《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 90



Tristan and I were headed for the daycare, my arm linked with his, “Are you ready for this?”

“Getting Rian or dealing with Lucian?”

“I was thinking of the Lucian business when I asked, but now I’m curious about both.”

He stopped, forcing me to stop with him, and turned toward me. He removed his arm from mine and took hold of my face in his hands, staring me in the eye. “I am absolutely ready to start a family with you. I am also absolutely ready to do whatever it takes to secure your safety and return your pack to you. Don’t ever doubt any of that, Faelyn, ever.”

I blushed and smiled softly at him. The sound of my true name on his lips always seemed to caress my skin and send chills down my spine while my heart fluttered. “Yes, Alpha.”

I could see his breath catch in his throat and his adams apple bob as he swallowed hard. “You are going to be the death of me, Half-Pint. You know damn well what hearing that from you does to me.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Alpha.” I smiled sweetly at him, giving him an innocent look.

“Mmhmm, I’m sure you don’t. Let’s get moving before I decide to take you back to our room before we pick him up.”

I giggled peeking up at him through my lashes as I hooked my arm with his again as we continued on towards the daycare center. One of the workers greeted us as we entered the front area, “Alpha, Luna. Good morning. Are you here for Rian? Miss Maggie has left permission for you two to pick him up as you like.”

“Good morning Sally. Yes, we’re going to take him for the day.” Tristan answered.

I was looking over Sally’s shoulder, watching as Rian heard Tristan’s voice and instantly perked up. He looked towards the front where we were and as soon as he saw me he was on his feet and walking as quickly as he could without running.I was glad to see our talk about inside feet had stuck.

“Awy! Are you picking me up?” He was excited and I could tell he wanted to get out from behind the counter that separated the kids area from the front lobby of the building.

“Yes, yes we are, you’re going to spend the day with us until Miss Maggie is done with work tonight.”

“Yay!” He exclaimed, and Sally opened the swinging gate in the counter, letting Rian out.


I crouched down as he forgot himself and ran through the gate into my arms. “I’m happy to see you too, but inside feet.” I reminded him gently.

He nodded and looked at Sally, “Sowwy Miss Sawwy.”

“You’ve been doing much better with inside feet, Rian, we all forget sometimes.” She smiled at him and Tristan signed the log saying we took Rian out of the center.

“We have a surprise for you today, Rian.” Tristan ruffled his hair a bit as he spoke.

“Oooo, what is it?” Rian bounced in my arms a bit and I laughed.

“You’ll have to wait and see. It won’t be too long before we get to show you, but we need to have a talk first, ok?”

“Okie!” He settled into my arms and Tristan and I headed back into the pack house and up to our rooms.

I set Rian down inside as Tristan shut the door behind us, “Do you want some lunch Rian?”

“Yes pwease!”

“Me too!” Tristan chimed in and I grinned at him.

“Alright, what do my two favorite guys want?”

“I’m happy with whatever you want to make, Half-Pint.” Tristan kissed the top of my head.

“Ok, and how about you Rian?”

“Hmm, can I has a sammich?”

“Sure, turkey, ham, PB&J?”

“Tuwkey pwease!”

“You got it buddy.” I headed into the kitchenette and put some water on to boil figuring I would make some macaroni and cheese to go with the sandwiches. I made each of us a turkey sandwich, Tristan’s and mine had all the fixings, Rian’s I put the toppings on the side so he could pick and choose.

I added the noodles and some salt to the now boiling water, and set to slicing up some watermelon and washing some blueberries as well.

It didn’t take but about 20 minutes to pull lunch together. I poked my head out of the kitchen, looking at Tristan, “Can you get Rian settled at the table? Lunch is ready.”

“Of course.” Tristan smiled at me and then took Rian’s hand, “Come on kiddo, let’s eat and then we’ll talk.”

“And then my suwpwise?!”

“And then your surprise.”

“Yay!” He hopped off the couch, letting Tristan lead him by the hand to the table by the window. We would have to upgrade that table in the semi-near future, but for now it would be fine.

