《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 89


After training and breakfast Alyce and I headed up to my office. Once there we started to prepare for the meeting we were about to call. Alyce had snagged some snacks and was setting up a table with snacks and drinks. Nevermind that we had just had breakfast.

“You’re adorable Half-Pint.”

“Hmm?” She turned, looking at me a bit confused. “What do you mean?”

“We literally just came from breakfast, and you’re still covering all the bases of a dutiful Luna hostess. It’s adorable and I love you for it.”

She blushed and smiled at me, “Yes well, I know this is supposed to be a quick meeting, but they seldom are and every last one of you, other than maybe Ivy, are going to be hungry in the next 30 minutes. You’re all, always munching on something.”

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead, “I can’t argue with that. Thank you for always being on top of everything. I appreciate you. Are we ready to call everyone in?”

“Yes, I think we are. If something else pops up I’ll either slip out or get an Omega depending on what the need is.”

I nodded and opened a mindlink to the group I needed to be present, which consisted of Kami, Victor, Mat, my parents, Mat’s parents, Brandon, Bruce and Titus. *Good morning everyone. If you could come join Alyce and I in the office. We need to finalize inviting Lucian to the pack. Mat, please let Cedric know.*

*Of course. I’ll let him know and we’ll be down shortly.* Mat responded.

*We’ll head that way now.* My father answered.

*On my way.* Titus came through, followed by Bruce, *As am I.*

*I’m just wrapping up some patrol schedules with Jake. We’ll be there just as soon as we finish.* Victor informed us.

*I’m doing rounds at the hospital. I will get the cliff notes from Jake.* Faith said.

Brandon and Kami didn’t respond on the link, but they walked through the door of the office almost as soon as everyone else had finished responding.

“We’re here.” Kami said.

It wasn’t long before the rest of the group trickled in. Other than Victor and Jake.

“I brought snacks and drinks if anyone wants something while we wait for Victor and Jake to arrive.” Alyce mentioned.

“Kami, you got all the supplies you needed last time we were in town, correct?” I asked.


“Sure did. We’ll be able to make Alyce’s bruises believable without an issue.”

“Good. I’m not thrilled with the initial part of this plan, but we haven’t any other option at this point.” I growled softly, Alyce came to lay her hand on my arm, her head against my chest. I wrapped her into my arms and buried my nose in her hair, taking in her scent.

It was this point in the conversation that Jake and Victor walked in. He took in the scene briefly and gave the room a pondering look. “Must be talking about the initial part of the plan. That’s the only thing that would get both Tristan and Mat bristling.”

Mat blinked, realizing he had his fists clenched so tight he had nail marks in his palms. “Didn’t even realize I was doing it…” He huffed and leaned into Cedric, who in turn wrapped an arm around him, tugging him into his side.

“I’m sorry, I know it’s not an ideal option, but it is the best one we have and it only has to happen once for real. Any other time just has to be believable from afar, makeup will do the rest.” Alyce frowned at us.

“We know Alyce dear. We know and we understand, but you can’t change a males defensive temperament.” My mother soothed her.

“The biggest test will be Tristan’s. He has to pretend like he doesn’t care, like he finds you a nuisance and even a bit pathetic and distasteful.” My father spoke, his tone tentative, knowing I wouldn’t like what he had to say, true or not.

Every muscle in my body stiffened, my wolf’s nature making me want to lash out at my father for even suggesting such a thing. He was right, it was going to take a lot of self control to keep my control and make my part believable. My only consolation was the fact that it was only an act and did not have to be maintained in private, only for the few days Lucian would be here.

Alyce’s arms slipped around my waist and she held me tightly, tilting her head a little as I buried my nose in her neck, listening to the words she was whispering in my ear, “Shh, my love. It will be fine. I will be ok, you will be ok, we will be ok. It’s for the pack’s safety, Rian’s safety, for the safety of any future pups we have.”


The last sentence was all it took for my resolve to harden and steel myself to do what was necessary for the safety of my family, of my pack. “Alright, I’m not happy about it, but I can do it.” I stood up straight and sighed.

“I have faith in you son. We all do.” My mother smiled softly at me.

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“So what is the plan at this point then?” Titus asked.

“I am going to reach out to Lucian, under the guise of Victor searching for a mate. Invite him here, perhaps with a few of his unmated she-wolves and as well as a screening process for Victor to potentially, and hopefully, return to Silver Moon with Lucian temporarily.”

Alyce spoke up. “That will give us inside information, and seeing me will hopefully put Lucian on edge enough that he will want to have Victor on his side. Victor will get in with him and feed him false information. There will be limited or no training while he is here, we want him to think we are unguarded and even clumsy in our defenses.”

“We will still run patrols, but even the most peaceful and passive of packs does that so it will not add to one opinion or another on our ways. I will be inviting him to come out in two weeks time. This will give Cedric and Jake time to learn what needs to be learned to cover for Victor while he is gone.”

“What about Rian? His room remodel will be happening through this. It might draw questions.” Ivy mentioned

“He will be staying with Maggie through all of this. If Lucian bothers to notice or ask about the room preparations we will simply tell him that the room is being prepared in case the Beta’s ever decide to have children in the future since they reside on the same floor. If that is alright with you two?” Alyce looked over at Mat and Cedric, both blushing ever so faintly.

“Uh sure, if you think that cover will work if necessary.” Cedric agreed, hastily trying to shift the conversation to another topic while Mat for once, was at a loss for words. “Ok, so back to training. Could we do a training run rather than regular training, keep active for the few days he’ll be here or do you really want to have zero training while he’s here?”

“A run would be a good alternative, and not suspicious either given our nature.” Alyce nodded.

“Alright we will do that then. Unless anyone objects or has a better alternative?” Cedric looked pointedly at Victor and Jake, expecting that if there were any it would come from them.

“No, I agree with Alyce,” Jake said.

“Same, it’s a really creative and low profile alternative to traditional training. I’m impressed.” Victor agreed

“Alright.” I looked at Bruce, Brandon and Kami, all of whom had been quiet thus far. “Anything else we need to address before we get the ball rolling on this?”

“I don’t think so. I think we have everything covered.” Bruce said.

“Actually-” Brandon started, “We should probably join Cedric to the pack sooner rather than later so that we can communicate.”

“Mmm, that’s a valid point.” I agreed.

“I will put together a small ceremony.” Ivy volunteered.

“Small… You promise?” Kami looked at her mother.

“Perhaps, simple would be a better word.” Ivy smiled sweetly.

“It would also be a good time to lay out the Alpha orders in regards to these events. All pack members, from infants to elders needs to be present.”

“Ok, so how about we do a private, small joining ceremony and we can call a pack dinner later the same day for the briefing and relay of the alpha order?” Alyce suggested.

“Oh, I think I prefer that plan of action.” Cedric said. “I’m not one for large parties most of the time.”

“Then that’s settled. I’ll plan the dinner, perhaps Alyce could try her hand at the small ceremony? Good practice for Luna duties.” Ivy suggested.

“I’d be happy to!” Alyce smiled.

“With that all settled then, we should go get Rian.” I reminded Alyce.

“Oh yes, we should.” She grinned, her excitement almost tangible. “Mat, Cedric, would you mind taking care of the clean up here for me?”

“Of course Aly.” Cedric said.

“You know we’re always here for you. Go on, go hang out with your kid. Wow- That is still weird to say…” Mat grinned.

Alyce let out a cackling laugh and moved to hug her brother. “You’re such a dork Mattie.”

“Come on Half-Pint, let’s go get Rian.”

The group filed out, other than Mat and Cedric who stayed to clean up, disbanding and headed out in our own directions.

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