《The Forgotten Luna》Chapter 29


“Kami, will you peel and slice potatoes please? Try to make the slices the same width so they cook evenly.”

“On it!” She hopped right to work.

I started the coffee pot while giving Victor his instructions, “Victor, I need you to crack 3 dozen eggs, add one cup of half and half, and 2 cups of shredded cheese then mix it all together for an egg scramble.”

“You got it.”

I set about dicing up bacon and putting it in a large nonstick skillet with some ground sausage. When the meat was done I added in the potatoes that Kami had prepared and seasoned it all with some salt, pepper, garlic, onion and basil. Lastly, I added the scrambled egg mix when the potatoes were about done. The grease from the meat sizzled as the eggs made contact and I started mixing everything in the pan, keeping it all moving so it mixed up well and nothing burned.

About the time I was adding the eggs, the back door opened and Mat walked in with his parents, “Are you… Are you making heart attack burritos? Girl, I could kiss you!” he exclaimed.

Faith smacked the back of his head, “Manners, Matheau!”

“Oh come on Mom, it’s Alyce.”

Faith narrowed her eyes at him and he visibly gulped, “Sorry Alyce, just excited.”

I laughed at the two of them. Mom really was scary when you crossed her, “Why don’t you warm up the tortillas Mattie. The filling will be done in a few minutes.”

“Jake, will you please see about setting up the coffee station, and Faith, will you see if Tristan needs any help getting things downstairs? Victor, go with Faith please. Kami, set the table? Jake can show you where plates and such are. I’d set out a knife and fork, sometimes these are easier to eat that way than like a burrito.”

Jake nodded, heading over to set out mugs, creamer, sweetener and other coffee supplies. He also pointed Kami in the direction of plates, silverware and napkins to set the table with.

Faith and Victor headed out towards the stairs and I heard them heading up and someone coming down not long after. Theo and Dean were soon standing in the kitchen doorway, with hopeful looks on their faces, “Pleeeease tell me you made enough for us to have one of your breakfasts before you leave us for good,” Dean whined.


I laughed, “Kami set two more places please. Dean will drive us all nuts if we don’t shove food in his mouth.”

“You’re the best Alyce, and I’m sorry about everything, we both are.” Dean mumbled.

“Dean, you’re 15 and not next in line for Alpha, what could you have done when your brother couldn’t even stop it. Water under the bridge.” I smiled at him and then narrowed my eyes, “Unless y'all fuck up and then I’ll be back to beat your asses.”

“And I’ll help her.” Tristan said from the doorway, Mat and Faith behind him, with Titus and Daemon bringing up the rear.

“We won’t! Right Theo!?” Dean looked at the group and then at his brother.

“Right Dean, we will learn from Dad’s mistakes.”

“Glad to hear it.” I started rolling burritos as Mat brought me warmed tortillas. I stacked them on a plate, making sure everyone had one, and I wrapped more in tinfoil to take for the trip. They were better warm, but not horrible cold either. The wrapped ones I set aside to cool and I would put them in ziplocs for travel before we left.

“Alright, get your drinks and grab a seat everyone, breakfast is ready.” I carried the plate of burritos to the table and set it down.

I was turning to go get my own drink when Tristan stopped me and kissed my head, “Sit down, I’ll get your drink, what would you like?”

I grinned up at him, “Orange juice please.”

Theo growled a little and then held his hands up as Tristan narrowed his eyes at him, “Sorry, the bond isn’t completely gone on my end as you two haven’t marked each other. Natural reaction.”

I gave Theo a sympathetic look. I did feel a little bad about rejecting him, but stood firm in my decision to do so. I could be happy with Tristan and I could trust him.

Tristan pulled out a chair closest to the wall and I sat down. He wandered over to the drink area and made himself some coffee and an orange juice for each of us before returning to sit next to me, keeping himself between me and everyone else, except Mat who sat across from me.

Once everyone was seated we all started to dig into our food, “These really are amazing Alyce!” Titus complimented between bites.


“I understand why they’re called heart attack burritos though, the grease is real, but the flavor is astounding.” Kami added.

“I’m glad y'all like them, I don’t make them too often, but I wanted to make something that would travel well so we’d have a quick meal later if needed, and these aren’t bad cold if necessary.”

“Maybe you can teach our cook to make these…” Daemon mused.

“I’d be happy to, Jake can make them too. As I said earlier, he’s the one who taught me to cook.”

“So, we’re getting two amazing cooks? I feel bad for you Theo.” Victor chuckled.

“Me too. Pack Manor food will never be the same.” Dean mumbled.

“Just don’t let Savannah anywhere near the kitchen and y’all will be fine,” I advised.

“Why not? She’s always eager to help.” Dean asked

“Eager to help does not a good cook make… Last time she helped me, I had to toss an entire batch of eggs because she got shells in it. The time before that she nearly started a fire by burning a pan of water. Just trust me on this one.”

Theo gave me a wide eyed look, “Noted, I will not let her near the kitchen.”

We continued small talk while we ate and Dean volunteered to do dishes when we finished. I gave him a brief run down of using the industrial dish washer and our group gathered at the front entry.

“Are we ready?” Daemon asked. Each of us standing there, holding our bag.

“I think so.” I looked at Theo, “We will be severing the pack bonds once we reach Moonlight, that way we’re not traveling as rogues before we can officially join Moonlight. Take care of everyone, and yourself.”

Theo nodded and moved to hug me, then thought better of it and offered his hand instead. I shook Theo’s hand and hugged Dean.

Kami and I stepped outside where Mat, Titus, Victor, Faith and Jake were waiting. I looked back at the door, waiting on Daemon and Tristan.

“Feel free to reach out to us if you need advice on running the pack, or just to bounce ideas around. I believe Alyce is right to put her faith in you as an Alpha for this pack. You have potential, but a long road ahead of you.” Tristan said, shaking Theo’s hand.

“Thank you. Maybe in a few months time, when I’ve had time to prove I will do things differently, we can form an alliance. Please, take care of her, I will never forgive myself for not doing so myself. I had to learn that lesson the hard way.”

“I will, and no offense, but I’m kind of glad that was a lesson you had to learn. It worked out in my favor.”

Theo chuckled, but it was a bit forced. He couldn’t blame Tristan for his view point, nor could he argue it. Tristan and Daemon came out to join the rest of us, “Let’s get shifted and on the road. We can be home by nightfall if we get moving.” Tristan instructed.

Kami and Faith stepped behind some trees to strip, putting their clothes in their bags before shifting and picking up their bags in their mouths and returning to the group. I moved to stand with them, all of us turning our backs to the men while they stripped and shifted. Ryder nudged me with his nose when it was safe to turn around.

I laughed and ran my hand along his fur before taking his bag and mine, connecting them with a wide, flat strap. Ryder laid down and I situated the bags over his back like saddle bags and climbed onto his back. It took me a moment to get situated in a fashion that I was comfortable and would not fall off, and where I wouldn’t impede his movements or be digging into his sides.

Once I was set I reached up to tap his shoulder and he stood. The others circled around us like guards and Tristan let out a howl to signal to the rest of his pack that was awaiting us at the edge of our village that we were on our way. We all took off towards the mountains, towards home.

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