I grabbed the plates off the counter, balancing two in one hand and one in the other as I used my hip to swing the door open and head out to the table with the boys. I set the plates down and then scooped Rian up, sitting him in the chair and scooching it into the table so he could eat.


“This looks delicious Half-Pint.” Tristan smiled and pulled the other chair out, “You sit, I can stand, it’s fine. We’ll see about getting another chair or a different setup when we get everything else for the room remodel.”

“Are you sure? I can put Rian on my lap.”

“Trying to eat around him won’t be easy. I’m sure.”

I sat down, giving him a smile and he stood beside me. Rian looked at his plate and the sandwich fixings on it, “What is this?”

I looked over to see exactly what he was asking about, “It’s stuff that can go on your sandwich, like mine and Trisan’s. I wasn’t sure if you would want it so I put it on the side.”

Rian looked at our sandwiches, and then proceeded to try a small nibble of the lettuce, tomato, pickles and onions on their own before deciding to put them all on his sandwich and take a bite. Tristan was laughing a bit as he ate his own sandwich.

I started with my macaroni and cheese, “I take it you like them?” I asked Rian.

“These round things -”

“Onions.” Tristan provided.

“Onons, taste a bit funny awone, but dey is good wif evewyting else.”

“That’s pretty normal an opinion for everyone. Most people don’t eat onions alone, especially raw ones.”

Rian nodded and continued to eat his food while Tristan and I also ate. Tristan cleared the dishes when we were finished and Rian and I headed into the sitting area, plopping on the couch.

“Can I has my suwpwise now?” Rian asked.

I smiled, “Talk first, then your surprise. Just as soon as Tristan comes back.”


We didn’t have to wait long, Tristan came out and joined us on the couch. Rian sat up in my lap, looking at Tristan expectantly.

“Ready Rian?” Tristan asked.


“Are you sure? We can wait.”


I giggled. “Stop teasing him.”

“Alright, alright. So I had a talk with Miss Maggie.”

“You did?”

“I did.”


“Well, because Alyce and I would like to adopt you. Do you know what that means?”

Rian’s eyes got wide as he shook his head no.

“It means,” I started, “It means you would come live with us permanently. We would be your parents.”

“Weally?!” He started to bounce in excitement.

“Really, but we had to make sure Miss Maggie was ok with it, she has raised you since you were born after all.” Tristan nodded.

“What did Miss Maggie say?”

“She agreed to let us adopt you, but it will take some time, and you will have to stay with her until everything is done and your room is ready.”

Rian hopped out of my lap to his feet, jumping up and down in excitement, “YAY!”

Tristan was chuckling and I was giggling at his excitement. “Calm down Rian, before you accidentally hurt yourself.” I said.

He climbed back into my lap and calmed himself, “How long is ‘some time’?”

“A few weeks for it to become permanent, and Miss Maggie is going to be your nanny. Which means instead of the daycare center, you will be with Tristan, myself, or Miss Maggie, most of the time. Maybe your Uncles or Auntie Kami, but always family or Miss Maggie.”

“So, I’ll have a Mommy and Daddy? Like the west of the pups in the pack?” His eyes brightened and got wide once again.

“Yes, buddy, you will.” Tristan smiled.

“Can I call you Mommy and Daddy?”

“If you like, but that is up to you.” I kissed his head.

“Do I has to wait until it’s officwal?”

“No, but we haven’t told the whole pack yet, just the family and Miss Maggie.” Tristan answered.

“Can we tell dem now?”

I laughed, “Not -right- now, but soon.”

“Okies! Can I has my suwpwise now?”

“Sure!” Tristan stood and scooped Rian into his arms from my lap.

I stood as well and sent a mindlink to Kami and Mat, *Can you meet us at Rian’s room. We’re going to show it to him and find out how he wants it decorated.*

*Yes! Be right there!* Kami responded instantly, decorating meant she got to shop.

*On my way. Cedric is meeting with Victor right now anyway. So it gives me something to do, plus shopping!* Mat answered next.

“Kami and Mat will meet us there.” I told Tristan, and the three of us headed out and just down the hall to what would be Rian’s room.

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