《Quitting the Hero's Guild》Chapter 2: Inmundus


For a moment, Alastair locks eyes with me. As the sunlight radiated through his golden hair, I recall why he is mistaken as an ‘angel’ to those whom he helps and will rescue.

But today, he is a devil.

Alastair promptly answers, “Ellen fell from Moon Flower’s emergency tower.”

Both the adults gasp, but he adds, “Greg used his wind magic to stop her fall and even slowly lowered her to the grass. However, when Ellen woke up, she looked pale and asked us how old she was. I believe that she must’ve hit her head somehow even though Greg was trying to be careful.”

I raise a brow, tightening my grip on the wooden staff that I’ve brought with me. “Actually, I’m feeling quite fine! I just wanted to know how old I am!”

By knowing a number, I can pinpoint where I am in my timeline and prepare myself for the future events. I don’t know what’s going on, but I can plan, undergo more training, and make more allies. I need to also find out…how and why the Obsidian guild chose to strike the Moon Flower guild on that particular day when Alastair Skye was away at the royal capital!

“You…‘just want to know how old’ you are?” Accompanied by the adults, Alastair looks at me with disbelief.

Okay. He got me there.

I-I guess…that it’s weird of kids not knowing that fact about themselves.

But, hey, why is Alastair still sitting here with us? He said what needed to be said, so he really doesn’t need to be babysitting me anymore—

“Sir?” Mary furrows her brows.

“Allow me.” Holding a hand up, the man’s words halt Mary’s action. She steps back to where she stood before.

A gust of glowing blue light cloaks Cedric. He stands up from his chair, with long, sleek platinum-blond hair flowing back like a cloud. By and by, the man makes his way around the large desk.

Upon closer inspection, as I sit on the couch, I notice that Cedric’s broad blue sleeves swell up. His silk outer robe ripple with the stream of warm, compassionate magic. His aura is vigorous, and, with each step, brushes a wave of intimidation over me.

Even Alastair is sweating, blown away by the person’s mighty strength and magical powers.

“After all…” The Guildmaster stops in front of me and slowly drops down to one knee. “I am a master of all areas of magic.”

He continues, meeting my eyes, “And this one, Qin Yang ‘Ellen’, has a unique composition of attributes that needs an expert’s examination…”

That’s right… Our former Guildmaster was also known as ‘the Grand Star Sorcerer.’

To me, Cedric raises a hand with an opened palm. A bright blue light brims over it, bringing an ethereal gleam against his soft features and eyes.

A cool draft blew against my braided pigtails and short fluff of bangs. I am stunned, recalling all the majestic spells that this person had mastered before his passing. Even a couple that I failed to learn.

The man cheerily waits for my permission. “...Ellen?”

Though I am reluctant, I place my small hand into Cedric’s. “Fine.”

Scanning me with a gentle wave of blue light, the man lowers his eyes and says, “It’s been a few years since your arrival at the Moon Flower guild. Your language acquisition skills are impressive. Nowadays, one would think that you are a natural-born citizen here in the Nobilus Apricus kingdom. Do you...miss your homeland?”

“Sir...” Mary tries to intervene.


“The Shan Qing sect is no more.” I turn away, trying to control the sadness of my voice. My chest tightens. “Despite that, everyone here has been good to me.”

Cedric slaps his forehead. “Ah, my apologies!”

“It's alright. From time to time, I can find others like me and even the food that I used to eat in my homeland. I'm not hurting for food, shelter, or protection. Dà’ēn dàdé, mòchǐ bùwàng.”

Cedric raise both his brows. “I will remember until my teeth fall out…? What a strange saying.”

“It means that I will remember your great kindness for the rest of my life.”

“Sir!” It is Mary again.

“I’m just teasing you, Ellen!” The man sighs. “It’s not often when you come here to the office. So, I need to take the chance whenever possible.” He cocks his head. “Oh! How about you join me and the squad tomorrow for our daily patrols?”


“What?” The Guildmaster asks, turning to Mary.

“How long are you going to keep scanning her?” The woman’s hands are on her hips. “Were you paying attention to her biological condition or magical properties?”

“Ah, yes, yes…” Once Cedric lets go of my hand, he rises to his feet and concludes, “You’re not hurt anywhere at all. The same with your skull. Brain’s in excellent condition.” He glances at Alastair. “It’s strange. So, best to keep an eye on Ellen though. Report any further changes to me.”

