braided pigtails that drop past my small shoulders.

Too bad that my laced socks are dirty now though.

“Huh?” Unexpectedly, I feel my body being lifted from the ground. I am as light as air. “W-Wait! Let me down! Hey!”

At the next blink, Alastair’s face leans toward mine, allowing me to study his golden locks and dazzling green eyes. “No, I’m taking you to the Guildmaster!”

How odd. Other than introducing me to the guild, we were never close while growing up.

Then, before I can squirm out of his arms, the boy sprints across the field and back into the sky-towering Guild Hall building.

Everywhere, the tall white pillars remain pristine. The high ceilings are shining like precious diamonds. All the people who were dead…are now standing around us, with papers in hand and sheathed swords by their hip or strapped to their backs. The adults are dressed in the clean, crisp uniform, which consists of a long white-and-gold coat and high collars. Most of their faces are solemn with a frosty air. Some are filled with smiles, bright and warm.

“Hello there, Alastair!”

“Good afternoon, you two!”

“Oh, Ellen’s with him!”

“What are you doing, Alastair?”

As everyone greets or questions us, Alastair pays them no attention and only moves past them with his strong strides. Unlike the adults, the boy is donned in a casual long-sleeved blue shirt and brown pants with tall leather boots. On his hip though is a sheathed pocket knife.

Even as a child, in the past, I remember that Alastair has always been loved by everyone in the Moon Flower guild.

Not only is he a fairly good-looking kid, he’s always been thoughtful and kind.

As expected of a hero.

Suddenly, we walk to the end of a vast, white hallway where many guild members clear the area for us. There, before us, stands a pair of colossal white doors with golden lion-shaped knobs. Unlike in the past, not a drop of blood has soiled the clean, noble appearance.

“Guildmaster!” Alastair shouts.

We wait.

Soon, the boy tries to kick the doors open. Much to his dismay, they don’t budge.

Alastair’s shoulders quiver, and I try not to laugh by clamping my mouth shut. I become silent in his arms, hoping to save him some face.

Despite his embarrassment, Alastair yells, “G-Guildmaster! It is I, Alastair!”

“Oh, it’s you.” At that response, the lofty doors soundlessly open. A brilliant white light floods our faces. “Please, come inside.”

At the time, the Guildmaster does not know that this boy, Alastair, would one day grow up to become the Nobilis Apricus kingdom’s most celebrated hero.

But the doors do not open all the way, leaving only enough room for one child to slip through.

Which leaves us outside, waiting awkwardly.

“Cedric, you need to open the doors all the way for them.” A woman’s voice stated.

“Oh, shit. This is what I get for dozing off during the day.”

Once more, the lofty doors continue to swing outward and, finally, tap against the white walls.

“You were staying up late again, reading those—” The woman gets cut off.

“Shhh! Mary, can we talk about this later?”

As we enter the enormous and magnificent room, the doors close shut behind us. There is a click of locks, thanks to magic.

Despite its humble name, the Moon Flower guild is flooded with luxurious furniture pieces, tall and crystal-bordered windows, long silk curtains, and an abundance of roses, all readily replaced on a daily basis. It’s no surprise that the Guildmaster’s office space is also furnished with soft-seated chairs and couches; a lovely white table; towering bookshelves that adorn the room’s edges; fresh flowers in thin but elegant vases; and pastel-hued oil paintings scattering across the walls. There is not too much in the spacious room, which highlights the impeccable interior design skills of whoever manages the Guild Hall building’s decorations and inventories.

Taking in the picturesque setting, I understand that my past life had been good. Even back then, I was content with what we had.

“Good afternoon, sir.” Both Alastair and I greet him.

Even if it is awkward, considering that the boy refuses to release me from his arms.

“Good afternoon.” The sophisticated man smiles at us. A tuft of platinum blond hair covers one of his blue eyes. “Please, make yourself at home.” He blows at the bang, which no longer obstructs his full view.

My eyes grow hot. I have forgotten about how much I miss Guildmaster Cedric. It’s been so long…

Of course, the man does not know of my swarming emotions.

“Put the girl down, Alastair.” Cedric motions a hand toward the gold-framed couches. He fixes his thin glasses upon his nose. “Your arms must be numb from carrying her.”

“R-Right.” The boy nods and, slowly, lets me down on a long couch and sits on a bejeweled chair by himself. “Thank you…”

He is stiff, probably from being nervous. After all, at the time, there is no one else whom Alastair admires more than our Moon Flower Guildmaster Cedric.

For a special reason too.

“It’s nothing.” The man’s gaze is gentle. He removes a book from the wooden desktop. It’s gracefully placed inside a drawer, which then closes shut… “I’m glad to see you two though.”

Did I just hear the drawer lock itself too? I’m curious about what type of literature that he must’ve been reading…

There is a woman standing by Cedric’s tall chair, pushing an auburn lock of hair back behind her ear. She wears her long curls down, with the top half held back by a golden dragon claw-clip. In one arm, she holds onto a stack of folders, all marked by silk tabs and glittering fringes.

“I believe you’ve all met, but I shall introduce her again.” Cedric's smile never falters. He glances at the woman, who nods at us. “This is Mary Springen, our new secretary.”

Then, turning to us, the children, Cedric asks, “Now, why…are you two here?”

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