“I will.” The boy agrees.

A-Ah, Alastair, you can’t just decide on things like that—without asking the person in question!

“Still, how can you forget how old you are?” Cedric crosses his arms and strokes his chin. “If there are any other memory problems, ask me, Alastair, and your other fellow guild members. I will let this be known to everyone in hopes of minimizing any confusions.”

A grin curves through the Guildmaster’s lips.

“To answer your initial question though…” The man lightly pats the top of my head. “You’re turning ten years-old in three days.”

I nod. “Xiè xie.” I see that Cedric is looking at me. “About your offer… I will take up on that and join your morning patrol tomorrow.”

“You’ve been working too hard on your magic training recently.” He says, unfolding his arms. “It’s nice to take a walk now and then.”

“Where will you and the squad be going?” ask Alastair.

All my life, I’ve always…watched Alastair from the sideline.

Though I was a healer, I was not part of his main party when the hero went off on his adventures, to go into dungeons, or to confront evil. I was only a stand-in at the most. Other than that, I was left behind at the Guild Hall, so when the party returned, I would heal them if they were too exhausted or battered.

No hard feelings.

As the Moon Flower guild’s reputation grew, thanks to Alastair’s accomplishments, we saw each other less and less. He remained friendly toward me, and I never thought of him as unkind, not even once. Regardless, it felt that we were obligated to do small talk because we were members of the same guild. That was it.

Now, for some unknown reason, the hero…is more interested than ever before in my wellbeing.

He never showed such an extent of concern since he and the Moon Flower guild saved me from the traders, who took me and other children from their homes.


After that, the Guildmaster saw me and decided to bring me here.

“We’ll be going through the city’s marketplace this time.” was Cedric’s answer. “Lavi will be with me. The day after, you’re set to join Greg, Rosa, and a few other people.”

Everyday, the guild randomly selects the members into a patrol squad for their daily walks. It’s hardly ever the same group of people even though the numbers of role classes were. This consists of two warriors, an archer, a sorcerer, and two healers. We always had to be combat-ready even during times of peace.

Given that I am about to turn ten years-old, I scan over Mary Springen, the new secretary. She sets the folders on the long wooden desk. Her leaf-green midi-skirt and asymmetrical cape glitters in the light. On her back is a strapped sword, sheathed unless provoked.

I remember her a bit better now.

Also, that means Alastair is eleven years-old.

I scratch the back of my head. Didn’t…the Guildmaster have me accompany him last time too at around this time? On that day, the…

“I overheard from Captain Leo that there’s been an increase in knock-off items and price gouging. Is that why you and the group are going to inspect the marketplace?” Alastair plays with the end of his blue shirt. “I’d like to come along as well…”

“You always want to tag along on my adventures.” Cedric chuckles, joining me on the white, soft cushy couch. He sits between me and the boy. “But you will need to stay here. I know that you’re eager to learn. You’ve got the passion in you to do good.”

Knitting his hands together, the beautiful person beams at Alastair. His platinum blond hair shines so bright, it turns white against the sun. “Someday, I know that you will become an outstanding adventurer. Your guild members, friends, and, hopefully, partner—will be so proud of you, a person whom everyone can count on.”

I blink and feel my heart twist and turn. A hefty weight presses against my chest.

I close my eyes for a moment and see the cold corpses, all littered everywhere in the courtyard and in the hallways. I open my eyes and grip against my red gingham-patterned dress. My heart races. My hands are cold.

I peek past Cedric’s tall, lean figure. To my shock though, Alastair’s eyes are filled with wetness. His bottom lip trembles.

“Huh? Did I say something wrong?” The Guildmaster asks. His voice softens. “Al?”

“N-no…” The boy casts his gaze to his leather boots. “I-I was just…moved.”

Hey, hey… The hero…looked scared.

“How about this?” Slowly, Cedric pats Alastair’s head. It’s his turn. “Why don’t I treat you and Lavi to dinner tonight?”

Maybe it’s just my imagination, ah. Maybe Alastair is just about to cry because he can’t go with us tomorrow.

Despite his youthful appearance, Cedric really is like everyone’s dad.

This was also one of the many features that I missed about him.

“Do you want to come along, Ellen?” Turning to me, the man’s blue eyes gleamed over.

I smile. “Of course.”

“Sir, you have an important meeting tonight with the mayor and his council.” Mary states, walking over toward us three.

“Shit. Well, no can do, then.”

“Yes, we need to remember our priorities—”

“No can do for that meeting. My kids here are more important.” Cedric nods.

“I know—Wait! What?!”

☆*:・゚・:* ☆

Oh no!

I run and run through the crowds of people as they wander about, with baskets, makeshift bags slinging over their shoulders, or holding onto their children’s hands. My lungs are heavy, growing short of breaths. I nearly stagger forward and stop to breathe.

Warm sweat drips down the side of my head. It's too early in the morning for this...

All around me are rows and rows of wooden stands and tables with wares or fresh produce being laid out on a roll of cloth. There are old aunties yelling out prices, uncles holding up wet but sparkling fish for all to see, and children offering out food samples on toothpicks. A fog of smoke fills the air from cooking grills, and mixed aromas of tangy, sweet, or savory spices are enough for mouths to water.

In one corner, a rainbow-like range of necklaces and jewels glisten in the sunlight as they hang from racks for customers to gape at. At another, light silk, satin, and linen clothes billow with the passing breeze. So many merchandises for one to choose from and purchase if given the right pieces of gold. Haggling is also a common sight.

With my little legs, I am unable to keep up with other Moon Flower guild members, all of whom are either adults or teenagers hitting their growth spurts.

“Those shady people are heading that way!” One of them yells out.

I look at the wooden stick that I've been carrying in hand.

It's unbelievable that I'm not allowed to have a new weapon until I can 'properly' channel my mana into this medium. Hence, stabilizing my magic. Not only that, the Guildmaster said the stick must break too, signifying my 'readiness.'

It's so frustrating! Why can't I be an overpowered main character?! Where's my 'plot armor'?!

“Wait! Where’s Ellen?” asks Cedric. As a speck in the faraway front, he turns around and around. “Ellen! If you can hear me, send a flare or something!”

“In our f*cking direction?” Lavi cries out.

“N-No! Send a flare or something into the air!”

“But it might fall back into the crowd, Guildmaster!”

“Lavi, you’re twelve! You know that’s not how magic works!”

“This isn’t magic we’re talking about! Th-This is how gravity works!”

Aiyo! It depends on the heat of the magic, dummy! If it’s too hot, surely, the object would evaporate into the stratosphere… I sigh. Of course, a flare isn’t as hot as Radiance, so you’ve got a point…

Soon, I stand up straight and inhale a gulp of air, ready to shout out a response when—I notice that there is a boy staring right at me from across the bustling marketplace street.

What…are you looking at?

Strange. His dark eyes are familiar. But his flaming-red hair is not.

Never have I seen such red hair in my life. Ever.

Wait, you weren't previously here...on this day. It was supposed to be...

“ELLEN?!” Cedric calls out.

I turn my attention back to where I last heard the Guildmaster—however, a small, dirty hand seizes mine.

“Come with me.” The boy’s voice is low and shrouded with urgency.

How did he…?! My eyes grow wide. Questions swarm inside my mind as I whip around. One pigtail flips against my pale cheek, another over the shoulder of my apple-red cape.

“Why?” I ask the child.

Also, isn't this 'kidnapping'? Talk about consent, kid!

Deep within the boy’s dark eyes, gold remnants can be seen. One has to look real close into those night-colored swirls. Right away, the gold flashes through it all.

Ah, he's...one of the Inmundus people. ‘Impure’ by the Nobilis Apricus kingdom’s societal standards and by the people. Anyone with red hair and gold eyes are often scorned and discriminated against.

“I want to show you something.” he says.

E-Excuse me?!

“There you are! Lavi and I were looking everywhere for you!” As expected, the Guildmaster warped right behind me, with his long hair fluttering in the wind. Suddenly, his eyes grow large. “Who are...”

My stick drops to the ground.

Hurriedly, I turned to Cedric with my other hand reaching out. “Guildmaster! Help!”

“A child with dark magic?!” Cedric extends his hand toward me. “El—”

However, my captor pulls me away from him. Iciness wraps around us, paralyzing me completely. In a breathe, ink-black shadows splash over my vision. The Guildmaster's hand barely touches my pigtail when the darkness swallows everything.


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